
Timeline: Years after
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First of all, I *don't* know if babies can think coherently. *But* no one has proven they _can't_.
*I* don't even think coherently. No, I'm not going to tell you what happened to the Dev we all know and love, but you can find out if you read the below instructions. BTW, Jayel, I'm sorry, I'm making Tara a real b8tch ::Hi, Matt!!:: but I'm a die-hard Dev an' Danz'er. It's hard enough to write the depressing stuff even though Tara's gettin' dissed. (BTW, public, Jayel said knock myself out with this little flight of fancy, and believe me, my Geometry teacher has. ::Wow, is that bruise *green?!*::) Hehe. This is the last of the Jayel universe sequence. There are two before it not posted yet, but I thought you'd like a tease. Those of you who want any of the parts to this little series, dial and ye shall receive. Gotta warn ya, the two before this aren't typed, so be patient. Chronology below for anyone who cares. =) Lets call this one, Sun.

By Aj

"Mmmph." Devon rolled over. 'Bright,' she thought. 'Way too bright.' Devon was _definitely_ not a morning person, the fact that she had and inability to tolerate bright light exaggerated that little vice as well.

'Julia said it would get better as time goes on, but I still don't like that sunbeam.' Devon watched as the beam referred to slowly moved its way up her cheek, aiming carefully towards her eye. Having enough of that, she moved, unhappily, over to the corner of her sleeping area. Unfortunately, it was already occupied.

'How did *that* get way over here?' Devon's mind questioned. Sitting, pretty as you please, in the corner was an embroidered pillow. Not just _any_ pillow, but one her mother, her *real* mother, had made for her, just before she had died. Devon felt a sadness wash over her. She knew this particular sadness would never go away. Though she had never gotten to know the woman, but from the stories her father and the others had told, her mother had been very special and strong.

In fact, her whole heritage was based on strong spirited people, right on down to her father. At times it was daunting. How could Devon live up to it? Sometimes, it scared her so much. When they were whispering, everyone said how very special she was. They said that it was amazing, her being alive at all, considering what happened. But it wasn't enough to be a miracle,' she wanted to be herself.

Somehow, that brought her mind back to her father. He was such a strong man, and when he held her in his arms, she had always felt safe. But there was always a part of Devon that was ashamed of him. How could he just go from loving a woman like Devon's mother to loving a woman such as her step-mom. Devon shuddered at the thought of that woman. 'The Witch,' as Dev so kindly dubbed her, had never liked Devon. When Dev had first met her, the Witch almost dropped her. Devon had been only a few weeks old, but the tone of their relationship had been set. Whenever the Witch came near her, Devon started to scream. The conditions hadn't improved over time.

A sudden movement on the other side of the room brought Devon out of her thoughts. A tall, muscular man stood in the corner, smiling down at her. He had beautiful blue eyes and the temples of his curly blond head were touched lightly with gray.

"Hey, sweetheart. You ready for breakfast?" John Danziger asked sweetly.

Devon Adair-Danziger smiled brightly, pulled herself up onto her 11-month old feet and crowed, "DA!"

-The End-

Look Away
A Nun, A Cow, and A Rooster

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.