FanFiction.Net login | register AuthorTitleSummaryFull-Text FlavorTangerineKiwiBlueberryGrapeBlackberryMint Just In | Discussion Forums | Community Connector | Authors Directory | FAQ« Help» A Slight Gimmer of Hope-The Whole Shebang!! Category: Books » Harry Potter Censor: G Genre: Romance Reviews: 19 Author: college girl - Select Font -VerdanaTimes New RomanArialGeneva Font Size: Bigger (+) - Smaller (-) A/n: My author profile was getting cluttered with all these different chapters of different stories, so I decided to put the whole story up so I could get rid of all the chapters. Don’t worry, I saved all your great reviews on all the partsJ!! A Slight Glimmer of Hope…part 1 Ginny was walking through Hogwarts, talking to her friend Kimberly. As she walked through the halls, she noticed Harry Potter walking by with her brother, and Hermione Granger. “Guess what?” Ginny said as loud as she could to Kimberly. She secretly wished Harry would overhear her. “What?” “I got an A on my potions exam!” “Wow, you mean Snape actually gave a Gryffindor an A?” Kimberly exclaimed. At this, Ginny laughed especially loud. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked right by without a glance. Ginny felt stupid, why did she laugh like that? She glanced at Kimberly, to make sure she wasn’t too obvious. She was happy to discover that Kimberly didn’t notice her extra loud laugh, or the way she started bragging as soon as she saw Harry. Ginny lie in bed thinking that night. Did she even have a slight glimmer of hope of making Harry notice her? How could she get his attention? She didn’t know much about him despite the fact that he was Ron’s best friend. What were his interests outside of quidditch? She wished she knew. Ginny said her prayer once more and finally went to sleep. The next day, Ginny was walking through the halls of Hogwarts by herself. Kimberly had to stay late in transfiguration because she was having trouble turning her books into bunny rabbits. Suddenly, she felt herself run right smack into someone and drop her notes everywhere. “Oh, excuse me,” she said “No, no I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Ginny recognized the voice as Harry. “Here, let me help you.” Harry helped Ginny pick up her books and carried them down the hall to the common room. “Thank you,” she mumbled. Ginny started up the stairs to the girls’ dorms, she heard Harry call out to her, "And, by the way, good job on your potions test.” “Thank you,” she beamed. While walking up the stairs she thought, “So he was paying attention, maybe there is a slight glimmer of hope after all.” Maybe. All she could do was hope someday Harry would notice her. A Slight Glimmer of Hope Part 2…Or is there Ginny was talking in the cafeteria to her best friend Kimberly. They were just chatting and giggling about stupid stuff, when suddenly Kimberly exclaimed, “Ginny, don’t look now, but Harry Potter is glancing our way.” Ginny felt a pang in her heart. Was he looking at her? No, he couldn’t possibly be. But still, she thought, there is that slight glimmer of hope. “Okay, he’s turned back, you can look now,” Kimberly giggled. Ginny never told Kimberly of her feelings for Harry Potter, but she knew. And Ginny knew that she knew. Ginny was grateful that Kimberly hardly brought up her “infatuation” with Harry. Otherwise, Ginny would never be able to live it down. Kimberly was Ginny’s best friend since she started at Hogwarts. Kimberly was a Ravenclaw, so Ginny didn’t get to see her very often, which was unfortunate, because they had the best of times together. Kimberly had dark blue eyes, and was short, only about 5’3”. Her blonde hair was thick, and straight and it almost went to her waist. Ginny sometimes wished she could have Kimberly’s hair. Sure, she liked her hair, there wasn’t anything wrong with being a red head, but Kimberly’s hair was so thick, and it did exactly what she wanted it to. Kimberly defiantly stuck out in crowds because her hair was very long and very blonde, and with Ginny’s bright red hair, they were certainly noticeable. Ginny looked up and noticed that Harry was looking their way again. She quickly waved to him and looked at the ground, almost missing his wave in return. “Who are you looking at, are you fancying someone again,” Ron shouted to Harry, loud enough that half the lunchroom could hear him. Harry blushed and shot Ron a look that told him to mind his own business. Unluckily, Malfoy choose to walk in the same time Ron was teasing Harry. “So, Potty is looking for a girlfriend. Are you lonely? Poor, poor Harry, can’t find a girl to stand in his footsteps,” he snickered. “Shut up Malfoy, it’s not like you could ever get a girlfriend. Who’d want to date an evil shrimp,” Ginny shouted from across the room. Malfoy finally gave up and sat down, and Harry looked shocked that Ginny had actually stood up to Malfoy. Later that night, in the common room, Ginny was sitting by the fire. Suddenly, to her surprise, Harry came and sat right next to her. He didn’t say anything for a long time, he just sort of sat there, like there was something big he was pondering. While he sat there Ginny could feel her skin crawl. She quickly covered up her ankles so Harry wouldn’t notice her goose bumps. She kept wondering if he wanted something from her. Maybe he likes her, she thought, but she quickly pushed that thought aside. That couldn’t possibly be it. There was always that glimmer of hope though, wasn’t there? Was he thinking of her? Finally Harry spoke up. “So, er, thanks for telling Malfoy off for me early today.” “No problem Harry, he deserved it.” “You have certainly grown up and matured since your first year at Hogwarts. I can barely recognize you when you walk by anymore. You will make some lucky guy very happy someday,” Harry told her. “Thank you, you will make some lucky girl very happy someday also.” She secretly thought, I wish I could be that lucky girl. She reminded herself to say her special prayer twice tonight. “Listen,” Harry said, “I was just thinking I never made much of an attempt to get to know you, we should really talk more. Ron and Hermione kind of have this unspoken bond between them, and sometimes I feel sort of left out. And I’m sure you feel left out too sometimes because your best friend is from Ravenclaw so she isn’t around very often. So what do you say? Friends?” “Of course we are, Harry. You shouldn’t even have to ask that. I’ll always be your friend.” “Now that that is settled, are you and Kimberly going to Hogsmead this weekend,” Harry asked her. “Yes Harry, why do you ask? You need someone to protect you from Malfoy,” she teased. Harry laughed lightly. He’s so cute when he laughs, Ginny thought. “Actually I was wondering…,” he started. “Yes?” “Well, you are over your little crush you used to have on me, correct?” Ginny didn’t know what to say. She never realized he even knew about her crush on him. She felt too embarrassed to admit it. He was just finished telling her how mature she had gotten. Would he think her crush was too babyish? Sure, it started out that way, but Ginny has changed. She liked him now because he was kind, and considerate, and always there for his friends. When she was younger she only liked him because he was cute and famous. Those things didn’t matter to her anymore, although they surely did help. “No, of course not,” she quickly blurted out. “Well then, would you help me get Kimberly to like me?” A Slight Glimmer of Hope Part 3…When the Glimmer dies “So the tears won’t fall” “Well then, will you help me get Kimberly to like me?” Ginny didn’t know what to say. She felt like screaming because Harry was so stupid, laughing at her predicament, and crying her eyes out all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling she had ever felt. Ginny turned towards the stairs and said, “I’m tired, I’ll talk to you later Harry.” “But you haven’t answered my question yet,” he called up. Ginny was stuck. She knew she couldn’t say no because then he’d want to know why, and then what would she tell him? “Allright then Harry,” she blurted quickly. She ran up the stairs because she didn’t want Harry to see her cry. She told herself over and over again, I won’t cry, I won’t cry. “Glimmer of Hope,” she whispered to herself, “what kind of a stupid quote was that.” She wished she could actually see that glimmer of hope. She wanted to reach out and touch it and…..STOMP IT TO THE GROUND. “Stupid glimmer of hope.” She lay in her bed, feeling angry, as so the tears wouldn’t fall. She didn’t want those tears to fall. Instead, she pointed anger towards Harry, and especially towards Kimberly. Sure, she knew it wasn’t Kimberly’s fault, but she tried to focus on this anger, so the tears wouldn’t fall. Why of all people, did Harry have to like Kimberly? Why did Kimberly have to get Ginny’s hopes up, telling her Harry was looking their way, when he was probably just thinking of Kimberly? She put on her silky purple nightgown, and went to bed, purposely forgetting her prayer. Eventually, after hours of restlessness, she drifted to sleep. The next day, Ginny met Kimberly at their usual place, by the porthole, before breakfast. “Do you think you could skip breakfast today, I really need to talk to you,” Ginny told her. “Sure, what is it?” “Not here, gotta be somewhere private,” Ginny said pulling Kimberly into the porthole and up the stairs to her dorm. Luckily, no one was in the common room, or the girls’ dorm to see her drag in a Ravenclaw. “Wow, our walls are light blue, instead of pink,” Kim exclaimed as she looked around the room. “Listen, this is serious,” Ginny told her. “Oh, er, sorry.” Kimberly noticed she was serious by the look on her face. “What’s wrong?” “Its Harry.” “Ohhh, what happened?” “He talked to me last night, we had a good conversation, he even told me he wanted to be my friend.” “So what is wrong with that,” she asked. “He likes you.” Ginny felt the tears start to flow now. The tears that she tried so hard to keep in the night before, she just couldn’t keep them in any longer. Why did she have to start crying now? And in front of Kimberly, whom she was suppose to be furious with. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. You know I would never go after Harry, don’t you? I know how much he means to you, and our friendship means more to me than he ever will.” Ginny felt bad. How could she be mad at Kimberly, when she didn’t do anything to her? She knew Kimberly wouldn’t do anything like that to her, but it just seemed so much easier to be mad at her. “I know you didn’t mean it,” Ginny told her, “It’s just, why must you be so pretty?” “Yeah right,” Kimberly exclaimed, “have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? All I ever hear about from the Ravenclaw guys is how pretty you have become, and how they wish you would glance their way for once instead of always being tuned in to Harry Potter. Harry must be out of his mind.” “You think so?” “Yes, of course.” “Thank you so much Kimberly, I feel much better now.” “That’s what best friends are for. Come on, we’ll be late for potions, and you know Snape will definitely take away points for tardiness.” “But what are we going to do about Harry,” Ginny asked as she grabbed her books. She was glad they had potions with the Ravenclaws. It made it seem a little more bearable. “Tell him I’ll meet him at Hogsmead, but only as a friend, and only if you can come to.” “Thanks Kimberly, oops, I guess we better go.” Ginny barely got another chance to talk to Harry before the weekend, when they go to Hogsmead. She almost thought he’d forgot, until Friday night, when he plopped next to her as she was doing her homework. “So…did you er, talk to her,” Harry asked her. “I’m sorry Harry, Kimberly said she only liked you as a friend, but she will meet you in Hogsmead. That is, if you don’t mind me tagging along.” “Of course I wouldn’t mind. You’re my friend, why would I mind?” “Well, I don’t know, you just always seem annoyed that I get in your way a lot” “I’m sorry Ginny, you’re not in my way. I would like to hang out with you; maybe I can get to know you better. Besides, you could maybe, er, help me out with Kimberly. Get her to see me as more than a friend.” Uhrrrrrrrr, Ginny thought to herself, why is it when you think he couldn’t get any sweeter, he goes and says something to totally ruin the moment. “Well, I don’t know if I’m the best person to help you with that, but I’ll try,” she said, trying to suppress a grin, which was very hard to do. “Thanks Ginny, you’re so sweet, you are a great friend” “Well, I try…” she teased. They sat by the fire for a while, talking about nothing in particular. Ginny was thinking about what Kimberly told during their conversation. About how all the Ravenclaw guys thought she had gotten pretty. “Harry, do you think I’m pretty?” She could see the look of shock on his face. “Well, I guess, I never really think about that. Why do you ask?” “Oh no reason,” she sighed feeling disappointed, “Kimberly was telling me that the Ravenclaw guys had a crush on me.” “I’m sure they do. They wouldn’t have any reason not to, I guess,” Harry told her. Neither of them knew what to say after that. Finally, about ten minutes later, they heard Ron and Hermione bickering in a corner. Harry got up, “I suppose I better go break them apart before it gets nasty. I’ll talk to you later Ginny, you and Kimberly can meet me at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow at two.” “Okay, bye Harry.” Ginny went up to her room feeling more confused than ever. When will Harry ever notice her? Why does he say something so sweet to her, and then ruin it all the time. Maybe, just maybe, he was confused too. She doubted that though, he says he likes Kimberly, and she knows he wouldn’t lie about something like that. Unless he was lying to himself? Ginny figured she was just letting her imagination get the best of her. She reminded herself though, not to let that slight glimmer of hope die. For hope was all she could pray for. A Slight Glimmer of Hope Part 4 The long awaited Hogsmead weekend finally arrived. Ginny and Kimberly got up early and went into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom so Kimberly could fix Ginny’s hair. Her mother used to work in a muggle beauty shop, so she was fairly good at creating new hairstyles. “Are you almost done? We’re suppose to leave at eleven, we’re gonna be late.” “Hold it just a second. Okay, I think I’m done, turn around and let me see.” Ginny turned towards Kimberly, and Kimberly let out a loud gasp. “What, is it bad? Oh no, what am I going to do,” Ginny exclaimed. “No, you look absolutely beautiful Ginny. Take a look in the mirror.” Ginny stepped up to the mirror. She couldn’t believe it was her own reflection! Her bright red hair rippled in ringlet curls to the middle of her back. Kimberly had also pulled it up on the sides to reveal more of her pretty face. It just couldn’t be right, that wasn’t her in the mirror, was it? “So, what do you think,” Kimberly asked her. “Oh, I love it. Thank you so much.” “No problem, I know how you could return the favor,” Kimberly told her. “How, I’ll do anything!” “Well, you go up to Harry and you knock him dead.” “Oh, you mean with my good looks and stunning personality,” Ginny giggled. “No, no, I mean if you go up to him and hit him really hard with a hammer,” Kimberly teased back. “Yes, that ought to really get him to pay attention to me.” “All right, All right, enough with the giggle fest, are you to ready to go,” Mrs. McGonagall peeked into the bathroom. “Coming,” both girls said at once. Two o’clock didn’t come fast enough, but yet, it almost came too quickly. The two girls were having so much fun, they were surprised to look at the clock and notice that it was almost time to meet Harry. “Do you see him,” Ginny asked her friend as they entered The Three Broomsticks. “Not yet, lets go sit down.” The girls sat down and ordered a couple butterbeers while they waited. Finally, at about ten after, he walked through the door. Ginny noticed him right away and moved over so he could sit next to her. “Hi Kimberly, hi Ginny, sorry I’m late. I had a hard time getting away from Ron and Hermione’s taunts. I’ll get them back though.” Harry stopped, and stared at Ginny. Ginny quickly bowed her head so he wouldn’t see her blush. “I er, really like your hair Ginny,” he said. “Thanks, Kimberly did it for me.” “Great job, I bet all the guy’s will be fawning over her now,” he told Kimberly. “That is the idea.” “Hey, Ginny, didn’t you say you wanted to talk to Hermione about something,” he said motioning towards the door. He and Ginny planned this earlier; this was supposed to be her cue to give them five minutes alone. Of course, Kimberly knew about this, but she just decided to play along. Ginny got up and walked outside. She saw Harry quickly glance in her direction as she went out the door. “ Why did he have to do that,” she thought-“Why did he have to glance at me like that? It makes it harder for me to want to move on, although I know that is what I’m going to have to do. Sooner or later, I’m going to have to forget about Harry Potter, because I have to face the fact that he’ll never see me as anyone but the Weasly boy’s little sister. But, I just can’t let go of that slight glimmer of hope.” After about five minutes, Ginny walked back into the bar and took her seat between Harry and Kimberly. They were sitting there, laughing about something. Ginny wondered how their conversation went. Finally, Kimberly stopped laughing and motioned to Ginny. “Come with me, I need to go to the restroom quick.” “All right, I’m right behind you,” Ginny told her. When they got into the restroom, Kimberly looked like she was about to burst. Ginny could tell Kimberly really wanted to tell her something, but was taking her time getting it out. “So are you going to tell me, or are you just going to stand there with that smug grin on your face,” Ginny impatiently asked her. “I just don’t know where to begin,” she stated. “ Oh no,” Ginny thought, “I hope she isn’t happy because her and Harry hit it off. I know she wouldn’t do that, but then again this is Harry. Who didn’t like Harry? Maybe she discovered she has feelings for him. How could she do that to her best friend?” “Just start from where I left,” Ginny calmly told her. “Well, when you left, I noticed he glanced your way.” “So, what is your point,” Ginny asked her. “Well, if you’d quit interrupting, I’d get to the point.” “Sorry, go on.” “Thank you. Anyway, after you left he told me that he really likes me, and that he wanted to go out with me sometime, and so on and so forth.” “And” “Quit interrupting.” “Right! Sorry, I forgot.” “But, he didn’t really seem all there, his mind was else where, like outside the bar.” “What, what do you mean?” “I believe that is an interruption, do you want me to finish or not.” “While we’re still young,” Ginny replied. “Good. Now as I was saying, I don’t think he seemed all too sincere. It’s like he really wants to believe he likes me. Maybe a part of him does like me, but I think the bigger part of him likes someone else.” Ginny stood there for a moment wondering what the heck Kimberly was trying to get at. For a Ravenclaw, she certainly wasn’t making much sense. She thought the Ravenclaw’s were supposed to be the clever ones. “Well,” Kimberly stated “Well, what?” “You can ask now.” “Ask what?” “Never mind, I won’t tell you how I think the person he really likes is you, then.” “What?” “We better go, Harry’s going to think one of us fell in the toilet. Ginny followed Kimberly out of the bathroom, truly feeling sorry for her friend. “She has really lost it,” she thought. Didn’t Kimberly know all she was doing was setting Ginny up for heartbreak? She knew Kimberly was only trying to do what was best, but all she was doing was getting her hopes up. Ginny knew there was always that slight glimmer of hope, but she didn’t want her hopes built up that high and suffer from another letdown. She remembered how much it hurt when Harry told her he liked Kimberly. She didn’t want to get hurt like that again. Harry, Ginny and Kimberly stayed at The Three Broomsticks, laughing and sharing stories until it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Ginny was actually sad to leave. They were really having fun. When they got back into the common room, Ron and Hermione went over to Harry. Ginny sat by the fire next to them, and joined in their conversation over what they did at Hogsmead. “Harry, where have you been, we didn’t expect you to be gone all day,” Ron asked. “Yeah,” Hermione stated, “and I had to spend the whole day with him.” “And you enjoyed it too,” Ron smirked at her. “Well, I guess I have to admit, at least we didn’t get into a fight,” Hermione answered. The four of them talked for about an hour and eventually Hermione went up to bed. Ron stayed out a while longer, but Harry finally hinted to him that he wanted a private word with Ginny. Once everyone else cleared the common room, Harry turned to Ginny. “Ginny, do you think Kimberly will ever like me?” “I have a little saying that may help you out.” “What is that,” he asked. “There’s always a slight glimmer of hope.” “I like that, it’s cute. Where did you come up with it?” “It was just something mum always used to tell me.” “Well, I think I’ll go to bed now.” Ginny started up the stairs to her room. “Hey Ginny,” Harry called up. “Yes.” “I have an idea.” “What kind of an idea?” “An idea to get Kimberly to like me, but I really need your help.” “Okay, what do I have to do?” “Will you, er, pretend to, er, go out…….” “What,” Harry said the last part of the sentence so quiet, Ginny wasn’t sure if she heard him correctly. “I asked, will you pretend to go out with me?” A Slight Glimmer of Hope Part 5 “So, will you?” “I’ll think about it, Goodnight Harry,” Ginny spouted. She quickly went up to her bedroom. It took a while for this all to register in Ginny’s head. She blurted out the first thing that came to her head. She was so furious with Harry. How could he be so stupid? She didn’t really care anymore if Kimberly did go out with him, because she was through with the slight glimmer of hope that he would ever notice her. She didn’t know what she was going to tell Harry in the morning, but she was pretty sure she was not going to pretend to be his girlfriend. Kimberly didn’t even want to go out with him, so why doesn’t he just get a clue and leave her alone. She went to sleep, not thinking about Harry for the first time in years. The next time she talked to Harry was Sunday afternoon. She tried to avoid him as much as possible, but finally she realized she couldn’t get around him anymore. He cornered her in the common room, when she was on her way to see Kimberly. “So Ginny, did you decide yet?” “I don’t think I want to Harry.” “But why not,” he pleaded, “please Ginny, you’re one of my best friends, I could really use your help.” “You really consider me one of your best friends,” she asked. Harry blushed. “Well, I have a good time talking to you. You really are a special girl Ginny.” Ginny was shocked. She couldn’t believe Harry Potter considered her one of his best friends. “Typical,” she thought, “He had to ruin my angry streak by saying something sweet to me.” She stopped for a while, not knowing what to do. She supposed it wouldn’t hurt if she helped him, just to be a friend. “Well, what do you say?” There is a ball next week, do you want to go with me?” “All right Harry, but don’t forget, you owe me one.” “Thank you so much Ginny.” Harry went up to her and gave her a hug, which surprised Ginny even more. The hug lasted a long time, and Ginny finally struggled to get out of Harry’s gasp. “Don’t go getting that slight glimmer of hope again, that’s what always sets you up for heartache,” she reminded herself. Harry finally let go, and gave her a strange look. “What,” she asked him. “Nothing, sorry Ginny, I guess I just got carried away. I am just so happy, maybe now Kimberly will notice me.” “Well, good luck,” she said sarcastically, and headed down to lunch before Harry could ask her what that was suppose to mean. She found Kimberly at their usual table and sat down. She quickly told her about Harry’s little “plan” and asked her who she was going to the dance with. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Kimberly exclaimed. “I think right now I can believe anything,” Ginny told her. “Well, this morning, I was walking back to my common room after breakfast, and I ran into Neville.” “Oh my gosh! You’ve had a crush on him since the end of last year. So, did he ask you?” “How many times do I have to tell you not to interrupt me when I’m telling you my story?” “Sorry,” Ginny giggled. “Anyway, yes he asked me, and I thought I was going to faint right there!” “That is great!” “Yes, and not only that, but it seems he has liked me for quite some time too.” Ginny was truly happy for her friend. She didn’t know exactly what Kimberly saw in him as a boyfriend, but Ginny rather liked Neville as a friend. He was kind, and sweet, and she was sure he would always know the right thing to say-unlike Harry. She remembered Harry’s plan for the dance. She had to tell Kimberly about it, so she was prepared. “Well, you better steer clear of Harry,” Ginny warned her. “He might have some tricks up his sleeve.” She proceeded to tell Kimberly about his plan to make her jealous at the ball. Ginny didn’t talk to Harry much the rest of the week. The O.W.L.’s were coming up soon, and Hermione finally convinced Harry and Ron to start studying for them. The afternoon before the dance, Ginny and Kimberly whet to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom again to get ready. This time Kimberly put her hair in French braids on each side of her part. Then, Ginny put on her dress robes; they were a glittery yellow, with white unicorns plastered on them. They went out by the portrait where Harry and Neville were supposed to meet them. “Hi Ginny, you look beautiful,” Harry greeted her, as he took her arm. “Thanks Harry, you look good too.” Ginny wondered if Harry really thought she looked beautiful, or if that was simply an act. They walked into the Great Hall and found it beautifully decorated with balloons and streamers everywhere. Ginny looked around at all the couples and remembered something. “Where are Ron and Hermione,” she asked. “Those two decided not to come because they couldn’t find dates, and they refused to go together.” “And I thought Harry was clueless,” Ginny thought to herself. “Why don’t those two just suck it in, and admit they like each other,” she asked Harry. “They’ll figure it out someday. Come on, let’s dance, Kimberly is looking this way,” Harry told her. Ginny noticed that Kimberly and Neville were dancing close by. Kimberly looked happy, and Ginny wondered why Harry didn’t see that. Ginny waved at her and proceeded out to the dance floor with Harry. Luckily, the Weird Sisters were playing a fast song as she and Harry started dancing. They were having a good time dancing, and they were laughing so hard at each other’s jokes, that Ginny almost forgot about the whole “pretend girlfriend” thing. That is until Harry mentioned something to Kimberly about saving a dance for him. “Sure Harry,” Kimberly told him, “but I promised Neville the first slow dance, you can have the next one.” As the night went on, Ginny thought she’d be extremely lucky, and there wouldn’t be any slow songs. But, just when she started to believe this, the songs drastically changed tempo, and couples started partnering up. “Well, do you want to dance the first slow dance with me,” Ginny asked, mustering up some courage. “I’d be my honor,” Harry said, trying to act more sophisticated than he normally acts. Ginny laughed at his attempt. “You’re not fooling me Harry,” she teased. “You know me to well Ginny,” he joked. “Do you think Kimberly will fall for it?” “Not unless she has a quick moment of insanity,” Ginny answered. She noticed the song was half way over, and she didn’t even realize she and Harry were dancing until right then. She felt so natural in his arms that it didn’t faze her. She remembered what it would’ve been like just a year ago if he would’ve asked her to dance. She would have been so nervous; she would have been shaking in his grasp. Eventually the song ended, but Harry kept dancing like he was in some kind of daze. “Er, Harry, the song is over now.” “Sorry, I guess I was just thinking…” “About Kimberly,” Ginny finished for him. “Er… Yeah, about Kimberly. Who else would I be thinking of?” The next song was also slow; Harry went off trying to find Kimberly since she offered him the second dance. Ginny went to sit down and simply enjoy the music. She sat there by herself for about a minute, when Neville came and sat down by her. They made small talk with each other while Harry and Kimberly were dancing. Ginny was really getting into the conversation, and she suddenly looked up and saw Harry standing there. Harry sat between her and Neville, and she noticed Kimberly sit on the other side of Neville. “Ginny, Neville, we have something very important to tell you,” Kimberly blurted out. “What is it Kimberly?” “Well, while we were dancing, Harry and I had some time to talk.” “Yeah, actually we talked quite a bit.” “Excuse me Harry, but I believe that I was telling them,” Kimberly chided. “Believe me, she doesn’t like to be interrupted when she is telling a story,” Ginny giggled. “Thanks Ginny. Anyway, I told Harry that I know he and Ginny weren’t really going out.” “Kimberly, how could you? Listen Harry, I’m sorry; I had to tell Kimberly, she’s my best friend,” Ginny stated. “It’s okay Ginny,” Harry calmed her. “It worked out for the best.” “What do you mean,” she asked. “Kimberly finally agreed to go out with me,” Harry rushed out. Ginny went off in a trance right then, her thoughts spinning quickly through her head. How could Kimberly do this to her, especially after she promised that she never would? Ginny thought Kimberly and Harry were her best friends; Best friends do not betray one another. Besides that, she always thought Kimberly liked Neville. Poor Neville, not only did they have to break her heart, she also had to hurt Neville. She simply wanted to leave right then and there, and never talk to either one of them again. Then, Ginny noticed something peculiar. She could have sworn she saw Kimberly give Neville some kind of “thumbs up” sign, to witch Neville smiled back, and Kimberly blushed. Neville got up and held out his hand toward Ginny. “Ginny, I have a slight crush you, and I was wondering if er, you would like to dance,” he asked. Ginny seen Kimberly wink at her, and she figured at once Kimberly had something up her sleeve. Ginny gave her a confused face in response. She waited until Harry wasn’t looking, and mouthed something to Ginny that looked like, “trust me.” “All right Neville,” Ginny got up and started dancing with him. Pretty soon, Harry and Kimberly were dancing beside them. Kimberly made some kind of hand gesture again, and Neville nodded like it was some kind of signal. Then he wrapped his arms so tight around Ginny she could hardly breathe. Harry looked at Neville with disgust, and for a while Ginny though he was truly going to kill him. “What is going on,” thought Ginny, “everyone is acting so strange.” She decided they were all a bunch of nutcases. The night drew on. Finally, when Ginny thought she would not be able to move her feet again, the dance ended. She, Harry, and Neville left Kimberly off before her common room entrance, and headed for the portrait. All the way, Harry kept shooting glares at Neville. “What did Neville do to him,” Ginny wondered. Neville told them he was tired, and decided to go to bed. Before he went up, he told Ginny she was beautiful, and kissed her on the cheek. Ginny could’ve swore smoke came out of Harry’s ears right then. As soon as Neville was out of sight, Ginny turned to Harry. “What is your problem?” “I think you’re the one with a problem.” “Excuse me Harry?” “What is going on between you and Neville?” “It is none of your business, so why do you care?” Ginny couldn’t believe Harry was reacting the way he was. What was his problem anyway? He got Kimberly, wasn’t that enough? Neville was just her friend, so what was the big deal if she danced with him? Harry’s face fell, and he lowered his voice as realization hit him. “I’m sorry Ginny, I don’t know what came over me, actually I do, but…” “It’s all right Harry, we all have had a rough day.” “The dance was fun though…well, the beginning anyway,” he explained. “Didn’t you have fun with Kimberly?” “Yeah, it’s just different, you know.” “Different from what,” she asked. “Well, er, we just always seem to have so much fun together Ginny.” “Kimberly is fun too.” “Yes she is, she is great to talk to, and she is really funny too, but I don’t know, she’s just not…” “Not what?” “I don’t know, I think I need to get some sleep.” “Harry,” Ginny called up as he started walking up the stairs. “Yes?” “Why did you get so mad when I danced with Neville,” she asked suspiciously. “I don’t know, I guess…” “You guess what,” she asked. “I guess…er, I guess it just doesn’t seem right for Ron’s little sister to be dancing so close to some guy. I suppose since Ron wasn’t there to protect his little sister, I had to.” Ginny was furious. Ron’s little sister?? After all they have went through and still all he thinks of her as is Ron’s little sister? Realization finally struck. Harry was just plain too stubborn to ever notice her. That slight glimmer of hope never even existed. She was just like a little sister to him. She didn’t feel sad, just angry that she had wasted so much time dreaming of Harry, when she never had a chance. If that was the way it was going to be, she decided it wasn’t even worth it to be friends with him anymore. “Harry Potter, you are just so stupid!” She exclaimed as she stomped up the stairs. She didn’t look back to see the expression of hurt on Harry’s face, she just kept walking. A Slight Glimmer of Hope Part 6…The strongest Glimmer The next week Ginny spent avoiding everybody, especially Harry and Kimberly. Kimberly tried to chase her down the halls a couple times, but to no avail. Ginny didn’t care if she ever talked to Kimberly again. She quickly forgot about Kimberly’s gestures at the dance, and decided Kimberly wanted Harry all to herself. Harry also waited for her in the common room a few times, but she walked right past him without looking back. She knew she defiantly never wanted to talk to him ever again. She started talking to a few of the gryffindors in her grade, but they weren’t the same as talking to Kimberly. Ginny missed her friend…or ex-friend that is, but she knew she would never be able to forgive Kimberly. One day, Ginny noticed she was being chased down, by none other than Hermione Granger. “Ginny, I really have to talk to you!” “Is it about Harry?” “Yes, it is.” “Sorry, I have nothing to say about him!” “Please Ginny, hear me out. I know what he said was stupid, but he feels so sorry. All he ever does is mope around the common room, I can’t stand it anymore. I really can’t.” “Well, he has Kimberly. Isn’t that enough for him. I mean, all the while we were friends, all he ever talked about is Kimberly.” “Didn’t you hear Ginny? He and Kimberly broke up.” “Well I’m sorry to hear that. They deserved one another!” “Now Ginny, what exactly did Kimberly do to you?” “She knew I liked Harry, but she went out with him anyway.” “I thought you said you were over your crush on Harry.” “I did, I couldn’t tell him I still had a crush on him. He just thinks it is some kind of babyish crush. That is how it started out, but it turned into more than that. I really liked him Hermoine.” “I’m so sorry Ginny, I didn’t know, and I’m sure Harry didn’t know either.” “Promise me you won’t tell him. Please Hermione. I just want to forget all of this ever happened. I know in a way it was my fault, I should’ve never let myself get into this mess. But, it’s too late now.” “I promise Ginny,” Hermione said after much hesitation. “Thanks, at least I know I can trust someone.” “Don’t worry Ginny, everything will work out for the best.” Ginny was glad she talked to Hermione. She felt like she got a lot out that she was holding in for so long; all that she wished she could tell her best friend, but couldn’t because she no longer had a best friend. She went to Herbology feeling a little better that she had in days. Hemione came and sat next to Ginny during lunch that day. Ginny guessed Hermione felt sorry for her, because she just lost two of her friends, and she had no one else to sit with. They made small talk for a little while, and then Hermione brought up Harry again. “Ginny, I really think you should talk to him. He misses you so much.” “I don’t understand why he misses me though. I mean, he has you and Ron as friends.” “Listen Ginny. I think I know the answer to that, but it is something you can’t hear from me. You can only hear it from Harry.” “Then I guess I will never know,” she stated. “Honestly Ginny, have you been hanging around Ron too much?” “What do you mean?” “Well, you know Ron can be so stubborn sometimes, just like you are being stubborn right now.” “Okay Hermione, I promise to talk to Harry if you answer one little question for me, truthfully.” “All right, if you promise to talk to Harry I’ll answer anything.” “Do you like Ron?” “What? I think that question is completely irrelevant!” “Irrelevant, or not, you still have to answer.” “Of course I like Ron, he’s one of my best friends.” “You know that is not what I mean.” “Ohhh,” she blushed. She bent down and whispered in Ginny’s ear “Maybe a little.” “All right, all right,” Ginny said, giggling, “I’ll talk to Harry and save you from your torture.” “Please don’t tell anyone what I just told you,” Hermione pleaded “Don’t worry. Your secrete is safe with me,” Ginny reassured her. “Thanks Ginny, and Harry was right, you are a good friend.” “And thank you Hermione.” “For what?” “For listening to me.” “No problem Ginny.” The next night, Ginny saw Harry pacing back and forth in the common room. “Oh no,” she thought, “He’s waiting for me, and I promised Hermione I would talk to him. Ginny walked up to the couch near the fireplace and sat down. A few minutes later, Harry came and sat next to her. For a while they both just sat there because neither knew just what to say. Ginny decided to be brave and speak first. “Why did you and Kimberly break up?” “Well, we decided it was better for us just to be friends. It was a mutual breakup.” “But I thought you really liked her.” “I thought so too. Listen Ginny, I’m not really good at apologies, but I don’t want to loose you again, so here it goes… I’m, er, really sorry about getting mad at you for dancing with Neville. Then when I told you I thought of you as Ron’s little sister; but I think of you as more than that. I had no right to, I guess I was er, just…you know.” “No Harry, I don’t know. I can’t read your mind.” “Jealous, okay, I was jealous. I really like you Ginny.” “You were jealous of Neville? Harry, I only like Neville as a friend.” “Well, what do you like me as?” Ginny giggled, “Harry, that question didn’t even make sense!” At this Harry laughed light heartily, “You know what I mean.” “Well Harry, of course I like you. I liked you for a while, I was just afraid you’d see it as some stupid little crush.” “I guess you’re right, Ginny, I probably would’ve. I guess I was stupid!” “Don’t worry Harry, all guys are stupid,” she teased. They sat and talked for a little while later, and Ginny realized something. “Oh my gosh, I have to go talk to Kimberly.” She jumped up so quickly that she startled Harry. “Sorry Harry, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” “Will you meet me down here before breakfast,” Harry asked her. “Yes.” Then Harry did something that totally caught her off guard; he kissed her on the lips. It was just a quick little peck, but still it was Ginny’s first kiss of any kind. She felt that slight glimmer of hope grow stronger, like a fire in her heart. “Bye Harry,” she said as she left the common room. She had to find Kimberly fast. “Hey Kimberly wait up.” She just caught Kimberly going back to her common room after lunch. “Oh Ginny,” she exclaimed. “You knew what you were doing all along didn’t you,” Ginny asked her. “Neville helped you know,” Kimberly added matter-of-factly. “I thought it was mighty curious the way you kept winking at him while you were dancing with Harry.” “Well, I told him about my plan, and he was happy to oblige. That was my signal for him to dance closer to you. You should’ve seen Harry, he was furious.” “How did you come up with such a clever plan,” Ginny asked. “Well, I didn’t get into Ravenclaw for nothing. Now enough about me, I want to hear all that happened the last few days between you and Harry.” The two girls walked down the hall as Ginny told Kimberly her story from where she left off. A Slight Glimmer of Hope Epilogue Ginny’s fourth year went by so fast, everything seemed a blur to her as she started packing up her trunks for another summer. Tomorrow she was to set off on the Hogwart’s express, and back to the Burrow. She finally put her last item in her trunk and sealed it shut. Then, she headed down to the common room to sit on the couch by the fire. Ginny said good-bye to her best friend Kimberly at the feast that morning. She promised Kimberly a trip to the Burrow sometime this summer, and Kimberly invited Ginny to stay with her sometime as well. They promised to send owls, and went on their separate ways. Ginny missed Kimberly already. Ginny’s mind spun back into the present when her boyfriend, Harry sat next to her on the couch. She felt bad for Harry, his summer was to be spent with the evil Dursley’s. Ginny guessed that Ron would invite him to the Burrow though sometime in the middle of summer holiday’s. She didn’t think that day would come soon enough; she wasn’t excited to spend a whole month away from Harry. “Harry, will you owl me this summer?” “Everyday,” he answered, putting his arm around her. Ginny thought back to when she was a first year. She couldn’t believe how naïve she used to be; she couldn’t even talk to Harry Potter without blushing. She only saw him as a hero, he only saw her as his best friends little sister. She knew now that he was more than just a hero, he was a human being; a wizard to be more exact. He wasn’t perfect, he made mistakes, but he had a good heart. Ginny knew that was much better than being a hero. Back then, she would be shuddering as he had his arm around her shoulder. But now, it felt perfectly natural, like it was meant to be there. “I’ll miss you Harry.” “I know, I hate summer holidays. At least we have next year to look forward to.” “Yes, a lot could happen in a year though.” “But, I’m ready for whatever lies ahead,” Harry reassured her. They talked for a while longer, while the common room slowly dimmed down. They sat by the warmth of the fire; it was unusually cold for June. Suddenly, they heard Ron and Hermione arguing at the chessboard. “Do you think those two will ever figure out they like each other,” Ginny asked Harry. “Maybe, you know a very pretty girl once told me, there always is a slight glimmer of hope.” A/n: I’m going to do this to my Glimmer and A Glare series sometime tomorrow (For those of you who do not know, A Glimmer and A Glare is my sequel series to this one, and it also focuses on Ron/Hermione as well as Ginny and Harry). Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story aside from Kimberly. Review Story ( be a responsible reader and write a review) Title: A Slight Gimmer of Hope-The Whole Shebang!! Name: Email: (optional) Review: If you feel that this entry violates any of the guidelines set by FanFiction.Net please click here to notify the staff. Home | About Us | Terms of Service | Browser Compatibility | Privacy