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Do You Know My Shadow? (14/17)
by Lisa 04

"Yo, Cameron. Hold up a minute," Alonzo called. Cameron slowed and turned to see what the other man had found.
"These look like tracks to you?" Alonzo asked the other man. "They look like it, but I'm not sure I could say what kind of tracks they are," Cameron shrugged while he kneeled down to get a better look. The footprints that appeared in the mud looked deep but their finer definition had been obscured by the sand deposited from the stream. "Do you see anymore?" the pilot asked, studying the ground around them. "Nope," Cameron answered.
"Me neither," Alonzo agreed. "Maybe we should cross this creek and see if we can pick them up on the other side."
"Sounds like a plan," Cameron nodded as he started to slosh his way through the water.

"I don't know everything about his past. Just what I learned from Katarina before," the Elder qualified. "I can tell you how he was when we first came here and how he was after the transfer, though..." "Transfer? What transfer?" Danziger asked confused. "What are you talking about?"
"Maybe you should just start from the beginning and tell us everything that you do know about him," Yale said, to assure the other man that any information would be helpful. He placed his hand on Danziger's shoulder to indicate that they shouldn't interrupt. "Before Sheppard came to this planet," the Elder started slowly, as if each word had to be physically drawn from his mouth, "he was a very different person." He paused, lost in thought. "When he was young, Sheppard was not the strong, self-confident person that we see now. According to what Katarina had told us, he was introspective and ‘different' which brought much ridicule from others. He was an intelligent boy who never quite found a way to fit in. Katarina on the other hand, was a beautiful, outgoing person to whom people were naturally drawn. Then things changed. Sheppard joined an Earth faction of fanatics that practiced black magic, and found a group of people that readily accepted him. He had found his ‘niche' so to speak. He was a very talented follower and became the High Priest's star pupil. He was enthusiastic and it didn't take long before he had turned himself over completely to the darkness of their religion. He had found a new side of himself, one that was bold and powerful...a side that people didn't ridicule but were in awe of. As Sheppard's power grew, his heart became darker. He was content with his new found status for awhile but soon realized that their practices could be used as a means to a greater end. He wanted more...he wanted absolute power." The Elder stopped, and looked over at the two men that sat across from him.

"So he lied to us when he said that it was his sister that was evil and practiced black magic," Danziger muttered. "I wonder what else he's lied about?"

"No, he didn't exactly lie," the Elder declared. "She did follow him into the cult....She loved her brother very much, Mr. Danziger, and was worried about him. Katarina and Sheppard shared a very strong bond and she felt responsible for him. She was dragged down into the darkness of the cult just as he was. She didn't want to be there, but had no choice."

"But Sheppard did want to be there," Danziger contended. "Yes," the Elder relented, "he chose to be there." "He said that he followed her into the cult to protect her...that she was the one that wanted to be there. Now maybe that's not a lie in your book, but it is in mine," the mechanic retorted.

"Yes, what he told you was not the exact truth, but he didn't mean to mislead you. He told you what he remembered as the truth." "What do you mean by that?" Danziger asked. "Maybe I should finish explaining about his past on Earth and then I can better explain what I meant," the Elder sighed. Danziger shrugged as if saying ‘hey, it's your story, tell it like you want to...just get on with it."

"Sheppard remained the dutiful student for awhile until he figured out that the High Priest was content with the way things were. He had no desire to use the magic for things other than the rituals required to worship their god. Sheppard felt that the Priest did not have the vision or drive to recruit others to expand their following and thus their power. He believed that they...and more importantly, he...was destined to rule the Earth, and someday, the Stations. Soon, in a final act of rebellion, he murdered the High Priest and took his position as leader of the cult. His influence had grown considerably and it wasn't long before the weak-minded followers began to worship him. Sheppard used the ‘religion' as a means to convince his followers to engage in acts of terrorism. His primary goal was to control Earth and then control the stations. At first, the Council took little notice, it was just a small religious cult on Earth that had no bearing on the Stations. Then, as their numbers grew and the reports of violence and terrorism started filtering up to the Council they became more concerned. Though they weren't as worried because it was all happening on Earth, they started to keep a closer watch on Sheppard and his group. It wasn't until they learned about his plans to infiltrate the stations and try to overthrow the Council that they became truly concerned. Before they could enact a plan to arrest him, he and a small group of followers had gained passage onto the Gateway station and had begun actively recruiting followers to help take control of that station. It had been rumored that there was a small underground group of people who were dissatisfied with the way the Council handled matters on that station and Sheppard's group had joined with them. A coup ensued and several Council members were captured. The Council panicked and many innocent civilians were killed in the crossfire when they brought in a large armed force to regain control of the station. In retaliation for the killing of most of his followers during the fighting, Sheppard executed the captured Council members before he was arrested. The Council sentenced Sheppard and the remaining cult members secretly in order to avoid a public trial. They didn't want to publicly acknowledge that there was unrest among any of the stations and they wanted to avoid criticism at the way they handled the situation, so they made sure the deaths were reported as an act of terrorism by a group from Earth. They said that a power reactor was blown up, killing several hundreds. They also removed the few remaining citizens to remote stations and closed the Gateway station, citing irreparable damage making it unsafe for habitation. This was done so that no one would learn the truth about what really happened. Most of the remaining cult members on Earth were rounded up and arrested for conspiracy, but a few went into hiding.," the Elder paused to catch his breath and collect his thoughts.

"But I have seen his face somewhere before," Yale exclaimed. "I know I have."

"You probably saw the story that the Council released, claiming Sheppard and his followers blew up the reactor and ‘died' in the explosion. By blaming all of the deaths on Sheppard, they incited the anger of the stations' citizens and essentially suppressed any chance that the members still in hiding could recruit more followers."

"Though the Council's overreaction might have led to the unnecessary deaths of some of those people, Sheppard WAS ultimately responsible for their deaths," Yale stated. "From what you've told us, he wanted to overthrow the Council and would have used any means necessary to do it...even if that meant innocent people dying in the process."

"Yes, it's true that Sheppard's actions are what started the events that led to the deaths of those people," the Elder conceded.

"How can you tell us this guy has paid for his crimes!? He murdered those civilians and those Council members," Danziger growled. "He's dangerous. We've got to warn Devon. She has to know what he's done," he said, starting to get up.

"Wait," the Elder pleaded. "Please, there's more. If you'll let me finish explaining, you'll understand how why he's not the same man."

"I don't want to wait. God knows what he could be doing right now," Danziger snapped.

"I have to agree with John. We can't afford to stay here any longer. We must warn the others," Yale asserted.

"They are not in any danger," the Elder explained. "At least not as long as Sheppard is still the man that he became here on this planet."

"What are you talking about!? He's dangerous. You, yourself told us what a psychopath he was back on Earth."

"But he's not that way now. He has changed. Everything about him has changed. He is a completely different man than the one I told you about. He IS the warm, caring person that Devon came to know in her dreams, not the other one that I described. "

"I don't get it. One minute you're telling us he's a killer and the next you're defending him and telling us that he is some sort of saint. What is going on?!!?! I want the truth, damn it, and I want it now!" Danziger demanded.

"Yes, yes. I'll tell you everything. Just calm down. I understand your frustration. I know how much you care about Devon."

Despite his anger, Danziger blushed slightly. He still contended that the Elder didn't know what he was talking about when he made inferences to how he felt about Devon, but for some reason he was uncomfortable that Yale had heard it. He started to object when Yale cut him off. "We both care about Devon a great deal and would certainly like to hear everything you have to say." Yale had chosen to ignore the hidden meaning of the Elder's words, or at least that is how it appeared. Danziger was grateful that the tutor chose not to explore further what the Elder meant.

"After the Council had broadcast their ‘account' of the events, they decided that Sheppard and his small group could still serve a purpose for them. At that time they had just started transferring prisoners here to see if they could survive. There apparently had been several scientific missions that had come here, but for some reason the Council had lost touch with them. They decided not to risk anymore of their scientists and began to send prisoners here instead. They sent Sheppard, his sister, and two others to this planet, along with several other ‘political' prisoners...myself included."

"And...," Danziger prodded, getting more impatient and nervous as he thought about what could be happening back at camp.

"When we first landed, things were so chaotic," the Elder continued. "Several of the prisoners died in cold sleep due to malfunctions in the sleep capsules. Others didn't die, but continued to age while they slept. This is what happened to Katarina." He stopped, then continued his tale in a different direction. "It was a struggle to just survive. We didn't have a choice but to rely on each other. Sheppard pretty much kept to himself during the first few weeks. It was his followers that had died...all but Katarina. He didn't make much of an effort to help us. If it hadn't been for Katarina, we would have left him to fend for himself. She pleaded with us to help him, and out of compassion for her, we did. Then, we had our first encounters with the Terrians. They made their presence known first in our dreams, much like they did with your group. Everyone was unsettled by this...everyone but Sheppard. He seemed to grasp the enormity of that gift much sooner than the rest of us. In fact, he learned to use the sleeping Terrians to dream to the Stations long before we became aware of the possibility. You see, when the Terrians are ‘sleeping' their channels to the dreamplane are pretty much open to use by anyone who wants. They had never had to worry about anyone abusing the dreamplane before humans came to this planet and they had no defenses to stop it. No one knew what he was doing at first. Soon, though, the Terrians realized that he was using the connection not to ‘visit' loved ones back on the stations like the rest of us, but to invade the dreams of his enemies. He was using the dreamplane to try and exact revenge on the Council members that had sent him here. As you know, the Terrians are fairly emotionless creatures and the negative feelings that he was generating with his invasions into the dreamplane was very damaging to them. They became quite upset with him and were actually going cast him out of the caves because they could feel the evil force inside of him permeating into their dreams. Katarina became distraught with the thought that he would be sent helpless into the wilderness. She knew that he would not survive long on the surface of the planet. Even though her brother had changed to the point that she no longer recognized him, she knew that somewhere still inside him was the once thoughtful, shy brother that she loved. She pleaded with the Terrians not to send him to the surface. She told them that deep down he was a good man but he wasn't strong enough to fight the evil inside him the cult had instilled. At first the Terrians said that this didn't matter because even if he could cast out the evil, it would find another to control. They feared that his evil would invade their tribe and return them to the darkness that they had fought so hard to rid themselves of. Katarina wouldn't give up though and continued to beg the Terrians for another way. After awhile they relented that there was a way to save him, but it would take the strongest of wills to do it. They said that they could take the evil that controlled him and place it in another...but only if that person were strong enough to contain it. Katarina, God rest her soul, agreed to let them place the darkness in her because she knew she was stronger than he was. She felt that this was all she had left to give her brother. The Terrians agreed and during Mooncross, the exchange took place. Sheppard was never aware of what happened. When he awoke from the process, he had no recollection of the events that had preceded their banishment. To fill the gaps in his memory, Katarina told him the tale of what took place on Earth and the Stations but inserted herself into his role. She led him to believe that she was responsible for leading them into the cult. She swore me to secrecy because she didn't want Sheppard to ever learn the truth."

Danziger and Yale sat there, stunned at the story the Elder had just told. Neither knew what to say. Finally, Yale spoke up. "Did it work?" he asked softly.

"Yes," the Elder answered. "Sheppard became a completely different man. He was thoughtful and patient. He had a quiet strength that remained with him. He took the responsibility of caring for Katarina and became a trusted leader for our group."

"And what happened with Katarina?" Yale inquired.

The Elder shook his head. "She was stronger than he was, but in time, the darkness inside drove her mad. She became jealous and possessive of Sheppard. He continued to take care of her but was unable to show affection to any other woman because of her jealousy."

"So you expect us to believe that he's no longer a lunatic and that he's suddenly G889's most upstanding citizen all because of some ceremony the Terrians performed over 30 years ago?!?! Danziger said incredulously.

"John, I know it is hard to believe but he did become a good man. He has saved our lives on numerous occasions. If it weren't for his leadership, we might have perished long ago."

"How do we know he hasn't played his mind games with you and that's why you're telling us that he's changed?"

The Elder looked Danziger in the eyes and said, "You know that is not true."

Danziger returned his gaze, staring at the other man for a moment, then sighed, nodding his agreement.

"What did the other's think of this ‘arrangement' that Katarina made with the Terrians?" Yale asked.

"No one else knew. Only Katarina and I knew the truth. The other's weren't aware of his past or what he had been doing with the dreamplane. They just assumed that Katarina went mad because she aged when the sleep capsule malfunctioned."

"Just exactly at what point in his time on this planet did he start dreaming to Devon? Before or after this ‘transformation' took place?" Danziger asked suddenly.

The Elder hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm not sure. He may have started dreaming to her before the Terrians stopped him, but I can't say for certain. All I know is that when he dreamed to her after he changed, he was sincere in his wish to help her son. He truly cared about her."

"So he could have entered her dreams when he was still crazy. Is that what you're telling us?"

"Maybe at first, but I promise you, he was not that way after the exchange took place. If it hadn't been for him, Devon's son would have never had a chance to live."

"Did you know that the Terrians could heal him?"

"No, I wasn't aware that they could do that."

"Then how did Sheppard know they could?"

Silence followed Danziger's last question. It hung in the air like a shroud of fog that doesn't burn off with the morning sun. "I don't know," the Elder finally admitted, "but somehow he had to know that by coming here, Devon's son would be healed. That is what she wanted more than anything and that is what he gave her."

"I'm not convinced of that. I'm not so sure that his leading her here was solely out of concern for Uly."

"Danziger, all I can tell you is that I believe his motives were pure. I have lived with this man for many years and have witnessed the goodness that is in him."

"Then why did you tell me to be careful if he's not dangerous anymore. Why were you so worried when you heard that Devon has been acting odd lately?"

"First, I don't know if there is anything to be concerned about. I'm sure everything is alright. Sheppard is stronger now. He can resist the temptation better than before."

"What are you talking about? What temptation?"

"Yes, what are you talking about?" Yale echoed.

"When the exchange took place, all the darkness that resided in Sheppard was transferred to Katarina. She was strong enough to contain it within her, but now that she has died.....I just don't know. It could have died with her or it could be free and searching for a new home. If it is, then it stands to reason that it would return to the person it came from. If that is the case, then Sheppard will have to resist falling under it's influence again. I believe that he is strong enough to do this, but I can't be for certain."

"You mean there's a chance that he could become that psychopath again??!!" Danziger howled.

"Maybe, but I don't think it will happen," the Elder said quickly as Danziger and Yale both jumped to their feet. "I know Sheppard and he is a good man. He can resist that dark side of himself if it returns."

"Well, even you can't be sure of that and I'm not sticking around here when things could be going to hell in a handbasket back at the camp. Come on Yale, we've got to get back and make sure everything is alright," Danziger retorted hastily as he grabbed his jacket. Yale was close behind.

"Please, don't make any rash decisions," the Elder pleaded after them. "You don't know that anything is wrong...At least I pray nothing is wrong."

The Elder watched the two Eden Advance members disappear as they rushed down the tunnel and back to the surface. "Please, let everything be alright...for all their sakes," he pleaded silently to a God that he had long forgotten.

End Part 14

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