
Timeline: After "All About Eve" (Day 150)
Author's E-Mail: jetfixer@interaccess.com

Hi, All! I'm sorry to say, I've hit a creative slump. The five stories I've been working on suddenly seemed to lose their fluidity, and that's the reason I haven't posted lately. I am still trying to work up the nerve to post the last couple parts of New Beginings (okay, I'm lazy. I haven't felt like retyping them. (Thought pattern changing, remembering sister's fatal error...::FUME!::) Anywho, I was looking for a Health assignment and found these poems I wrote a few weeks ago when my creative streak was peaking, and thought they weren't too aweful. So here they are...

Go On
by A.j.

They say go on,
I cannot without you.
With the light of your smile gone,
I cannot see.
They say go on,
I cannot be.
The darkness closes in,
There is nothing but emptiness left.
They say go on,
I cannot dream anymore.
Your face haunts me,
Your eyes have stolen my soul.
They say go on,
Go on to where?
My fire died with you.
I *cannot* go on.

Okay, that was depressing. Well, if you don't want more depression, don't read the next one, (but I think the next one's the best.)

by A.j.

A drop falls,
Not a sound is heard.
It comes in sheets,
And I welcome it.
Water streaks my face,
It washes away the dirt,
It washes away the pain.
For when it rains,
I cry my sorrow,
My tears fall scielently from my eyes.
No one can see the rivlets,
No one can feel my rage.
You ripped away my better half,
When you locked yourself away.
But the rain washes away my anger,
Whittles me down with its gentle force.
It leaves only scilence,
Scilence you alone can fill.
You had filled it with your laughter,
With your smiles in the darkness of night.
That is the only thing rain can't wash away,
Though I'm wishing that it might.

Okay, that's it from me. If you're still reading, I love you and thanx fer tha support!!!

Smiles!!! A.j.
Baines Bunny,
Yale's Yenta,
Rabid Clancyette,
RHM, (I hope you don't mind Mary.)
Cameron Craver,
Zero's Hero,
(And YES, I caved,)
Solace Swooner,

"Hey Adair, you lucid?" J.D.

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.