
Author's E-Mail:

Hello, all. This is not a story, you can flame me into hades and back, but I have something to say. This is acompanying the latest chapter of Moons' Shadow, but it has not a whole lot to do with it. No, scratch that. It has *everything* to do with it.
Lately someone has asked me a question that, at the time, I didn't feel I was ready to answer. Someone asked me if I was writing for myself, or a crowd. At the time I felt quite hurt and angry at that person. How *dare* they question something that I was freely giving time to, and how *dare* they critisize me. Well, after a heck of a lot of thought, I've come up with this answer. Yes, I *am* writing for myself.
This brings me back to one of my first stories, Dissolution. I know it's pretty taboo to mention this, but I am going to anyway, after all, it's to prove a point. I wrote that story in a fit of extreme depression. I put every black thought and feeling I had inside me down on paper. I ripped out everything that had been festering and growing in my gut for the past ten years, and put it out in the sun for everyone to see. It may have recieved a horrible welcome, but I found that *that*, out of all my writings, is my most personal and beloved. Certainly not for it's content, but for what it means to *ME*. It was the first time I *ever* expressed my self _completely._ I meant what I said when I posted it, Dissolution was the hardest thing I ever had to write, but it was for myself. This brings me to my point. As the pain of being asked that question wore off, I realised that it was a fair question. I write what I write because I want to and it is for my *own* enjoyment alone. I post it because I think that others might get a kick out of my extraordinary imagination as well, but I can't lie anymore and say that I write for other's entertainment.

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.