Penname: Jayel [Contact] Real name: Jayel
Member Since: 27/12/2007
Membership status: Member

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Stories by Jayel
Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'The True Course of Love'. Soon after Danziger and Tara's adventure, problems start to grow. The atmospehere is very bad, and poor weather conditions cause Eden Advance to remain in the same (main) room. Alonzo decides to take Julia from them to same Terrian caves so she can give birth in more normal place. After arriving there they talk and get to know each other even better. They also dream with Valentine on the dreamplane. After some time they dream to the past, before the Ranoake ship crash landed on G889, an experinece neither of them would like to go through again. After Uly reports disturbances in the main camp, Devon and Danziger go to investigate. Soon after, one Terrian tells them that Julia has begun to give birth. Alonzo is on the dreamplane in the cave during Julia's labor, and Devon and Danziger also help. Soon after the birth they get a message that Yale died and Tara couldn't fight his virus... More info...
Updated: 09/01/2008
Summary: Devon is acting weird after Alonzo's fight with mad
Terrian. So Danziger goes and talk to her, but she doesn't tell why she behaves weird. After "talk" Devon comes to his tent and while meaning that he sleeps tells him that he kissed her and she liked it... More info...
Updated: 25/05/2008
Summary: A sequel to 'Kamikaze'. Tara is very lonely following the death of her husband Val. She resents Devon, believing her to be responsible for Val's death. Once joining the group, Tara refines Elle's program for Danziger. She also she burns all of Val's clothes, and almost herself with it. More info...
Updated: 14/01/2008
Summary: Eden Advance hits on two pals of Alonzo, Tara and Valentine Donahue. They soon discover that Tara is human computer, or we should say human with some special abilities. Planet is dying, group goes back to Bennet's ship to destroy Eve. They thaw Devon, but she is still ill. Tara uses herself to break connection to Eve and replaces it to her. But Eve's sattelite is interfering. So Val must go to destroy Satelite, as soon as Tara break their bond to Eve. Everything goes right except Tara, she gained sister, Julia, but lost her husband... More info...
Updated: 26/05/2008
Summary: A continuation of 'Escaping the Pyre'. Danziger goes on a scouting trip with Tara and the two become romantically involved. She gets a cat for True and wedding clothes for Julia. But their love is not just for one day... Danziger finds he has fallen in love with this latest addition to Eden Advance. More info...
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