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Yesterday's Return (6/8)
by Maggie C

To Devon, the night seemed endless. She tried to sleep, but every tiny noise brought her fully awake. She was terrified that Gibson would find out that True was gone. Devon couldn't let that happen. She had to get back to camp, Devon wouldn't let Gibson get his hands on True again. ~True's gone, she's safe. What is Gibson going to do to you?~ a little voice in her head asked. Devon tried to quiet that voice, which was growing harder and harder as time went on. Suddenly, she jumped up from her seated position. She heard footsteps... or was that just her imagination? She listened for a moment. No, she did hear footsteps! Devon quickly walked over to the hole that served as an entrance. Sure enough, Gibson was standing there, looking down. "Good morning, Devon," he said cheerfully. Devon shuddered. ~Yale, Julia, Alonzo, anyone, please come soon,~ she thought desperately.

Gibson peered down into the chamber. "Where is the little one?" he asked.

Devon thought quickly, and said, "She's still asleep. Probably for a long time yet."

Gibson looked disappointed, but seemed to shrug it off quickly. "Well, I'll come down. We should talk."

"No," Devon said, a little too quickly. Gibson looked at her strangely. "Um, you'll wake True, and she needs her sleep."

Gibson looked closely at Devon, but accepted her explanation. "Fine, then you'll have to come up here," he said, tossing the vine rope down. Devon was about to protest, but decided against it. Reluctantly, she started to slowly climb up the vine rope. When she reached the top, she pointedly ignored Gibson's outstretched hand and climbed out on her own. She immediately backed away from Gibson. "Okay, so talk," she said. He started toward her, and she backed away even more. "Don't come near me," Devon warned, a touch of fear in her voice.

"Devon, calm down, I won't hurt you. Don't you remember? We're a family," he soothed as he approached her. Devon only backed up more. He sighed and stopped advancing. "Don't worry, you'll remember in time. Now that I've eliminated that man's influence over you and my daughter."

Devon went pale at this. "What? What do you mean?" She had a bad feeling he was talking about John. "What did you do to John?" she asked. Gibson was silent. "Tell me!" she demanded.

Surprised by her outburst since she had seemed so frightened just an instant before, Gibson was speechless for a moment. He looked at Devon and saw the obvious concern and love for that man shining in her eyes. He grew angry. How dare Danziger convince Devon that she loved him! Devon was his now, and would be forever. "He won't be causing us any more grief. I've trapped him on the dreamplane." Gibson's anger faded as he remembered with evil delight what Danziger was going through. "He's living his worst nightmare." Devon felt a feeling of dread rise up inside her when she saw the grin that appeared on Gibson's face. "It's a great piece of work, I forced him to dream your death, and the little girl's too."

"Oh no, John," Devon whispered in shock, too quietly for Gibson to hear. Excitedly, Gibson described in detail the rest of the dream he had Danziger living. Devon leaned against a wall for support. Tears formed in her eyes as she imagined what John was going through. She looked at Gibson. He was enjoying this! Every minute of it. He was the reason that John was unconscious. It was his fault that she had to go through all that fear, and pain, and heartache. And now, hearing him enthusiastically describe everything that John was going through... it was just too much. She didn't want to put up with it anymore. "How dare you?" she asked quietly, interrupting Gibson. He stopped speaking and looked at her. Her voice grew louder as her level of anger increased. "How dare you come here and rip apart my life? I'm not your wife, girlfriend, anything! I never was! And True? She's not even my daughter, much less yours! John is her father, and my husband. I love him, and he loves me. With my son, Uly, the four of us are a *real* family." Devon stood yelling at Gibson, tears running down her face. "Don't you understand? You and I were never a family, and we never will be! Never!"

As Gibson watched Devon, he realized that she truly loved Danziger. He saw the truth. That infernal man did not steal anything from him; Devon was with Danziger by choice. ~You can forget about Devon ever caring for you after what you did to her lover,~ a voice in his head taunted him. ~She'll hate you forever, now. And the little girl that you liked so much! Ha, she's not yours, she belongs to Danziger. Face it, he has everything you've always wanted, and there is nothing you can do about it.~ "Shut up!" he yelled. Devon, startled, jumped back. He fixed her with an angry glare. "You may have been a family, but you're not anymore. It doesn't matter who was whose anymore. You and the little girl are mine, and nothing's going to change that. And your husband?" He let out a short laugh and then smiled sarcastically at Devon. "Well, I'd say seeing your deaths have been hard on him, don't you think? It won't take much to totally destroy him, will it? In fact, I think I'll tell him that you're both still alive. I'll give him that hope," Gibson had been advancing toward Devon while talking, and was right in her face now, "and then I'll rip that away when I tell him that I have you both, and he'll never lay eyes on either of you again." He fixed her with a malevolent gaze. "And then I'll finish him."

"No, please, leave him alone," Devon pleaded, her eyes shining with tears. "Gibson, don't do this! Please! Don't hurt him, I'll do anything." Gibson's gaze traveled over her and Devon shuddered involuntarily.

"Oh, you will do anything," Gibson said ominously. "But that won't save your precious... husband," he spat. He grabbed her and Devon cried out. Reaching for the vine rope, he proceeded to tie her hands at the wrist and then he secured her to an outcropping of rock. "We don't want you leaving while I'm otherwise occupied, now, do we?" Once he made sure that Devon couldn't get away, he closed his eyes and entered the dreamplane, eager to finish Danziger off.

He entered the dreamplane, expecting to find Danziger there, despondent and depressed. That blasted Terrian had to be lurking around somewhere as well. He was very surprised to see Danziger, the Terrian, and the dreamer, Solace, talking animatedly. Gibson grew very angry. Evidently, Solace had figured out what was going on and freed Danziger from his carefully constructed nightmare. "Well, well, isn't this nice," he said sarcastically. He smiled evilly as Danziger and Solace whirled to face him.

Alonzo and John were startled by Gibson's voice, and they both jumped up from their seats. "Gibson," John muttered angrily under his breath. Alonzo took a good look at the man who was causing them so much trouble. He was remarkably average. Average height, average build, brown eyes, and light brown hair. Unlike Gaal, he was well kept, and his hair was tied back, away from his face.

"Ah, Danziger, how nice, you remember me." Gibson was fuming inside. This was most definitely not 'nice'. ~Showing him the truth about Devon and his little girl and then telling him that I have them would have destroyed him! Now that he remembers the truth I can't do that.~ Gibson thought angrily. ~Then again, maybe I can still salvage this situation.~ "So, are you enjoying your stay on the dreamplane?" Gibson asked. Danziger only narrowed his eyes, and Gibson went on, saying, "You can't leave, you know. The only way off is if I let you off." He grinned slyly at Danziger. "However, I don't see any reason to do so. I think I'll just let you stay here. Forever. Of course, you will have the Terrian for company."

Danziger looked ready to hit Gibson, but Alonzo laid a hand on his arm and shook his head. John looked at him and tried to calm down. Alonzo was right; attacking Gibson at this point would serve no other purpose than to make him feel better. It wouldn't help anything.

Gibson saw that Danziger was losing his temper, and was pleased. Gibson hated him. He wanted to make the man suffer as much as possible. Gibson played his trump card. "Your scheme didn't work, you know." Danziger looked up at Gibson and fixed him with a vicious glare, but held his ground. "I have them back now. We're a family again." Thinking about his family put a smile on Gibson's face. "My little girl will soon forget all about you and the lies you told her. Such a beautiful little girl." Danziger was fuming now, and only Alonzo's restraining hold kept him from going after Gibson. "And Devon and I are together again." Gibson stared off into space, thinking out loud. "I've waited so long to get her back. To be able to hold her again, to touch her again..."

That was the last straw. Danziger saw the leer on Gibson's face and couldn't stand the thought of him going after Devon, hurting her. He felt his anger rising and shrugged of Alonzo's hand (which wasn't really holding him back anymore, Alonzo felt like slugging Gibson himself). Swearing profusely, John went after Gibson. He reached him quickly and proceeded to treat Gibson like a punching bag. "You stay away from her!! Don't touch her!! Don't even look at her!! Stay away from her, from both of them!! Leave them alone!!" Danziger yelled, not letting up on Gibson for even a second.

Gibson tried to block Danziger's punches, and was successful at first, but more and more hits kept finding their marks. Gibson started to panic and tried to get away, but Danziger wouldn't let him. He couldn't exit the dreamplane, Danziger was too close. Danziger would be dragged off with him, and he would be free of the hold that trapped him on the dreamplane. But Danziger kept attacking him, and with no other options, Gibson did it. He released the hold that was keeping Danziger and the Terrian here on the dreamplane and left the dreamplane, bringing Danziger off with him. Alonzo and the Terrian watched as both Danziger and Gibson vanished. The Terrian quickly left the dreamplane, and Alonzo followed, only a moment behind him.

Julia and Uly were in the med tent, waiting for Alonzo to wake up and bring some news. Uly was sitting by John's cot. Julia, not as patient, was alternating sitting by Alonzo's cot and pacing the length of the tent. Uly was watching Julia pace when he thought he heard something. He turned his head back to John, but nothing had changed. He was still lying there. ~I must have imagined it,~ Uly thought, disappointed. Then Alonzo bolted up in his cot. Julia was immediately at his side, and Uly was there a moment later.

"Alonzo, what is it? What happened?" Julia asked worriedly.

Alonzo just grinned at something behind them and said, "Look." They turned around and saw Danziger swinging his legs over the side of the cot and raising himself to a sitting position. He rubbed his eyes for a moment and then dropped his hand to see three faces grinning at him. He grinned back and was almost knocked over when Uly came flying into his lap. "Hey champ," he said while hugging Uly back.

Julia got her diaglove out and went over to scan him, which was a difficult task, since Uly was apparently not going to move anytime soon. "John, how do you feel?" she asked, still smiling.

John met her smile and simply replied, "You tell me."

She checked her readings and met his eyes. "All clear. You're fine."

Alonzo came up behind her and addressed Danziger. "Don't listen to her. She was reading you as fine when you were asleep, too." He looked at Julia and grinned mischievously. "She obviously has no idea what she's doing." Julia faked annoyance and threw the pillow from Danziger's cot at Alonzo. He ducked out of the way as John and Uly started laughing, with Julia and Alonzo cracking up immediately after them.

True was running through the forest again. She ran for what seemed like forever, but she just couldn't find her way back to camp. That man would wake up to find her gone and he would hurt Devon because of it. It would be all her fault. Her vision became blurry and she swiped away the tears from her eyes. Eventually, she stopped and looked around. Nothing was familiar! She sat down on a rock and started to cry. First her dad, now Devon. ~It's not fair!~ Unnoticed, a Terrian appeared from the earth in front of her. He laid a hand on her shoulder and she let out a short scream. She jumped back and stared at the Terrian. She started to back away, afraid, and then stopped when the Terrian held his ground. She didn't know why, but she knew this Terrian wouldn't hurt her. ~Maybe he knows the way back to camp,~ she thought. "Hi," she said tentatively. "Do you know the way back to my camp?"

His only response was to extend a hand to her. True regarded the outstretched hand for a long moment and then slowly extended her own hand to grasp it. She was still afraid, but she had to find a way to help Devon. She held the Terrian's hand, which didn't feel as gross as it looked, and suddenly felt herself being pulled downwards. She didn't even have time to scream as she was pulled beneath the earth.

Devon tugged frantically at the rope binding her hands, but it was useless. She couldn't loosen them. She also tried to reach Gibson, to kick him or wake him up, anything to stop him from doing whatever he was going to do with John. But that didn't work either. He was just out of the reach of her legs. Suddenly, Gibson sat bolt upright, and she stilled her movements immediately.

Gibson sat on the hard cave floor, breathing deeply and trying to control his anger. ~He's free!!~ he thought angrily. ~That blasted Terrian is free too, and that means it's only a matter of time before someone shows up here.~ All of his plans were unraveling. Devon and the little girl would soon be back with that man and the rest of their group. He looked at Devon. ~But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun first. "Well, that's one problem taken care of," he said, grinning. ~Might as well let her think I got rid of Danziger,~ he thought. ~She'll find out the truth soon enough.~

Devon bit her lip to keep from crying, but tears still appeared in her eyes. She glared at Gibson with a gaze full of anger and hatred, but she did not say anything. She didn't trust her voice.

Gibson approached her and Devon shrank back. "Now, why don't we have some fun," he said with a sadistic grin as he untied Devon from the outcropping of rock, while still keeping her hands tied. She tried to back away, but Gibson kept a firm grip on the rope. He moved his face closer and tried to kiss her, but she kicked out with her leg and hit him in the shin. He yelled in pain and then glared at Devon. "You'll pay for that," he said, and without warning, knocked her to the ground. Devon cried out and tried to get back on her feet, but Gibson was always there, blocking her efforts.

Back at camp, Julia and Alonzo were arguing with Danziger. Uly was sitting quietly, out of the way, listening to every word with wide, frightened eyes. John pulled on his jacket and spotted a gear set lying on the table of the med tent. He grabbed it and stuffed it into a pocket while Julia glared at him.

"You really should be resting, John," she said.

"Julia, I've been 'resting' for three weeks. I think that's long enough, don't you?"

"Danziger, you don't even know where he's got them," Alonzo tried to reason with him. "How are you going to find them? And what if Gibson is able to trap you on the dreamplane again?"

Danziger fixed both of them with a determined gaze. "I'll take my chances. Look, you guys, this is not open for discussion. He has them, and I am going to go find them and get them back." Danziger's gaze fell to Uly, who was still sitting in the corner. He went over and knelt to look Uly in the eye. "Hey, champ, don't worry. I'm gonna get your mom and True back, all right?"

Uly didn't want him to go, but he knew that there was really nothing that could stop John from going. Uly wanted to go and look too, but he also knew that John would never, ever, agree to that. So Uly just nodded and gave John a half-hearted smile.

At that moment, the Terrian and True appeared out of the earth in the middle of camp. All of them heard the commotion and hurried outside. John was first out, and he saw his daughter facing away from him, her hand gripping the Terrian's. He breathed a huge sigh of relief. She was okay. Gibson didn't have her. "True!" he called.

True clutched the Terrian's hand. ~What a ride!~ she thought. That was like nothing she had ever experienced before, even in VR on the stations. She looked around and was overjoyed to find herself back in camp. ~I hope he knows where Devon is. I won't be able...~ Suddenly, her father's voice broke into her thoughts. She froze and thought, ~No way.~ She was sure she was imagining it. Still, she couldn't help but turn toward the sound of his voice.

It wasn't her imagination! He was really there. "Daddy!" she cried, a huge grin appearing on her face. All other troubles were forgotten for the moment. Her dad was okay, and that was all True was concerned with right now. She let go of the Terrian's hand and ran for her father.

John walked a few steps toward his daughter and dropped to one knee, arms outstretched. He caught True in a fierce hug.

"Daddy, you're okay," she said.

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm fine." He pulled back so he could look her over. "Are you okay?" he asked, worriedly.

True's smile faded as she remembered what happened. She looked at her father worriedly. "Dad, he's got her. He's gonna be mad when he wakes up."

John went pale. Devon was still with Gibson, that slime. "True, is there any chance Devon got away the same way you did?"

True shook her head. "No, the hole was too small. Devon wouldn't fit." She was really scared now. If her dad was this worried, it must be bad. She thought of something that he needed to know. "Dad, he's crazy. He thinks I'm his daughter."

"I know, True-girl." True was surprised. ~He knows?~ John continued speaking. "Do you know the way back?"

True shook her head. Then the Terrian trilled. John looked from the Terrian to Alonzo and demanded, "What did he say?"

Alonzo concentrated a moment before speaking. "He says that he can take you to her."

The Terrian trilled again, as if in agreement with what Alonzo said, and then extended a hand to John. He knew instantly what the Terrian was asking. John stared at the hand for a split second before making his decision. On the one hand, he had never completely trusted the Terrians. He just didn't understand them. But on the other hand, this Terrian was different. The one thought that drowned out all the others was Devon. ~She needs you!!~ his mind screamed at him. Pushing all of his doubts and fears aside, he set his daughter aside and grabbed the Terrian's hand. "Let's go," he said, and nodded to the Terrian. Before anyone could react, they were gone.

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