Claire Campana

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail: ClaireG889@aol.com and AlienPixie@aol.com

Well, its been awhile since I last sent something to this list. Here's a poem I wrote after watching some of my very few videos of E2 the other night at midnight.

Mind State
By Claire Campana

It is strangely disconcerting
The way you bore into my mind
Removing that which was there
With your designs
I can't fight you anymore
So I don't even try
But, sometimes, when the sun gets dark
I wonder what I am losing
But I shall laugh at this futile resistance and inconsistent worrying I am learning slowly
That which I lose I am gaining
Three fold times over

-The End-

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.