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Story Notes:
Hope you all had a great Christmas, or any other holiday you celebrate. I thought I'd go ahead and post another "seasonal" story. This is a "slice of life story" and you probably won't have much trouble guessing where I got the inspiration for this one!

Thanks to Vicky for her continued enthusiasm, and extra big thanks to Jayel for beta-reading this for me, and for her good suggestions and most excellent encouragement.

Any comments, good, bad or indifferent, will be appreciated.

Etain Antrim

Flu Season, Part 1
Etain Antrim

Voice of Alonzo Solace:

In our second autumn on this new planet, we are hurrying toward the next mountain range, eager to find a sheltered spot to spend the winter. As the days shorten and the nights get cooler, we are reminded that this beautiful planet can also be dangerous and uncomfortable. We have learned a lot about survival, but somehow always seem to discover new tests of our abilities.

Walman woke groggy and sore. "Damn, I must be coming down with something," he growled to himself. His throat hurt and felt raw when he swallowed, and his eyes watered at the light that was streaming into the tent. "At least the stations never dragged a man into waking by shining a bright sun in his eyes." Walman remembered that he and Baines had declared countless mornings to remember to never set up the tent with the cots facing east, and yet a full half of the mornings he woke with the sun in his eyes. "Damn! Shanking sun! Hey, Baines! Now why did we set the tent facing east?"

Baines grunted as he propped himself up on his elbows sleepily. "What? Walman, can't you ever wake up like a normal human? Just my luck to share a tent with a morning person." Baines tried to sink back down into his warm, cosy sleeping bag, but, as on many other mornings, Walman had managed to wake him up. He grumpily crawled off his cot. "Damn, it's cold this morning!"

Walman was already dressed and his thoughts had turned toward coffee. A warm drink might ease the dryness of his throat and would certainly alleviate his unusual stupor. Breakfast smells wafted into the tent but weren't as appealing as usual. Still, breakfast was a good start to any day and he'd no doubt feel better for some food.

As usual, Bess had been one of the first up. She loved fixing breakfast and being there to greet each of her crew mates as they stumbled out of their tent. "Good morning!" she warbled cheerily to Walman.

He smiled wanly at her and walked over to the coffee. John Danziger was already there, pouring down copious amounts of the morning stimulant. Of course, John started every morning with as much of a chemical buzz as he could. He always joked that he too was a morning person, it just took 3 cups of coffee before the morning really started. "Morning Walman" he grumbled. "Hey, you OK? You look tired."

"I'm fine, I just feel like I have a little cold coming on. I guess this is the season for it."

"You still gonna be able to help me with the TransRover this morning? I can round up someone else if you want to take it slow."

"No thanks. Work makes the day go faster, and I really don't feel all that bad."

"Sure. Let me know when you're ready to start. I've gotta get True up and over to her lessons. I swear, I would have loved the opportunity to have a personal tutor, but she fights me and Yale at every turn."

John walked over to his tent and disappeared inside. The usual sounds of a recalcitrant True emerged into the fresh morning air.

"Dad, maybe I should help you today. The vehicles need so much work, and school can always wait."

"Poor True," Walman thought smiling to himself. "She's just going to have to gut up and admit that her dad never buys that argument." Sure enough, shortly later True was out the tent and walking over to Yale, kicking up dust with her toes as she went.

Walman joined a table with Baines, Magus, Cameron and Solace. "Hey, 'Lonz, eating at the single's table? Where's Julia?"

"She's got plans to analyze some vegetation for medicinal value. Bess and Denner must have picked dozens of different plants as we walked yesterday. You know what Julia's like, she thinks eating breakfast will set her behind for the whole day. I'm going to take her a tray after I finish. And just what do you mean, single's table?" The rest of the table laughed companionably at the pilot. Alonzo gulped his breakfast and fixed a tray for Julia. He walked over to the Medtent with Julia's morning meal. The pilot planned to spend the morning acting as her assistant. He and Denner were preparing to go out searching for more samples for Julia once breakfast was done.

Walman picked at his meal and ended up leaving most of it behind. He just wasn't hungry. No matter, they had lots of food for the meantime, so he didn't need to worry about wasting a precious resource. He found John and they started on the TransRover repairs.

Later that morning, John was surprised to see Walman just sitting staring into space after John had asked him to hand him a wrench. "Hey, Walman! You okay?"

"Actually Danziger, that cold seems to have snuck up on me. Sorry, but I think I better go see Julia. You want me to send Baines or Cameron over to help?"

"Sure, thanks. Just send whoever is available."

Walman walked over to the Medtent after sending Cameron to help John. He announced himself at the flap before entering. Now that Julia and Alonzo were sharing the tent, it seemed only polite.

"Walman, come in. What's the problem?" Julia was surrounded by plants, which had been piled on the desk, the floor and even on her cot. The tent had an acrid, green smell that made Walman want to sneeze. Julia took a better look at the man and saw that he was pale and looked a little disoriented. A slight sheen to his face showed that he was covered by a thin layer of sweat.

"I think I must be coming down with something. I thought it was a cold, but now I'm feeling kind of lightheaded too. I woke up with a sore throat, but that's nothing unusual."

"Well, you don't look so good. Let me check your vitals." Julia reached for her Diaglove and quickly scanned her patient. She frowned at the readout, then looked searchingly back into his face. "You are running a pretty good fever. No wonder you're not feeling up to snuff. I suggest you go to bed now. You probably have influenza, but I want to take a sample before you go to confirm the diagnosis. The 'flu shot we all received before leaving the station should have prevented this." As she talked, Julia efficiently took a blood sample from Walman's arm. "You need to remember to drink plenty of fluids. There, done. Go lie down and I'll be in to check on you in an hour or so."

Walman dragged himself off to bed. Now that he knew he was sick, he felt every twinge and shiver. "I wish we had stimu-vision or the station radio . . . anything to distract me," he thought. He lay on his cot, aware of how hot the tent had become with the sun shining on it, and of how it smelled stale and dusty in the warm air.

Baines came in a hour or so after Walman had gone to bed. He hovered at the door of the tent, obviously uncomfortable. "Julia says you have the 'flu," he said with a slightly accusatory tone. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty lousy. Don't worry, I won't breathe on you."

Baines looked a little embarrassed, "Uh, actually, I've already asked Cameron and Mazatl if I can move in with them until you feel better." He paused, then added with a rush, "I figured you'd rest better without me bothering you."

Walman felt his spirits sink. Baines was the only entertainment he had left, and now he was leaving. Baines looked pretty dismayed at having a sick tent mate, though. "Sure, good idea. No need for you to be exposed to the 'flu."


Julia didn't plan to appear at dinner. She was busy checking on Walman and isolating the virus that had caused his illness, not to mention finishing her work on the plant samples, and she didn't want to take the time to eat.

Alonzo appeared at the tent door just before dinner. He had washed up from his plant gathering expedition, and had finally gotten most of the sap and itch-inducing tiny spines off his hands and arms. His hair was still wet and slicked back from his face. "Ready for dinner, Doc?"

Julia was sitting between a monitor and her microscope, dictating the results from the latest plant sample. "I have so much to do I thought I'd just grab something quick, maybe make a tray."

Alonzo advanced into the tent and gave her a quick hug from behind as she sat, then moved around to where he could see her face clearly. He crouched so that his face was level with hers. "Come on, Julia. You have to eat, and even more importantly, you need to take a break. Come sit down for dinner, 30 minutes is all, and I'll help you finish the rest of these plants after dinner." He gave her his biggest smile, "After all I need to sleep in this bed too." He indicated the cot which was still piled high with plants.

Julia sighed in resignation. She knew he was right. "Well, okay. We do need to clear this tent tonight though. I don't think we could sleep in here with all these plants. I keep sneezing."

Alonzo nodded in agreement then gave her a boost up. As they walked out he said, "I guess we could move them somewhere else for tonight, and you can finish them up tomorrow. It's a good thing you waited to do this 'til we planned to be in camp for a couple of days."

In the meantime, Walman was resting. His fever was still higher than Julia was happy with, but he was otherwise stable. Eden Advance had already planned to spend several days at the present camp. It had running water a couple of hundred feet away and was close to lots of fruit trees. The fruit would be a hedge against the starvation they had come so close to last winter, and collecting it was well worth the time they would spend. Walman had actually chosen a good time to succumb, and would benefit from not having to travel while ill.


For the next couple of days the camp bustled with activity as they harvested, dried and stored the fruit. Bess' experience cooking with real produce was invaluable. She directed the crew members on each aspect of the harvest and divided the crew into collection and preserving teams. She particularly enjoyed being the "boss" for a couple of days. Bess had never before been in a position where she got to tell everyone else what to do. She showed the collection team how to tell when the fruit was ripe, how to take it off the trees without damaging the trees or the fruit, and how to pack it so it wouldn't be damaged in the collecting boxes. The preserving team split the fruit, removed the seeds and then placed the remaining halves on a drying rack. In the arid air, the fruit was dry in a day, and then was packed away for future use.

Julia continued to keep a close eye on Walman, who was recovering at a normal rate for influenza. By the time they had finished collecting and preserving all the available fruit, he was feeling much better and looking forward to the travel. He had never thought he would enjoy the constant moving of their nomadic existence, but a couple of days alone staring at his tent walls had changed that attitude. He could hear all the camp activity and had been longing to join them.

On the morning of their scheduled departure, Julia noticed that her nose was a bit stuffy and her throat felt sore when she swallowed. The daylight seemed a bit too bright. "Strange", she thought, but then dismissed it. The plants she had been analyzing must have triggered some allergies. After all, her 'flu shot should protect her from Walman's influenza. Alonzo was showing no signs of any reaction, but each person would respond differently, and Julia had spent more time with the plants in a closed space than anyone else. The results she had gotten made any allergic reaction worthwhile; she had found several plants with promising pharmaceutical properties.

Walman appeared for breakfast that morning feeling a bit wobbly, but eager to get back to his normal routine. He enjoyed seeing Bess' smiling face and smiled right back at her.

"Morning Walman! How are you feeling?"

"Much better. That porridge looks great. What's this? Did you add some of the fruit y'all were harvesting?"

"Sure did. Hope you like it."

"I will. I haven't really eaten in days, and I am starving!"

"Hey Walman! You still alive? I heard you were dead!"

"Funny, Cameron. I'll tell you though, I'm really glad to have that behind me. The 'flu is no fun, especially in a tent."

"Walman! Over here. It's great to see you again man," Baines waved from a table, and thumped Walman on the back in welcome. Walman joined his erstwhile tent mate at the table, and nodded "hello" to Mazatl, Magus and Denner. It felt great to be there.

The camp was packed quickly and efficiently; rote practice had made every move automatic. In a very short time, the Eden Advance caravan moved toward the west, just as they had done for many months. Walman rode in the TransRover in deference to his recent illness. Julia rode in the DuneRail with Alonzo.

Alonzo took a good look at the doctor in full daylight. "Julia, are you all right? You look a little run down."

"I'm fine Alonzo. I think I'm having a reaction to all those plants I've been working with. It's not uncommon for people to develop an allergy to the pollen of some plants."

"Are you sure you don't have Walman's 'flu?"

"Yes. My symptom's are concentrated in my upper respiratory system, whereas his were in his chest. Besides, my 'flu shot should have protected me from his virus."

"Okay Doc. But you have to promise me you'll look after yourself. You have a tendency to put yourself last."

"Honestly Alonzo! I know how to take care of myself."

Unfortunately, Julia was wrong on several counts. By the noon rest stop it became painfully clear to Julia, Alonzo and everyone else that Julia was more ill than she had thought. She was running a substantial fever and showed every sign of suffering from a 'flu-like illness. By the time they set up camp that night, she was feeling very unwell and was looking forward to lying down in her tent. Thankfully, Walman had continued to improve and suffered more now from guilt at causing Julia to fall sick than from his illness.

As they rolled to a stop, Alonzo turned to Julia. "Stay here and rest. I'll set up the tent and get your bed made. You can move into the tent then and help me set up your medical equipment.

"Alright. Thanks 'Lonzo." She smiled tiredly.

"Hey, its okay. You just have the 'flu. Face it, Doc, its part of the human condition." Alonzo gave her a comforting hug and hopped out of the 'Rail.

"Well, at least he's still well," Julia thought. She felt silly, useless and conspicuous just sitting there in the DuneRail while everyone else was busy setting up camp, but she honestly didn't feel like she had the energy to do anything else.

Alonzo settled Julia in her cot, then he started to set up her medical equipment under her direction. He had helped her so many times that he was able to do most of the work with no assistance. For her part, Julia huddled under the blankets shivering. Her fever had continued to climb and she was wracked with hot and cold spells. Her head pounded and every part of her body seemed to hurt, each with its own peculiar ache. Her eyes were sensitive to even low levels of light, her skin felt badly sunburned and even her hair hurt.

"Yep," she thought to herself, "This feels like the 'flu. But how? That inoculation should have prevented this." She was too tired to unravel the mystery and dozed instead of even attempting it.

Alonzo grabbed a quick dinner that night. He sat between Morgan and Baines, or "the agony twins" as he mentally dubbed them that evening. Both were convinced that if Julia was any kind of a real doctor, she would have stopped this 'flu in its tracks.

"I mean, its not like influenza is some new disease." Morgan continued to dwell on the topic, "And now our only doctor has allowed herself to get infected. What are the rest of us supposed to do while she's sick, just think healthy thoughts?"

"What if we all come down with it?" Baines asked worriedly. "Who's going to look after us?"

"Hey, we'll deal with whatever comes when it comes!" Danziger had run out of patience. "In the meantime, I'm sure there's lots to keep you busy if you need help taking your mind off of the 'flu." He glared at Morgan and Baines from where he sat on the other side of the table.

Alonzo was thankful the implied threat stopped that discussion. He had not trusted himself to say anything, especially since what he really wanted to say would have used his fists rather than words. He finished his meal in silence, then stopped by Danziger on his way back to the tent, "John, thanks. I was about to be much less diplomatic. You saved us having to worry about how to treat a black eye or bloody nose without disturbing Julia."

"Yeah, well, I thought I saw that light in your eye. No problem. We just need to get Julia feeling better before anyone else succumbs."

Continued in Part 2.

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