Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Julia is apologized by group and by every single member of the group. It shows how Julia's and Alonzo's relationship envolves. Julia is pardoned by everyone, especially from Bess and Martin. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: One day Alonzo wakes with strange feeling of being abandoned. Soon they diagnose him and Julia finds out he is on dream plane, but very strange one. After that he discovers lone Terrian. He is every day with him to help him to reach some of their kind. After that is done, Terrian is taken by Terrians who healed Uly. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Group is still shattered by Julia's treason, they can not
find way to each other. After almost a fight Cameron brings his bagpipes and brings better atmosphere to group and Devon who almost gave on group sees again the future for the group. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Still reeling from Julia’s betrayal of their trust, Eden Advance is confronted with another Council agent, one that shows a lot less compassion than the doctor. It is Julia’s connection to Reilly that saves their lives and offers Julia another chance. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: Bess is atacked by penal-colonist Jaxom. They found out he killed 4 women after raping them and recorded it on VR. People don't know what to do. So Morgan makes VR program in which victims are replaced by Jaxom. After he gets something from it's own medicine he is changed man. More info...
Updated: 22/04/2008
Summary: For Julia Heller, there are many defining moments as the medical physician of Eden Advance. Being reluctantly assigned to spy on Eden Project by the Council, and being exiled by Eden Advance for her betrayal are two of these moments. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Julia is retaken into group. When they stop she goes to examine some fruit and she's attacked by two penal colonists. Devon comes to help her, but when she comes Julia alredy killed one of them, but the other
imprisons both of them. When the rescue time arrive they are almost killed by penal-colonist, but then Julia and Devon get in action to save their men. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 23/06/2009
Summary: ...she knew he would answer honestly if she asked him outright. It was his way. Redemption- Vignette I

Main characters: Danziger and Julia More info...
Updated: 12/06/2014
Summary: He owed her his very life. And he wanted to spend what was left of his with her. It was as simple as that. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Group is warned by Terrians not to go west. But some of
prisoners try to force Alonzo to go there an take a pod. Cause of prisoner's collar, he can't help himself but do it. He is almost helped by Terrians, but they are attacked and have to let him go. Then they help other group members
to find him and rescue him. After his rescue his taken by Terrians to talk to oldest of their tribe, which gives him a terrian stick. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Rocky Terrians have helped a Terrian to heal, but he can not
call his tribe, so they take Alonzo to help him. Group is very worried when Alonzo doesn't return, so they decide to leave him. Fortunately they encounter him when he tries to reach them. More info...
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