Ona Sostakas

Timeline: Time Unknown
Author's E-Mail: ona@umd.umich.edu


Hello my fellow Edenites,

Here is a little (I use the term loosely) poem I wrote a long while back...say last December. It was meant for inclusion into a newsletter, but the editor's life seemed to have intruded and that didn't come to be. No one's fault. However, I always liked this little creation of mine. I seem to have a knack for poetry (if you beg to differ then please keep your differ to yourself ;-) ) and decided I was feeling masochistic enough to put this out for public consumption. Oy!

This is for Susan, my friend across the pond, who said she needed one of my rhymes to cheer her up since her hard drive took a nose dive. Ouch. Cheers, Susan!


A Second Season Rhyme of the Tymes

When last we left our little crew
Devon from her nostrils grew
Icicles that reached the floor
While EA booked out towards the door

Danz she left in charge that day
And off they trooped down to the bay
A colony to set up quick
He hoped no one would be a d**k

"Come Advance!" he Kurgan growled
And to them all he fiercely scowled
They scampered up each time he rang
Loudly hammers fell with a bang

Soon the ship came to the land
But things did not go as they planned
It plopped into the ocean deep
While they collapsed into a heap

"Now what?" they all asked aloud
This now a-da-zed little crowd
"We don't have a submarine"
"Is this some bad kind of dream?"

Little did this fine group know
That this was the best way to go
For in that ship was their new "lord"
A man who NBC called Ford

He was to be a brand new boss
Ride in on a silver hoss
Turn their lives inside and out
Just who hired this great big lout?

But now he swims with all the fish
Sharks find him a tasty dish
Now that he can't make a mess
Morgan can remain with Bess

So what will this fine band now do?
Will someone swim in from the blue?
Will the Council then try to kill?
Keep on acting like a pill?

Will Rielly flesh turn out to be?
And really need to take a pee?
Will Devon in a rush thaw out?
Will they soon restore her clout?

The future lies out there in front
And we will have to bere the brunt
Of Sci-Fi Channel's whimsy ways
To see E2, relive the days


This text file was ran through PERL script made by Andy. Original text file is available in Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive.