Summary: ohn and Alonzo finds dead animal killed by other animal. In try to get it to camp they are attacked by same animal, but they are rescued. They head to camp but are attacked again, and buried under snow. John and Baines get back to camp, and send a team to rescue others. Julia takes
Alonzo to cave, where she helps him, after some time she contacts camp, after finishing she hears animal, which attacks her, but she sedates it. Alonzo and her try to reach Walman, soon the rescue team arrives and they head to camp and take the meat too.
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Published: 09/01/2008
Rated: Teenage Audience [PG-13]
Reviews: 0
Categories: After the Thaw (Day 101) Characters: None
Ships: None
Fanfiction type: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12026
Read Count: 31338
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