Dawn Pell

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail: DawnPO@aol.com

AUTHOR'S NOTES: A more appropriate title for this poem would be "Ode To Antonio," since that is who I was thinking about when I wrote it. Specifically, my mind was on that first time I noticed how perfectly beautiful he was, when I saw him on a GH commercial. I chose to call it something else, though. Something I felt had a little more mystique, because I hate *obvious* titles! I hope you all enjoy it, and remember that comments are *always* welcome.

Ode To You
By Dawn Pell

The day I saw you,
Was one I'll never forget.
I got lost in your eyes;
Enthralled by your smile.
When I heard your deep, sweet voice,
I knew you were the one.

-Dawn Pell
Send questions, comments or suggestions to: DawnPO@aol.com

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.