Summary: Devon has dreamt about Danzinger and when he comes into her tent she is very angry and unsure. Next day she gets to talk about it with Julia and they go some way out of camp. But avalanche surprises them and they are in it. Alonzo and John come to save them, but Devon is nowhere to be seen. After Alonzo heads for help with Julia, John finds Devon and reanimates her. When rescue team comes she is rescued and in John's hands.
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Published: 15/01/2008
Rated: Teenage Audience [PG-13]
Reviews: 0
Categories: Brave New Pacifica (Weeks 11-14) Characters: None
Ships: None
Fanfiction type: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6944
Read Count: 5958
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