Updated: 15/01/2008
Summary: What if Gaal had just a few more seconds to take revenge after True ripped off his necklace? More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: After Gaal is taken, True is very lonely and sad. But soon
all is resolved after hers talk with John. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts. More info...
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: John is little pissed off and start to yell at True to get her help him. After sometime she escapes in Morgan's VR program. Soon she is doubled like any one who enters VR. Few hours after John follows. But condition becomes critical so Devon gets in to help him. After resolving some of his fears, he becomes one again, and after that he helps True to become one. Before critical condition they are out VR, John destroying VR program. More info...
Updated: 23/06/2009
Summary: A short fic which speculates as to where D & D might have stood with one another toward the beginning of their journey, just a few weeks after the crash. It's mostly from Devon's POV. Hint: They don't exactly get along. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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