10 Most Read Stories
Updated: 08/01/2008
Summary: Devon brings to camp the other guy, Shephard. More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Number of EA grows by 15. Among new arrivals there is
Julia's friend which makes her very nervous. Alonzo is receiving some dreams that something will happen to Julia. All of EA suspects Alex, but he is just lonely soul searching for lover (in this case Julia). He also works for Council, but he is not spying on EA. When Julia gets lost they find true spy, doctor McCann. He almost kills her, but Alex and Alonzo save Julia, which costs Alex his life. More info...
Updated: 11/05/2008
Summary: The group travel several clicks away from Bennet's ship, leaving Devon in cold sleep. The Terrians contact Eden Advance to try and understand why they have come to the planet, and why Devon means so much to them. While attempting to dream with Danziger, the Terrians begin to learn about humans. They try to live peacefully with them, but then the earth starts to shake. The Venus Class Starship starts to drift and Mary is taken back by the Terrians. Meanwhile, the planet tries to heal Devon. Now all Eden Advance can do is wait. More info...
Updated: 04/05/2008
Summary: Eden advance meets a group led by Julia's half sister, Anastasia. They travel together and after the murder of one of Anastasia's group, they learn the truth about Anastasia 'killing' a man. Not actually dead, the man soon comes after Anastasia. Meanwhile, Danziger becomes ill like Devon, and Anastasia enters the Dreamplane to discover why. She has a part of Earth, and if she leaves the Morganite, the land dies. Soon she discovers that all adults will die, even her sister. But then Anastasia tells the Terrians about humans and makes them learn. The Terrians then heal Devon and John, and take Mary in again. Anastasia's group joins Eden Advance... More info...
Updated: 22/04/2008
Summary: Mere months from New Pacifica, an unexpected accident threatens the loss of one of Eden Advance's most beloved members. Sometimes it takes a detour to set us on the right path. Post Cannon. DD, mild AJ. More info...
Updated: 08/03/2008
Summary: The lives of the members of Eden Advance are forever changed when the Terrians have second thoughts about sharing their planet with humans. Who will survive? And who won't? More info...
Updated: 14/05/2008
Summary: Eden Advance encounters a Council base. Two of their members are captured. Can Uly's bond with his mother save them? More info...
Updated: 18/05/2008
Summary: Eden Advance is just a little way from NP, but suddenly there is a river in their way. Scout teams try to find a way around by going north, but they encounter a woodsman called van Helsing living there. He advises them to go on south where they can travel along the other side. Van Helsing is a mystery to the group. He is protected by the Terrians because his blood is filled with DvHMC, a substance that changes the way of living: a person is healthy, lives longer, all paines are non-existent and all wounds heal very fast. Somewhere along the way south, True almost falls and though van Helsing is not present, he manages to help her. When True comes back she is a little hurt and says that van Helsing tried to throw her off a cliff. Danziger goes to 'speak' with him, breaking van Helsing's arm in the process. During the next few days his arm miraculously heals prefectly. Some days later, Alonzo is badly injured and Julia loses all hope to heal him. Then Terrians bring van Helsing, who donates his blood to heal Alonzo. When they see the extent of healing they try to make a DvHMC detector with which they will find source of this medicine. Julia talks with van Helsing and he reveals that he is the only source of DvHMC. Alonzo meets with him on the Dreamplane to gain further explanations. After learning that the Terrians are prepared to destroy both the DvHMC source and anyone seeking it, they stop searching for it. More info...
Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'Escaping the Pyre'. Danziger goes on a scouting trip with Tara and the two become romantically involved. She gets a cat for True and wedding clothes for Julia. But their love is not just for one day... Danziger finds he has fallen in love with this latest addition to Eden Advance. More info...
Updated: 06/09/2008
Summary: After chasing grendlers, Danziger, Alonzo and Morgan find themselves separated from the main group. More info...
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