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John's body was now fully purged of the pollen that had once been trying to kill him. He had been lucky that Julia had been able to procure an antidote, and he was grateful that Devon had been there to strong arm him into submission.

Spring had finally come to this planet, and the ice and snow was almost a memory. He, for one, was grateful for the not so cold nights. It made watch duty that much bearable.

"You should still be resting," Devon's voice cut through the stillness. "You're still weak." Her hand laid on his shoulder and gave a slight squeeze.

"I'm fine, Adair." He smiled up at her. His voice was soft and jovial. "Besides, I'm about as useful as Baines anyway." He chuckled. "Come to check up on me?"

She shook her head. "Couldn't sleep. Thinking about tomorrow." She let out a soft sigh as she sat down beside him. It felt reminiscent of a time many months before when they'd only just begun to see things the same.

"It'll be good to pull up stakes and get this group to New Pacifica. We're losing time to set up the colony." He poured her a mug of coffee and handed it to her.

"Yeah. That's worrying me, too. I just don't know what's between here and there. I don't know how we made it this far..." Her hands moved up, pushing hair from her face before she turned to meet his eyes.

"I don't know either, but I say we've been pretty lucky." He tucked a stray hand of hair behind her ear. He leaned in slowly to whisper, "I couldn't stand you when we landed on this rock. Now look at us?"

She held her breath. Her body relaxed as he wrapped an arm around her. His hand rested against her hip. "Yeah. You're so far from my type." She nudged him playfully. "About lost you too many times to count, and I can't imagine..."

"New Pacifica without me," he finished softly. "You won't ever have to." He closed the distance, catching the corner of her lips in a chaste kiss. "True and me, we can make a life here."

She couldn't shake the upside down feel her stomach had embodied since his lips grazed hers. She desperately wanted to feel it again.

Her body twisted, pressing into his, as her arms went around his neck. "I've been too afraid to ask," she breathed, her mouth only a breath away from his.

They closed the distance together. The kiss was everything it should have been. It turned everything on its end, but somehow it couldn't have been more perfect.

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