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John looked up at his tent flap as it opened. He gave a quick half grin when he saw her. "Well, if it isn't my hero in the flesh."

"Julia's the hero here, Danziger." She moved a crate up next to his bed. "Turns out that I can take direction very well when it counts. How you feeling? Is there a lot of pain?" She laid her hand over his and gave it a squeeze.

He smiled again. His eyes closed slowly and he had a time opening them again. It felt like several moments had passed. "Not much. Pain block about ten minutes before you walked in. How's Yale?"

"He'll be fine." She didn't want to admit how scared she had been. First Yale, then Danziger. The only two men in her universe that meant anything to her, and she almost lost them both in one day. She glanced away, fighting to keep herself together.

He lifted his hand to her chin and turned her face back to his. "I will be, too. Take more than an explodin' bullet to get ol' John Danziger down and out." He let his fingertips graze against her jaw and let his hand drop back to the bed to cover hers. His eyes closed again.

Only this time a slight snore followed it. She squeezed his hand and slowly got up and left his tent. Her body relaxed with knowing he was going to be okay and knowing that people deserve second chances. Especially down here.

"Hey, Julia..."

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