
Timeline: After "All About Eve" (Day 150)
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By Aj

The sun sets on an empty camp,
Yet there are people milling below.
My eyes travel to the sky of the world you brought us to.
The world you left behind.

I see you everwhere.
My sanity is slipping,
Your eyes haunt my soul,
But there is nothing I can do.

Your son cries for you at night,
It breaks me when he screams.
My daughter will not speak,
She is like me.

I could not speak then,
When you were whole.
I cannot speak now,
Here to the setting sun.

I see you everynight in my dreams,
There you call.
You tell me to find you,
I don't know how.

My heart is dying,
I can feel it's death throes.
I cannot find the hope,
The hope you made us feel.

I hear your voice on the wind,
I can feel your presence.
I can smell your sweet scent.
But I cannot see youre smile.

You are the woman of my dreams.
You are the girl of my nightmares.
I hear your call here in the dying light of the sun,
I feel my life slipping away.

You loved the stars,
They are coming out tonight,
I see their glory,
Yet I miss your sun.

I miss you,
I miss your fire,
And your love.
I love you.

Can you forgive me?
You made me promise to leave you,
But how can I?
How can I forgive myself.

I knew I would die,
But I did not,
How could you die?
You left us alone.

The sun is gone.
The light is dead,
Yet in the distance I see a sparkle.
Is it the sparkle in your eyes?

I know not,
But I know this,
I love you,
I cannot leave.

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.