Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Danziger and Adair have little understandingt problem, so they start to fight and Adair slaps Danziger and when she tries to hit her a little but then Koba comes to visit and all happening stops. After this accident they have a real talk and Adair starts to cooperate. More info...
Updated: 06/10/2017
Summary: A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts. More info...
Updated: 02/01/2008
Summary: Takes place after the episode 'Water.' Thanks to Danziger, the soaring temperature is no longer the only source of Devon's continuing discomfort. More info...
Andy's Earth 2 Fan-fiction Archive
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