Updated: 06/09/2008
Summary: After chasing grendlers, Danziger, Alonzo and Morgan find themselves separated from the main group. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Mary joins Eden Advance. Julia is not very happy about it, she also finds out that she is pregnant. Bess gives Mary some clothes, and they ask Alonzo to come see her. After a while they talk to each other and Alonzo offers to give her some VR dancing lessons, and after that she kisses him, Alonzo turns her down. This thing is observed by Julia, who then runs away and miscarries her baby. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: As Eden Advance approaches a barren plateau, nightmares plague Alonzo. After visiting with the terrians, Alonzo is found unconcious. With resources at a minimum, Eden Advance must to find its way off the plateau to water and safety. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Doctor Who meets Eden Advance. His just undergone new change when Tardis brought him to G889. Terrians accepted while they have seen him before their coexistence with earth (he helped them before). Now Doctor meets EA and helps them with their ZED problem. They solve the problem
even though some of EA were little injured, but nothing serious. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Anybody must cope with his feelings towards their winter
camp, which they are gonna leave just in few hours. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: John is attacked by some creature and filled with some poison. He must stay awake for few days so that poison stops working. In this time he has a lot of time of thing about everything, especially Devon. More info...
Updated: 02/01/2008
Summary: This is a missing scene which takes place during the episode "Flower Child." We all know about Bess' quest northward after being taken over by the flower pollen, but what happened to Danziger back at camp? More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Number of EA grows by 15. Among new arrivals there is
Julia's friend which makes her very nervous. Alonzo is receiving some dreams that something will happen to Julia. All of EA suspects Alex, but he is just lonely soul searching for lover (in this case Julia). He also works for Council, but he is not spying on EA. When Julia gets lost they find true spy, doctor McCann. He almost kills her, but Alex and Alonzo save Julia, which costs Alex his life. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Eden Advance becomes a new member Callah. She is 15 years old girl, and is a council spy. They find out this later in the meantime she rescues Uly, who fell from a clif. They found out when she attacked Julia and taken Uly. They have to decide what to do with her, but by that time she
already kills herself. More info...
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