
Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail:

Well, to celebrate my return to the list (feels like its been forever) here's a little poem I wrote today, in Geometry, as always (don't tell Mr. Chong Wong, okay?!) It's another Morgan-style whining poem...but I'm entitled, 'cuase I missed NP 96. Here goes...

_Sands of Sorrow_

Down in the state
Of New Mexico
We threw a big party
For a great sci-fi show
How big? It's a mystery
I really don't know
'Cause I'm poor as dirt
And I couldn't go!
I begged and I pleaded
But Mom, she said: "No."
"We don't have the money"
And much to my woe
She ordered me not to
Say "New Mexico"
In the same breath as
"Please, can we go?"
So I hope you had fun
With me feeling so low
I *wanted* to come
I *wanted* to go
To see desert plains
Play in BioDome snow
So although I am broke
and don't have the dough
You all should remember that
*I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!*

Comments, love letters, death threats, and winning lottery tickets to be directed to me at Later!

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.