$field_title"; if($list == "beta") { $countquery = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ai.uid) FROM ".TABLEPREFIX."fanfiction_authorinfo as ai, "._AUTHORTABLE." WHERE ai.field = '$field_id' AND ai.info = '"._YES."' AND "._UIDFIELD." = ai.uid".(isset($letter) ? " AND $letter" : ""); $authorquery = "SELECT COUNT( stories.sid ) as stories, "._PENNAMEFIELD." as penname, "._UIDFIELD." as uid FROM ".TABLEPREFIX."fanfiction_authorinfo as ai, "._AUTHORTABLE." LEFT JOIN ".TABLEPREFIX."fanfiction_authorprefs AS ap ON "._UIDFIELD." = ap.uid LEFT JOIN ".TABLEPREFIX."fanfiction_stories AS stories ON stories.validated > 0 AND (FIND_IN_SET("._UIDFIELD.", stories.coauthors) > 0 OR stories.uid = "._UIDFIELD.") WHERE ai.field = '$field_id' AND ai.info = '"._YES."' AND "._UIDFIELD." = ai.uid ".(isset($letter) ? " AND $letter" : "")." GROUP BY "._UIDFIELD; $pagetitle .= $field_title; } ?>
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Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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