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Story Notes:
This story takes place after Redemption but before the Edenites reached their winter camp in Moon Cross. It's predominantly a Bess story though the others also appear in it. I haven't done too much with Bess prior to this and decided to explore her character, her life on Earth, and her relationship with Morgan a bit.

Thanks to the regulars in the E2 FF chats who kept nipping at my ankles to get this done and preventing me from offing Morgan in his first scene. =)

As usual, Earth 2 and its characters are the property of Amblin and Universal. The story is my property. Permission to distribute it on the Net is granted so long as it remains unaltered. Printed publication requires author's written permission.

Frontier Justice, Part 1
by Lia Faile

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery." --Malcolm X

"Whatever harm the evil may do, the harm done by the good is the most harmful harm." --Nietzsche

There was a slight nip in the air. Summer was giving way to winter just like the desert had given way to the woodland hills around them. The blistering, scorching heat was no more than a half remembered nightmare. Water and food were getting easier to find and traveling was even pleasant. Ahead loomed a mountain range, breath-taking in both its size and beauty. Its soaring peaks already crowned with tiaras of diamond bright snow. There appeared to be no way around the mountains and Devon was determined to make it to the other side if she had to dig a tunnel through with her bare hands.

Over hearing this comment, Zero once more rattled off his various and extensive catalog of digging attachments that had unfortunately been filched by the Grendlers. Yale had assured her that barehanded digging wouldn't be necessary, and he made a mental note to have Danziger double check that Zero's voice module couldn't be disabled. The sketchy and somewhat unreliable Council satellite maps hinted at several passes available to them. It would just take time to locate one that would accommodate the vehicles, but that worry was still weeks away.

Against Devon Adair's fervent wishes, Fate deemed that they would not make the designated twelve klicks today--they wouldn't even make one. The Transrover had busted its rear axle and Danziger was busy trying to pull off another mechanical miracle. He grumbled and cursed about inadequate tools and supplies but secretly he reveled in his new found position. It felt good to be needed and respected for once. To be looked *at* rather than through. Even if a repair drone had been salvaged from one of the cargo pods, its programming wouldn't have been able to produce the successful results that Danziger had. There was no substitute for human ingenuity backed by desperation. Computers and machines didn't have to fear meeting their Maker too soon or unprepared.

Knowing Devon's dislike for delay, Danziger had suggested that the group continue on and he would catch up in the Rover when he had it repaired. Devon immediately vetoed that notion before any of the others could voice an opinion. She'd been relieved when Alonzo had ignored reason and chose to listen to his heart when he went back for Julia. They'd--*She'd*--been to quick to judge and condemn Julia. Yes, the young woman had joined Eden Advance under false pretenses and was guilty of withholding information, but she hadn't actually betrayed the group to Reilly. Her actions during the ZED incident had more than proven to Devon that Julia was now certain of where her loyalties belonged. Devon had vowed to herself that no one else would ever be left behind. Everyone was needed. This planet was hostile enough without them turning on one another. So while Danziger conjured up new parts, the others made use of the down time for other chores.

Bess had enlisted True into helping her forage for more edibles. True had readily agreed because it got her out of school and away from that spoiled baby, Uly. Plus, Bess and True had become closer ever since True's discovery of Julia's duplicity. True couldn't remember feeling anymore helpless and alone then when she had stood surrounded by disbelieving adults who gave more weight to what the lying Julia was saying just because *she* was an adult.

Ha! One thing Gaal had taught True was that grownups lie. Usually more often than kids. Not even her father had believed her. That had been the worst hurt of all. When Bess appeared behind Julia, sedated her, and told True that she believed her, True wanted to throw her arms around Bess and give her a big bear hug. So Bess had been adopted as an honorary big sister by True. Being the only member of the group who wasn't an only child, Bess missed the sense of family that came with multiple siblings and so she readily accepted the role. She'd even pinkie swore not to tell anyone the girlish secrets True had confided to her.

"Look True! Here's some of those tubers you and I both like so much!"

A smiling dirt streaked Bess cried out triumphantly to her companion in her soft Southern accent that had a tang of the Appalachians in it Though such regional distinctions had been eroded away from memory by time just as those mountains had been mined flat by Humanity. It no longer mattered where on Earth you were born, just the fact that you were an "Earther" made you inferior in the mind of even the lowliest indentured station dweller. And no one was more aware of this than Bess Martin herself. Even as she hid her feelings behind sparkling eyes and a brilliant smile. Her marriage to Morgan gave her a smidgen of respectability, though at first she feared that if Morgan perceived her as a threat to his political ambitions he would cast her aside like a stained shirt. But he hadn't, and she loved him even more for that reason on top of all the other reasons she had.

When her announcement was met only with a lukewarm reply of "Un-huh." Bess wondered what had captured True's attention so thoroughly. True was on her knees along the edge of the clearing. Her entire being focused like a cat on something in the grass before her. Curious now, Bess ambled over to where True was.

"Hey, what'cha got there?"

"A bug." Came True's hushed reply. "A really *strange* one."

Holding her long brown tresses out of her eyes with one dirty hand, she leaned over and inspected True's discovery. Its long twig like body was brown and laid close to the ground. Its ten legs were a dark green, and were so long that its "knees" towered high about its body. Between its brown body that blended in with the ground and its long legs that matched the color and shape of the grass, Bess was amazed that True had seen it at all.

"Bug, huh?" Bess eyed the insect with a less than awed gaze. "Lots of those on Earth. Nothing much else though. --'Cept rats. Bugs, rats, and people." Bess straighten back up and released her hair. "Sometimes it's hard to to tell the rats from the people." Reaching into her jacket pocket, she drew forth a small opaque jar. "Here, why don't you put it in this rock specimen container. I don't think Yale has one of those yet."

True took the proffered container and was about to pick up the insect with her fingers. "Ooh, don't touch it, hon." Bess advised. "It might sting or bite. Just scoop it up with the jar and lid."

Carefully True did as she was advised and the insect was captured without incident. Bess punched a small hole in the lid with her makeshift trowel. "There! Now come help me dig up the rest of those tubers." Bess said as she handed the jar back to True. "I can't believe there are so many! No semolina tonight!"

True tucked the container into her jacket pocket and hurried after Bess to the open area that was brimming with the tasty plants. "Guess Morgan will want to name the bug after himself, huh?" True laughed forgetting for the moment that Bess was Morgan's wife. "Dad says that Morgan thinks God was made in *his* image!" True's hand flew up to her mouth as if to stop the words before they were uttered, but it was too slow. "I'm sorry, Bess." True mumbled through her fingers. "I wasn't suppose to repeat that."

A pained expression marred Bess' pretty face causing her forehead to crease. She reminded herself that True was a child and her comments sprang from indiscretion rather than from malice. "That's alright, True. Your dad shouldn't be saying such things in front of you."

"Dad says he doesn't understand how a boob like Morgan ended up with a peachy gal like you."

Bess smiled in spite of the jab to Morgan. Bess liked John Danziger. He reminded her of her father. Fair but stern. Oh yes, Daddy would have liked John. Would have liked him scads more than he had liked Morgan. But then, Danziger didn't come down to Earth and propose to her--Morgan had. "Well your father is a good man True, but he doesn't know everything. Love has its reasons."

The pair dug in silence for awhile until True decided to see if she was still in hot water with her friend. Looking around, she tried to think of a more neutral topic. "Is G889 like Earth, Bess?" She finally ventured.

The harvesting proved to be sweaty work and Bess shucked off her jacket. She wiped her dirty hand on her trouser leg then wiped her forehead with the back of that hand while she considered how to answer. This place like home? She asked herself incredulously as she gazed at the dirt covering her pants and skin. Protective clothing and facial masks were always worn outside. It guarded against contact with the heavily contaminated soil that was always being blown about by the winds. Since there was little vegetation to hold the soil in place, erosion had carved the Earth's landscape until it looked Mars like in appearance. A child True's age wouldn't be allowed above ground for more than a few minutes at a time.

As for vegetation, no way would anyone in their right mind attempt to eat something grown in unprocessed soil.--If they managed to *find* something that could grow in it. All food stuffs were grown hydroponically or in treated soil sold by the black market who stole it from the Ecospheres. The Ecospheres...biological "zoos" for the last vestiges of the Earth's forests and few remaining animal species. Bess didn't object to the efforts of biologists and botanists to preserve Earth's flora and fauna. Though many of the mining families saw it as throwing good credit after bad. She just wished some effort was put towards the preservation of the human inhabitants that remained.

"Well, that's a hard question True. When I look around, I see the Earth that my granny knew and told stories about. What walking barefoot in the grass felt like. About playing in the summer rain. Climbing apples trees and eating fruit till you couldn't eat no more." A faraway smile filled her face. "Gosh, I wish Gram could have seen this place. Now I understand why she would get so sad after telling those stories. How could you bear to lose something as precious as this." Her bright blue gaze returned from wherever it had taken her, and she flashed a melancholy smile at True. "G889 is nothing like my Earth though. This place is like a baby nursery, full of life and tomorrows. The Earth is just a mausoleum now, a place for the dead and remembering yesterdays."

"It is pretty neat here." True agreed. "I'm just tired of walking!"

"Well then my friend you are in luck!" Bess' mood lightened as she rose to her feet. "Out of the goodness of my heart and in deference to your spaghetti station dwelling legs, I will let you drive the ATV back to camp. Once we load this haul in it, I doubt there will be room for me!"

"Hey! I'm no shirker!" True countered in mock offense. "We'll take turns."

"Sounds good to me." Bess replied. "Let's get loaded up and head on back for lunch."

They had nearly finished lashing all the canvass totes to the ATV. Bess wasn't certain if the talk of life back on Earth had reawakened old survival instincts or if a noise had tipped her off. She just knew she wasn't surprised when a deep, raspy, little used voice addressed them from behind.

"Now just what do you little ladies think you're doing, eh?"

Startled, True let out a yelp and dropped the tote of vegetables she was holding. She turned to see an ill kempt mountain of a man towering over them. Bess' nose wrinkled as the wind changed directions and his aroma wafted towards them. He was bald except for a few dirty strands of brownish-gray hair trailing down his back. What teeth he had left were blackened and cracked. He was dressed in tatters much like Gaal had been and Bess was certain he was a penal "colonist."

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongues?" He rasped. "Jaxsom Frigg doesn't like it when people steal from him."

"We weren't stealing. We didn't know these belonged to you." Bess answered keeping her eyes on him as he paced around to the other side of the ATV. "We don't have much, but we'd be happy to trade for them."

"Nice little go-cart you got here." He muttered as he ran his hand appreciatively down its roll bar.

"We couldn't possibly part with the ATV." Frighten as she was, the blood of generations of hagglers balked at the thought of being gypped.

Jaxsom looked up from the ATV and sized up Bess and True much as he had the vehicle. Grinning his rotten smile he casually leaned against the ATV. "Yeah..." He drawled reaching up and scratching his ear with dirt crusted fingernails. "I'm sure the three of us can work something out." He gaze lingered on True's cherub face. "What's your name, Darlin'?"

"True." She squeaked out.

Jaxsom walked slowly back to their side of the ATV stooping down in front of True. "And are you true, girl? So many females aren't, you know."

The words True-Girl had always brought with them a feeling of warmth and safety. That was because they were uttered by her father. Coming from this man, they made her feel cold and frightened. Bess knew she had to act fast to protect True. Counting on him being overconfident, Bess pulled True away from Jaxsom and shoved him with all her strength. He'd been balancing on the balls of his feet and he fell back against the ATV knocking the wind out of himself. But he managed to grab Bess' wrist and hold it. "RUN TRUE!" Bess hollered as she tried to pull her arm free of his vise like grip.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Missy." He snarled as he brought the back of his other hand cracking down across her left cheek knocking her to the ground.

Crying True did as she was told for once and raced pell-mell for camp. Her last sight of Bess was seeing her being dragged into the woods by the man called Jaxsom Frigg. True reached for her gear but it wasn't on her. It must have fallen off her head when Bess had shoved her out of the way. Not daring to turn back to look for it, she pumped her arms and legs even harder.

END--Frontier Justice part 1 of 7 by Lia Faile

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