
Timeline: During "First Contact" (Days 0-4)
Author's E-Mail: heckercw@voicenet.com

This is supposed to take place during 'First Contact'. It's the scene where they meet the Terians. A *lot* of things had to be changed to make it work, and continuity isn't perfect (Morgan and Bess are there, Uly seems to be fine, etc.)
Anyway, it's pretty cool.

We're the Aliens
by Elizabeth Heckert

Ulysses H. Adair
The son of mighty Devon
Took a deep breath of air
Inhaling the scent of heaven.

G889 stretched before him
Its streams and rolling hills
Promising contentment
Its mountains, chills and thrills.

The vast blue sky above him
The ground beneath his feet
The tall trees promised haven
From spring and summer heat.

The group stood silent with him
Holding breath in awe
And Devon had determination
Set upon her jaw.

True Danziger tugged nervously
Upon her father's arm
When suddenly the air was filled
With screams of alarm.
"Aliens! Aliens!"
Magus was heard to cry,
"We're the aliens," Devon said,
"Forget that and you'll die."

But aliens they were indeed
that stood upon the hill
Watching human visitors
Raise guns to shoot and kill.

"Put that down you idiots!"
Devon snapped in disgust.
"I'm sure they want the children,"
Someone said, "We must kill them, we must!"

But Devon was stubborn.
"No," was her reply.
And then Morgan Martin wailed,
"I don't want to die!"

"You won't die, you idiot."
Was all Devon had to say.
Danziger muttered, "If we're lucky,
They'll drag Morgan away."

But no such luck did occur
The aliens watched and waited
Leaving the "shoot them" issue
Open to be debated.

"I think we should kill them,"
Danziger'd lost his cool
"Oh get a life," Devon said,
"You trigger happy fool."

"I think Danziger's right,"
Morgan piped up meekly.
"Uh, yeah, me too,"
Baines agreed weakly.

All eyes were turned to Devon
The leader of the group
Their expectations of her
Had thrown her for a loop.

"We'll not shoot them,"
Devon sighed.
"Then you've killed us."
O'neil replied.

"Oh, come on people!
They've done nothing to us,"
Bess Martin explained,
"All they've done is cause a fuss."

Mumbles of agreement
Were all that was heard
Except from whiney Morgan,
"Now we're a sitting bird."

But no one raised a rifle
Bess had convinced them somehow
"Yes, that's good," Devon said,
"We're the aliens now."

-The End-

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.