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Freedom (3/3)
by Sabrina Sestito

After a few hours, Alonzo was released from hospital. He wandered through the Space Station, noting that little had changed in 50 years. Alonzo didn't know what to do and where to go.

He thought of the Eden Advance Group. He could not remember the reason why he had left. He had truly grown to care for them. And of course, he missed Julia. But he had obviously made the decision to leave G889. He wondered why. Was Julia still alive? Was that the reason why he had left G889? Alonzo felt great sadness at this possibility. Alonzo couldn't believe that he had left his one and true love, unless she has died. If she was still alive, then he had broken her heart. Please forgive me Julia, he cried. Alonzo decided that he needed to know the reason why he had returned to the Space Stations.

Stop it, Alonzo said to himself. I made the decision to leave G889 and so now it is time to live with that decision. Alonzo continued to wander aimlessly around the Space Stations.


"Julia, what do you think has happened to Alonzo" asked Devon, as she watched Alonzo intently.

"I'm not sure", replied Julia, "it just seems that he is usually still. He seems to have become more like the Terrians." As she looked at the Terrians she said, "you will notice how still the Terrians are."

Danziger then said, "Well Alonzo did say that he was scared of not being able to leave the Dreamplane. Has he somehow become so physically weak that his mind is all that is left?"

Julia and Devon looked at Danziger thoughtfully.

"That's an interesting thought," Julia said, "but if you ware right, how are we suppose to help him?"


Meanwhile Alonzo had settled for the night. After a few hours he awoke and found himself back in the Terrian bed. "What am I doing here", he wondered. He tried to get up but, as before, could not. Which of the two alternatives is real, wondered Alonzo. He was so confused.


It was mid-afternoon. Danziger and Julia were watching over Alonzo, while Devon left the Terrian cave in order to contact the others.

"I am going to lose him, aren't I?" asked Julia.

Danziger looked at Julia and saw the tears in her eyes. "It will be OK, Julia, we will get him out of there", Danziger said, as he leaned over and gave Julia a much-needed hug.

The image of Alonzo suddenly appeared. He saw Julia and Danziger hugging. He felt so jealous. Were they now together? He was barely gone and Danziger had already moved in on Julia. He was so angry. "Get away from her", shouted Alonzo.

Both Julia and Danziger pulled apart. Alonzo lunged at Danziger, but before he reached him, Julia collided with the image. Both disappeared.


A little while later, Devon returned to the cavern. "Where Julia?" she asked Danziger.

"Alonzo appeared to us and he was angry when he saw Julia and I hugging. He tried to attack me, but Julia got in the way."

"What", cried Devon. "What happened next?"

"They both disappeared. I have no idea where they are."


Julia suddenly found herself on the Space Stations. Why was she here, she wondered. She looked around in awe. She needed to find Alonzo.


Alonzo awoke from his sleep. He was back on the Space Stations. What was happening to him. He thought that he was in the Terrian bed. He had just seen Julia with Danziger. He could still remember the anger at seeing them together. What was he doing back here? Was he truly on the Space Stations or in the Terrian bed. He was so confused. He got up and went out. He needed help.

As soon as he left his room, he saw Julia. What was she doing here, he wondered. Had she come back with him on the Colony ship. Or were they still on G889. "Julia" , he cried.

Julia ran to him with her arms outstretched. She hugged him tightly. When she pulled away, she had tears in her eyes. "Alonzo, are you OK. I was so worried."

"I'm fine, but I am surprised to see you here. I didn't think that you would leave G889 and return here to the Space Stations." Julia looked confused, as Alonzo continued, saying, "What about the Council?"

Julia looked Alonzo straight in the eyes, took his hand and said, "Alonzo, we are not on the Space Stations. We are still on G889. You are trapped in the Terrian bed and we don't know how to help you."

"Are you sure, Julia?"

"You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I love you."

"I love you, too", replied Julia. "You have to believe me. We are still on G889."

"If that is true, why are we now."

"I think that this is a Dreamplane created by you."

"Are you sure?"

"I think so. You are so physically weak that your mind has taken over."

"If you are right, how do we get back" asked Alonzo.

"I think" replied Julia after a few moments, "that you firstly have to will yourself back to G889 and secondly, you need to contact the Terrians and ask them to help you."

"What about you, Julia. What will happen to you?"

"I'm not sure, but I assume that once you return to G889, I will return with you. This is not real, afterall."

"OK, Julia, I'll try", promised Alonzo. He gave Julia a deep kiss before trying to enter the Dreamplane.


Julia awoke in the cavern. Oh Alonzo, please come back to me, she cried.


Alonzo found himself on the more familiar Dreamplane resembling the surface on G889. He remembered kissing Julia and hoped that she was safe. "Hello", he said, hoping to attracted the attention of the Terrians, "where are you? I need to talk to you."

Three Terrians appeared. "Dream Walker, why are you so strange?"

"I want to leave the Dreamplane, but I can't. Please help me."

"As we told you, all you need to do is will yourself out." The Terrians started to leave.

"No", cried Alonzo. "Help me. I don't know how to leave."

The Terrians stopped and looked at Alonzo.

Alonzo tried another angle. "Julia needs me!"

"Why?" asked the Terrians.

"She loves me and I love her. We want to be together."

"But you have joined us, Dream Walker. You have become one of us."

"I can not stay here", cried Alonzo, "I need nourishment."

"Get your nourishment from the Earth", said the Terrians.

"I can't. I am human and not Terrian." Alonzo paused. "If I don't get nourishment, I will die."

The Terrians looked confused.

Alonzo explained, "I will go into the Earth and I will not be able to return."

"It is not your time, Dream Walker."

"That's right. It is not my time. Please help me get out of here."

The Terrians looked at eachother and seemed to be communicating telephatically. As Alonzo waited, he thought of Julia. He hoped that she was OK.

The Terrians looked at him, seemingly reading his mind. They said to him "We don't want you to suffer Dream Walker. We will help you."


Devon and Danziger were interrogating Julia. Julia told them what happened.

Suddenly, two Terrians left their beds. They went towards Alonzo and each grabbed one arm. They pulled Alonzo out of the Terrian bed. Alonzo collapsed to the floor, as they disappeared into the ground.

Julia, Devon and Danziger rushed to Alonzo side. As Julia grabbed her diaglove, Devon and Danziger held Alonzo. After examining Alonzo, Julia said, "he is extremely weak. He is dehydrated and malnourished. We need to get him back to the Biodome where I can treat him properly."

Devon said, "OK, Danziger, you and Julia grab Alonzo and put him in the Dunerail. I will contact camp."

Danziger and Julia picked up Alonzo and quickly took him to the vehicle. After securing him, the group took off. Danziger, Julia and an unconscious Alonzo were in the Dunerail, while Devon drove the ATV. They made it back to the Biodome in record time.


Soon after entering the Medtent, Alonzo went into a coma. Julia was devastated. However, she started to build up his physical strength.


Alonzo was once again on the Dreamplane. Three Terrians appeared.

"Why am I here", asked Alonzo. "I thought that you understood. I need to go back."

"We have removed you from the Terrian bed. You have returned here on your own accord."

"I have?", asked Alonzo. Alonzo paused saying, "Yes, I do feel different." Pausing once again, he said, "I think that I have returned here to ask your forgiveness."

"We do not understand", said the Terrians.

"I wish to continue my friendship with you", said Alonzo, "and I wish to continue using your bed. Will you teach me how to use it properly."

"Of course, Dream Walker, we will help you. But now, you need to return to your people."

"Thank you" said Alonzo.


Julia had worked around the clock, trying to get Alonzo out of his coma. She was getting very tired. She had finally succumb to exhaustion. She took Alonzo's hand in hers and placed her head on his shoulder.

Alonzo's hand twitched.

Julia was instantly awake. "Alonzo, Alonzo, are you awake?"

Alonzo continued his climb to consciousness.

"Come on, come on" Julia encouraged, "you can make it."

Alonzo's eyes fluttered opened, and then closed again. They then opened again. He slowly looked around. "Julia", he croaked.

"Hey, Fly-boy, how are you feeling?"

"Better. Are we on G889?"

"Yes, you are safe."

Alonzo's eyes briefly closed and then re-opened. He said, "Do you forgive me?"

Julia was surprised by his question. "Yes, I forgive you. Do you forgive me?"

"What for" Alonzo asked, as he was beginning to fall into normal sleep.

"For loving you too much."

Alonzo then fell peacefully to sleep, with a smile on his face.

-The End-

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