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Do You Know My Shadow? (7/17)
by Lisa 04

"Hello, Devon. Are you there?" Bess asked the other woman as she waved her hand in front of her face.
"What? Yes, I'm sorry, Bess. You were saying?" Devon answered. She was having trouble concentrating. Her mind kept wondering back to her earlier conversation with Sheppard. Why was he so reluctant to talk about himself? "I was saying that both counts were right and we're missing some supplies." "Yes, it looks that way," Devon agreed. "It must have been the Grendler that Walman thought he saw. Maybe we should try and find it's nest," Bess remarked. "That could be dangerous, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to confront one of those things."
"I'm not talking about getting back the supplies when it's around," Bess said, "we could find it's nest and get the stuff back when it leaves." "That's a possibility. We'll talk about it tonight at dinner," Devon conceded. "In the meantime, how are Morgan and Baines doing with the repairs on the perimeter sensors?"
"I think they've just about fixed the problem." "Good. We need to get them working again, especially if there are Grendlers around," Devon replied. "I'll be in the communications tent if anyone needs me."
"OK Devon," Bess nodded.

Alonzo and Julia walked hand in hand through the trees. She still felt embarrassed about showing affection in public and he had waited until they were out of camp to take her hand. He always thought it was funny that ‘Doctor Julia' was so self -conscious when it came to matters of the heart. Nothing was supposed to faze her. She was supposed to have been trained to deal with any situation, emotional or otherwise. She had shown in those first few weeks, though, that the emotional side of medicine was not her strong point. He had found her rather cold and clinical at first. Oh, she was medically competent but her bedside manner left something to be desired. He had told her as much while he was recovering from his broken leg. There was something about her, though, that drew him to her despite the cold shoulder she gave him each time he turned on the charm. Maybe at first it was the challenge, after all he was the smoothest-talking-coldsleep-jumper around, but in time he realized it was much more. Julia brought about feelings he never though he would have..never thought he could have.
He watched as she lifted her face to the sky enjoying the warm glow of the sun which contrasted with the still crisp winter air. Why exactly he was attracted to her he couldn't have told someone if they had asked him those first few weeks after the crash. She was beautiful but didn't seem to realize it. He had been around quite a few gorgeous women in his many years but all had at least one thing in common, to some extent they knew they were beautiful. Julia, for some reason, never acted with the self-awareness that usually comes with knowing how attractive you are to the other sex. She still seemed surprised and perplexed when he told her how beautiful she was. She blushed so easily and looked so adorable when she did, that sometimes he would tease her just to see the light shade of pink highlight her cheeks. He always waited until they were alone, however, because he would never intentionally embarrass her in front of the group. If asked now, he would say that it was the whole package that attracted him; the intelligent, beautiful, unassuming woman that was Julia Heller. Her inexperience at love rejuvenated him and made him feel like a teenager again. That was quite a feat, considering he was essentially older than everyone, even Yale. Slowly she was gaining confidence in her feminine side and it was a wondrous thing for Alonzo to watch. Each day she was becoming more comfortable with showing her feelings. Each day she was becoming more comfortable with expressing her desires. He loved the woman that Julia Heller was, and the woman that she was becoming.
"Alonzo, why are you looking at me like that?" Julia asked, feeling the color that always began to rise in her face when she caught him staring at her. He smiled and caught her chin with the tips of his fingers, bringing her face close to his. "Because that's how a man is supposed to look at the woman he loves," he whispered as he captured her lips with his.

The Elder paced back and forth on the dreamplane as he waited for the Terrians to return. He had come here seeking the answers that could affect many lives. "Will it hold?" he thought to himself, getting more anxious every minute that the Terrians stayed away. He was beginning to think they had forgotten him when three Terrians emerged from the ground in front of him. "I ask you again," he pleaded, "will it still work now that the long-haired one is in the ground?"
The three Terrians looked at each other then turned to him. The one in the middle stepped forward and trilled to the Elder. "Why can't you be certain?" he asked desperately. Again the Terrian trilled to him. He then returned to the others and all three disappeared into the ground, leaving the older man alone on the white, desolate sands of the dreamplane. The Elder opened his eyes and stepped back from the sleeping terrian, breaking contact as he did. "It's just as I feared," he whispered to no one. "I pray Sheppard is strong enough to keep it from happening again."

Sheppard had watched Devon leave. The buzzing was becoming unbearable. He held his ears and pressed his hands to his head in an attempt to ease the pain. Then, as suddenly as the sound started, it stopped. Sitting back down on the log, he took some deep breaths and placed his hands over his face, rubbing his forehead.
"Hello Sheppard," a voice behind him whispered. He brought his head up and turned around quickly to find no one there. Thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, he stood up to leave. "I apologize for the noise, but we couldn't have you telling the beautiful Ms. Adair all our secrets now could we?" Sheppard looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. "Who are you? What's going on?"
"Do you really want to know?" the voice echoed from a distance. "Where are you?"
"Do you REALLY want to know?" the voice insisted. He was becoming angry, someone was toying with him and he was tiring of the game. "YES, I want to know. Who are you?" "Turn around."
Sheppard turned toward the voice. He gasped as he viewed the sight in front of him. Standing there was a ghostly image of himself. "Hello again Sheppard, it's been a long time." "What?..Who are you?" he stammered. His knees were becoming weak and he felt like he was going to pass out. He reached for the nearest tree to support himself.
"You know who I am...I'm you," the image answered, moving toward him. "No, this is insane. You're not me. You can't be." "Interesting choice of words," the image laughed, "but I assure you, we are the same."
"What do you want?" Sheppard asked, backing away from the approaching figure of himself.
"That's very simple...I want to be whole again. I want you." With those words, Sheppard's past came rushing back. The flood of memories overwhelmed him and he sank to the ground as darkness enveloped him.

End part 7

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