Other Results: 3 Series
Updated: 14/05/2008
Summary: Eden Advance encounters a Council base. Two of their members are captured. Can Uly's bond with his mother save them? More info...
Updated: 22/01/2008
Summary: Group is shattered, because of Devon's death and they want to stay and wait. But Julia decides that she'll go... More info...
Updated: 19/08/2014
Summary: This was more than a journey across an unknown planet to reach New Pacifica. This was the journey of survival, and the truest test of all. Learning how to fall. More info...
Updated: 08/09/2013



The Eden Project struggles with a new crisis following rediscovery of an old ally.


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Updated: 19/01/2008
Summary: Devon comes out of cold cript. She then realizes that he was just in special VR program and that Uly is death for a least two years and that she was 1 and half year in this program. All of her friends are gone, they were just reproduced by mind copy. Only Yale is real, but then she also finds Morgan, but no Bess. She needs to have full access to computer so she goes visit Blalock who is responsible for this program. He gives her the code, while Devon seduced him. He tries to rape her, but she gives him little lesson in self-defence, with bloody end for Blalock. More info...
Updated: 19/01/2008
Summary: Devon is tried for attacking Blalock. Judge drops the charges and puts her in house arrest for a month. When its over she tries the code and releases computer. She tries to find people from EA, but she can only find Danzgier. When she meets him, he is very unfriendly... More info...
Updated: 23/01/2008
Summary: Danziger tells her more about her wife, not sensing her distractness. They both agree to meet at ship, when Kasidy comes home. In the meantime Devon buys techonology, which produced G889. Morgan which negotiated this buy makes report to his superiors, in which Devon is marked as dangereous. Devon meets Kassidy, which is Bess from Program. She meets with Danziger in Program, and few days after that Danziger and Devon talk. She reveales him truth about Program, them and other things, but this only pushes John aside. She is alone again... More info...
Updated: 29/04/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 30/04/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: John dreams about NP, his and Devon's kids, Julia's twins, then Sheppard and after him Elder appears. Julia has find a cure for Devon's illness and John gives order to go back. More info...
Updated: 05/05/2008
Summary: No summary available yet. More info...
Updated: 23/01/2008
Summary: Eden advance continues journey to New Pacifica, but John
is getting worse and worse. With True's and Morgan's help he gets his feelings towards Devon in order, with VR program. More info...
Updated: 23/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 22/01/2008
Summary: Group can't decide to go on. But with main votes of Julia and Uly, they all decide to go to New Pacifica and make ready for colony arrivals and they will come back for Devon. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: No summary available. More info...
Updated: 23/01/2008
Summary: Group is starting a way to NP. They must say goodbye to Devon and John must take care of Uly. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: This is Devon's side of story. Her going through sleep and
her rememberings. Sequel to Faith and illusions. More info...
Updated: 14/05/2008
Summary: Devon wrote a letter to Yale before she was placed into cold sleep. She reveals to her life long friend some of her regrets about a love she was too late to realise. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: It's Julia's family story. About her sister Jennifer and her death. Jennifer dies in accident on way to medical school. But she is still with Julia and helps her in rough times. More info...
Updated: 02/06/2010
Summary: John is in coma on Dreamplane) held by person who thinks that he has child with Devon (True not Uly) and that Devon and True are both dead. One tribe helps Alonzo to meet him on dreamplane. After some time they take him out but in meantime Devon and True are captured... More info...
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