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Danziger approached Devon at a slow pace. He was still somewhat ashamed of his behavior, and he was still surprised that no one had put him down during the whole thing. Had the shoe been on the other foot, they'd be burying whomever it had been. He shuddered at the thought.

"Hey, John. Get any sleep?" She was bright eyed for her early morning watch shift. She adjusted the thermal blanket that lay against her lap.

"So, so." He pulled up a crate and sat down across from her. Their knees were touching, and he met her eyes. "How about you? I could spell you if you want to catch some more."

She shook her head. "Couldn't go back to sleep now if I tried. I've already had two cups of the sludge that Walman makes." She screwed up her face. "Finally glad someone fiddled around and made a recipe that keeps Baines up when he's on watch."

"I lost count of how many times I'd come to relieve him, and he wouldn't even know where he was and snoring away." He glanced around. They were the only two awake in camp. "Look, Devon, I wanted to thank you for not taking me out." Both hands were on her knees then as he moved into her personal space more than he ever had. "I hope you know that I'd never..."

Her gloved hand came out then, clamping over his mouth as she gave a shake to her head. "Don't you even say it. John, we all knew that it wasn't you." She tilted her head as her other hand came to rest over one of his on her knee. "You've more than proved that since we've been on this planet."

He relaxed, reaching up and pulling her hand free but keeping hold of it. "Thanks, Devon. Means a lot."

That sat like that, talking quietly until the sun came up, and the rest of camp started to rouse and begin the day.

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