Emma Pentland

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail:


Okay A.j. this is my response to your little challenge. It's a nice and short Dev and Danz scene, with a little bit of our favourite robot thrown in for good measure. (Lizard Breath almost showed up for this one, telling me to kill Nat, but I've only been in the good graces for a few days. I don't want to risk any wrath from certain, nameless people.) LCC

By Emma Pentland

Devon was getting a kick out of watching Danziger fixing the transrover. Not that him fixing the Transrover was amusing, usually, but he was having several technical difficulties. Yale had called True for a lesson and Danziger had been left without any help. Devon knew how desperately John wanted his daughter to have a good education and he had no intention of asking True to stay and help him. Instead, he turned to his last resort.

Smiling at how much Danziger hated that robot, Devon could not help but let her eyes wander over and watch him work. She always seemed to get distracted from her own chore whenever she heard a loud batch of colourful words coming from underneath the Transrover.

He crawled out from below the large vehicle and Devon actually had to stop herself from staring. He had worked up a bit of a sweat and his shirt was clinging a bit too much to his muscular frame. It was the shirt he wore when they crashed. Morgan had found it among an old batch of winter clothing and had given it back to the mechanic. Devon wasn't exactly fond of the pattern, but the shirt itself seemed to fit him quite well.

Wiping off a little bead of sweat from her forehead, she wondered how hot he was in that shirt. A little thought nagged at the back of her mind, *Maybe I should suggest that he take it off?* She shook the thought out of her head and went back to planning the next day's route.

A loud metallic crash diverted her attention again. From what she could see, John had just thrown a tool at the robot. She knew that if someone didn't save poor Zero soon, John was going to start using him for extra parts.

Knowing that she couldn't really concentrate on the map in front of her, Devon decided to volunteer herself as the robot's saviour. She sauntered over to the Transrover. She knocked on the metal hood to get the mechanic's attention.

John looked up to see Devon Adair standing over him. She looked so beautiful as she smiled at him.

"Are you trying to damage our only mechanical worker John?" She asked with a half smile creeping onto her face.

"He started singing "It's a Small World" I had to shut him up." Danziger didn't feel that he needed to explain himself any further.

Devon laughed at his comment, fully understanding, "Would you mind if *I* helped you."

Taking a deep breath as the thought of what else she could help him with flashed through his mind, he simply nodded.

"Well sir, if I am no longer needed here, what am I to do?" Zero interrupted, breaking the moment.

Smirking, John gave a mischievous look to his companion, "Do you remember what song you were singing before?"

"My memory banks are so vast that such a simple detail would be no problem for.." Zero began to recite.

"Fine then, "Danziger interrupted, "Go sing that to Morgan Martin. He's been playing on VR all day, I think that means he's depressed. Your singing might cheer him up."

"Absolutely sir." Zero turned and lumbered off in search of the unsuspecting Morgan.

Devon laughed at John's antics as she took a seat on the crate beside the tools. "That was a horrible thing to do." She scolded.

"I didn't see you stopping him," Danziger pointed out. "Hand me the number three."

As Devon searched for the right tool, Danziger almost regretted sending the robot away. He was angry at the robot, but what he was feeling was an entirely different form of frustration.

-The End-

There A.j. HAPPY? Please send all praise, problems, picky errors, and you British people, Pounds, and plenty of them, and the picture perfect man, (ASjr) to, <>

Emma Pentland
This is not your planet, you are not GOD here
Solace Seeker
2nd Official Heller's Angel!
Assistant Dean to the Flight School at G.U.
Special Research Division: Indestructible Gear (And Nothing more)
G.U.-Because a mind is a terrible thing!

This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.