Ann Brill White

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail: anniebw@bellatlantic.net

Well, I tried to get this out last night, but some military guy named General Protection made my computer go boing. So, it's General Protection's Fault. ;)

Anyway, here's a little Christmas ditty from the staff at KOBA-TV. It's been an interesting year. New Pacificon was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and one that I will treasure always. It was great to meet everyone. I hope that we can continue this tradition. You people are a great treasure to me.

Enough of the scmaltz, and on to the frivolity!

A Visit from Santa Grendler
By Ann Brill White

Twas the night before Mooncross, and all through the caves,
Not a Terrian was stirring, not even their staves.
The laundry was hung by the fire with care,
In hope that it would get a breath of fresh air.

The Edenites nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of real food danced in their heads.
Uly in his jammies, and True in her braid,
Had finally gotten to sleep, Devon said.

When up on the Dome there arose such a clatter,
John sprang from the fire to see what was the matter!
He fired up a Mag-Pro, and got off a bolt,
When a voice cried out, "Quit shooting, you dolt!"

And what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a Grendler with Santa cap tucked 'round one ear.
He smiled at us with a wide Grendler grin,
And we began to worry if he'd brought any kin.

His eyes, they were beady! His mouth, how it slobbered!
And when he breathed, we were all clobbered!
The Grendler was a thoroughly revolting beast,
And we knew in a moment that it must be Jeff Diest.

His knapsack was flung o'er his shoulder with care,
To carry some goodies back home to his lair.
His stench overpow'red us the closer he came,
And he waddled and slobbered and called us by name.

"It's Devon! It's Julia! It's Morgan and Bess!
It's Lonz and it's Danz, and it's all of the rest!
To the depth of the cave, to the end of the hole,
That's how far to go to find your stuff that I stole!"

John aimed the Mag-pro again, his fingers quite deft,
As he called to the Grendler, "What the hell is this, Jeff?"
The Grendler grinned, like a hideous elf.
"I found one of your pods, and I just helped myself."

"I've brought gifts," he said, "just to show I'm sincere.
There's something delightful for everyone here."
He sat on the ground, and dug into his pile,
And handed out gifts with a slobbery smile.

"For Morgan, of course, here's a bottle of whine,
For 'Lonzo, some new undies made by Calvin Klein.
For Danziger, here's a new set of clothes,
And for little Walman, a gross of No-Doz."

"For Uly Adair, a new sled's not enough,
Here's a bunch of cool Terrian stuff!
And for his mom Devon, who's in cryo, I saw.
What could be better than a Miracle-Thaw?"

"For Bess, here's some flowers, and for Dr. J,
I happened to find some sleek lingerie,
For Cam'ron, a line; for Baines, here's a hat.
For Magus, some hairspray; for True, here's a cat."

"And how could I forget my fave cyborg, Yale?
A new holo-arm will complete my tale!"
He handed out presents to all of our crew,
And then he mooched from us a bowl of our stew.

Then he sprang to his feet, slung his bag on his back,
Then we saw Morgan's Gear sticking out of his pack.
And we heard him exclaim as he waddled from sight,
"Happy Mooncross to all, and to all a good night!"

-The End-

* Ann Brill White - Member: FSA, E2:EA, ORP, RBLS, BCI*
* http://umsa7.ums.edu/~anniebw/index.html            *
* "What we have here is a failure to assimilate"      *
*  - Cool Hand Locutus                                *

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.