Elizabeth Heckert

Timeline: After "Moon Cross" (Day 60)
Author's E-Mail: heckercw@voicenet.com or devadair@voicenet.com

Good evening everyone, if it's evening when you read this . . . Today is my last free night before I start ::eeek:: highschool and have to go to bed early, so I figured I'd end it with a "bang" so to speak, though this more resembles a "thud" . . . = ) Here's a poem I began a long time ago, but just finished tonight when my server wouldn't connect for an hour and I was sifting through old fanfic. It's called "Going In" and it's about Devon and Moon Cross (just in case I'm the only one who can actually understand the poems = )

Well, here it is . . .

Going In
by Elizabeth Heckert

The sky was clear
The time drew near
Devon pulled on her coat
Though departing with cheer
Her heart filled with fear,
A lump was in her throat.

With Uly ahead,
And True tucked in bed
They trudged off through the snow
And as Uly lead
To Devon he said,
"You're scared Mom. I know."

But "fear" couldn't describe
What Devon felt inside
As they walked that night
With Uly as guide
Oh, she could've cried,
"Surely this cannot be fright?!"

Though without inclination
She felt much agitation
She wanted this over and done
Since her transformation
A lack of information
Was all that she'd got from her son.

A mere glance at the sky
And you could see why
Devon was so unnerved by the sight
For she saw, with a sigh
The moons passing by
And to cross each other that night.

As they neared the cave
Some advice Uly gave,
"Just pretend your swimming," he said.
And looking quite grave
And her breath she did save,
Devon nodded her head.

An eerie white light
Then cut through the night
As they entered a chamber within
Showing no sign of fright
Holding Devon's hand tight,
Uly said, "Now it's time to go in."

And without a great show
Those moons crossed, don't you know
Shedding a light upon them
And, ready to go,
A Terrian below
Stepped up to the pool and *went in*.

Devon watched with a gasp
And time quickly passed
And soon it was Uly's turn
He left Devon's grasp
Lucky her, she was last,
Well, there's only one way to learn...

Holding her breath
She took her first step
Into the shimmering pool
And as she tried not to let
Herself get upset,
She closed her eyes...

She was in.

The end, ta ta, goodnight.


Devoted D/Der; Not so devoted D/Ver (renegade on alternate Tuesdays = )
BIG "Earth2" fan
Not a Council spy?"
Proud Member of the AACI
(Earth2 Page)
(Gerbil page)
"Uh-oh, I think Alonzo finally made it off that cliff . . . AIEEE!"
"Perhaps I was chasing the sun... "

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.