Other Results: 7 Series
Updated: 22/01/2008
Summary: All are very sad about happening with Devon especially Uly and Danzinger. Danzinger admits his love to Devon to Alonzo. In dreams he can se what the answer to her illness is. They thaw Devon and she soon comes around, with a little help of Terrians. They needed her to see what their intentions were. They she confesses her love to Danzinger and they promise them-selves better future at NP. More info...
Updated: 21/01/2008
Summary: Terrians can help Devon and others, but they need genes from child in adolescence, True's. 'Cause of risk John is against, and True and Uly leave without asking, but Terrians want to have John permission. After denying this they went on their way, but then John has dream in which Shephard tells him they all will die of ZED attack if Devon is not healed. Group turns back and Terrians modify True's DNA. Julia makes medicine that makes same anomalies as True has in her genes. After a while they return to Devon and make her well again. On return they encounter ZEDs in camp and battle for live begins. With help of Terrians all ZED are soon destoyed. More info...
Updated: 13/01/2008
Summary: Alonzo and Uly have dreams of Devon in Immuno suit, but it doesn't make any sense. Uly escapes to Terrians and Julia creates and up/downlink with Eve. Through data she comes to the truth, that planet is trying to change her, but her imune system is fighting against it. Julia gets her out, creates balon with O2, and stops Devon's immuno system and with little help of Terrians, Devon is healed. More info...
Updated: 11/01/2008
Summary: Alonzo, Uly and also Devon are having some weird dreams.
After revealing some of Julia's notes they head back to Bennet's ship. Julia finds that Devon have been injected with imuno virus, like all the children that were comming. This was Council's way of control. After they unthaw Devon, Terrians take her and heal her. More info...
Updated: 22/01/2008
Summary: Once again, Danziger is driving Devon nuts. This time, it's because he's not fighting with her. Obviously, something is terribly wrong. More info...
Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: Group got back and Julia injected biostat chip in Devon and soon after that she stabilized and got well. More info...
Updated: 11/05/2008
Summary: The group travel several clicks away from Bennet's ship, leaving Devon in cold sleep. The Terrians contact Eden Advance to try and understand why they have come to the planet, and why Devon means so much to them. While attempting to dream with Danziger, the Terrians begin to learn about humans. They try to live peacefully with them, but then the earth starts to shake. The Venus Class Starship starts to drift and Mary is taken back by the Terrians. Meanwhile, the planet tries to heal Devon. Now all Eden Advance can do is wait. More info...
Updated: 28/12/2007
Summary: Reluctantly the group leaves a sick Devon in suspension in the old ship and continues toward New Pacifica. When others fall victim to the same disease, they are faced with a difficult choice. [Prequel to "Hejira: Walk along the Road of Creation"] More info...
Updated: 21/01/2008
Summary: Another Ra and Isis story. Devon lies in crypt and Danziger becomes answer how to save her and he does it. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: Post 'All About Eve'. Eden Advance looks for answers after Devon's sudden illness and placement in cold sleep, while Julia is plagued by fears about the true nature of EVE, Reilly, and the Council on G889. More info...
Updated: 14/01/2008
Summary: Eden Advance hits on two pals of Alonzo, Tara and Valentine Donahue. They soon discover that Tara is human computer, or we should say human with some special abilities. Planet is dying, group goes back to Bennet's ship to destroy Eve. They thaw Devon, but she is still ill. Tara uses herself to break connection to Eve and replaces it to her. But Eve's sattelite is interfering. So Val must go to destroy Satelite, as soon as Tara break their bond to Eve. Everything goes right except Tara, she gained sister, Julia, but lost her husband... More info...
Updated: 12/01/2008
Summary: Devon is still sick and Julia is trying everything
to save her. After diagnose runs she finds her problem: Syndrome. Terrains help Devon, making permanent bridge between them and us. They give her Danzigers child which is little changed, so that he/she will be able to fullfil task of being successor of Terrians, which will die out in few centuries. More info...
Updated: 13/01/2008
Summary: Adair leaves a letter with which Julia can find out
what's happening here. Devon sustained injury from some DNA implanted by Council. Terrains give Julia some stuff with which she can handle the disease. More info...
Updated: 04/05/2008
Summary: Eden advance meets a group led by Julia's half sister, Anastasia. They travel together and after the murder of one of Anastasia's group, they learn the truth about Anastasia 'killing' a man. Not actually dead, the man soon comes after Anastasia. Meanwhile, Danziger becomes ill like Devon, and Anastasia enters the Dreamplane to discover why. She has a part of Earth, and if she leaves the Morganite, the land dies. Soon she discovers that all adults will die, even her sister. But then Anastasia tells the Terrians about humans and makes them learn. The Terrians then heal Devon and John, and take Mary in again. Anastasia's group joins Eden Advance... More info...
Updated: 01/01/2009
Summary: Another "How To Unfreeze Devon" fic. Sometimes life isn't easy. In fact, it's often downright messy. More info...
Updated: 12/05/2008
Summary: A sequel to the story, 'Grieving Time'.
As Eden Advance heads towards New Pacifica, they stumble upon a camp of another group - Bennett's. Thanks to the data downloaded to the main computer, they soon learn much about Bennett's group and discover that Eve was working in her own best interest and not theirs. Eden Advance also encounter some Terrians who are sick. Julia reproduces some medicine to help them, and they in turn give her the opportunity to see inside Devon's cells. Members of Eden Advance opt to return to Devon and revive her, however the search continues to find the cause of Devon's illness in the first place. More info...
Updated: 12/01/2008
Summary: A short story which takes place after All About Eve. It's time to unfreeze Devon. More info...
Updated: 12/01/2008
Summary: Uly builds with help of Morganite link to Eve, and Terrians
take Eve to Earth. With help of changed Morganite Devon is being kept alive. More info...
Updated: 13/01/2008
Summary: When Devon was on ice she dreamt of Wizard of Oz, with her friends as characters. Scarecrow-Alonzo, Good witch of S- Bess, TinMan-Danzinger, Scared Lion-Morgan, Good witch of N/Evil witch of W-Julia, Wizard of G889-Reilly. When she awakened she was cured by some immuno supresants. More info...
Updated: 12/01/2008
Summary: Terrians say that Earth is killing them...Devon, so they can not colonize this planet. After Uly's new promise to let only first 250 families here and nobody else, they heal Devon, and she promised, when children are in control, Council can do nothing. More info...
Updated: 24/01/2008
Summary: 1) My take on how they thawed Devon More info...
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