Updated: 15/01/2008
Other Results: 1 Series
Updated: 09/01/2008
wife and tries to find out what would be best, to stay on G889 or go back to stations. His encounter with Grendler gives him an answer... More info...
Updated: 10/01/2008
Updated: 10/01/2008
He is still very uncertain about it. He wants to go apologize to her, and then he sees her with Danziger. He gets jealous, and some time after he sees Bess, wearing Julias clothes, with Morgan. He gets very jealous and tells her things he doesn't mean. And then here comes Mary... to make Julia jealous he goes out with her, but he is taken by Terrians and Alonzo gets hit. Soon things start to clear out, but Julia is still very angry with Alonzo, and doesn't want to forgive him, but let's say that snow makes it's work... More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Updated: 06/04/2012
Updated: 10/01/2008
Julia is busy, she goes to maindome and there is Danziger. They talk a little and all of it ends with them kissing each other, but nothing further happens. More info...
Updated: 10/01/2008
When they argue about this, they start a fight and knock out Devon. When Julia comes back, she is raged, and she attacks Alonzo, who started the fight. Soon they forgive each other and Julia breaks. After long talk Julia
feels lot better. Alonzo apologizes to John, and they also talk a little. More info...
Updated: 11/01/2008
Updated: 10/01/2008
right. They spent night together and the next day they go together to breakfast not ashamed of them-selves. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008