Ann & John White

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail: OR

Hi everyone! Just wanted y'all to know that I've been doing really important stuff with my time offline. &-)

(You did notice I was offline, right????????)

WARNING: The following parody is not for the easily offended.

Or Mary Brick.

Let's just say that Ann and I are genetically *allergic* to Christmas carols, and even at this early date we are MAXED OUT.

Morgan Got Run over by a Grendler
by Ann and John White
(with apologies to, well, somebody or other; let's just say Dr. Demento for now... )

Morgan got run over by a Grendler
Walking from the Dome on Mooncross Eve
You can say there's no such thing as Grendlers
But as for Eden Project, we believe!

He was drinking too much coffee,
And he really had to go,
So he staggered out the 'Dome door,
And went to do his business in the snow.

It was there the Grendler found him
With his Johnson all exposed;
The Grendler slobbered on his unit,
And then it knocked him down and stole his clothes.


When True found him the next morning,
She must have thought it was a dream,
Then she realized he was naked,
And Lordy, did that girl let out a scream --

Walman dragged him in the Med-tent,
And his wife looked really miffed,
We didn't know until Bess told us
It's the first time in a month that he'd been stiff.


Now the ground's too hard for digging
Just a small hole would suffice
The Terrians were busy dreaming
So Julia froze him in a block of ice.

Baines was locked in the TransRover --
With dead things he couldn't deal.
At least we know where Morgan's going,
He probably won't meet up with O'Neill.


Now we all sure miss poor Morgan,
That's what we keep telling Bess,
But late at night while we were sleeping,
A voice from Danz's tent was saying "YES!"

We will all remember Morgan
When the Grendler wears his clothes.
As for what poor Bess will do now,
She's leaving us for 90210!


[and we should have ...]

The Internet means never having to say you're sorry ...

John White <>
The University of Maryland System Administration *and now GSA!*

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.