Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Alonzo comes back from Terrians, and heads to medical tent to talk to Julia. He breaks Julia's fears of their relationship and things between them. Next morning all is normal, but everybody is little strange - the word has come around, and Julia is little embaressed. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: After Moon cross, Alonzo joins Julia in her tent and
starts to talk to her about her and his problems, regarding Mary. Soon they are disturbed by earthquake. When they come out Danziger notices that Alonzo had left shoes in Julia's tent and says so to him. After that Alonzo joins Julia again, which some of people noticed. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Julia is not very good in public show of feelings. And after John has noticed that she was embarased. They talked about
this and Julia said to Alonzo that her family isn't that open as this group is. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: John is on scout mission, after comming back, he has a long talk with Devon about him/her/them and place in their lives. He doesn't wake True to tell her story. After talk they start to flirt. Next morning Devon is suprised to hear John telling story to True and Uly. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: One of the outcast has stayed, that was their leader. Now
he tries to kill some of Eden Advance, but he can feel what he wants only when he tortures Alonzo. So when Alonzo got to get help from Terrians, he imprisoned Julia. After trade with Terrian Julia is free. When outcast tortured Alonzo he was help by Mary and Terrians have banned outcast from Dream plane, but his experiment in real-time is continued until they find him and kill him. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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