FanFiction.Net login | register AuthorTitleSummaryFull-Text FlavorTangerineKiwiBlueberryGrapeBlackberryMint Just In | Discussion Forums | Community Connector | Authors Directory | FAQ« Help» The End Category: Books » Harry Potter Censor: G Genre: Romance/Drama Reviews: 17 Author: rinabina - Select Font -VerdanaTimes New RomanArialGeneva Font Size: Bigger (+) - Smaller (-) Disclaimer: Yeah, I don’t own any of these guys. If I did, well, I wouldn’t be writing here, sorry to say. This plot is entirely mine, but some parts are from copyrighted text. Summary: It’s the end of year seven. Major sappiness, but nothing to bad I guess. A little fluffy with Ron and Hermione, so those who are Harry/Hermione fans, don’t read because this is entirely Ron/Hermione. Enjoy! The End By: rinabina It was the last day of school. Ron and Harry stood in front of their beds; just staring at the piles of stiff they needed to pack into their trunks. It was over, there was nothing left here for them after a few more hours. Harry looked down at his broomstick, his Weasly sweaters, his robes, and even the little dragon figurine he got before the first challenge in the Tri Wizard Tournament. Memories, such fond and scary memories. His wand alone was enough to remember everything in his wizarding life. From his first encounter with Voldermort, to Voldermort's dying scream, a sound still haunting Harry. Then there was the good stuff. Hedwig, sitting quietly in her cage, the card Ginny had given him on Valentine’s Day (of which said ‘I love you’), the photo album Hagrid had given him. So many memories, all to be remembered. Ron stood next to harry, staring at his own bed full of stuff, though not as neatly arranged as Harry’s. There were his school robes, his ugly dress robes, and those that Fred and George bought him the next summer. His large collection of Weasly sweaters, books Hermione had given him that he had never read. There were little trinkets like the singing clover from the Quiddich world cub, the walking figurine of Krum, and even an old piece of Hagrid's Famous Rock Candy (which looked the same as it had five years ago). Over on one corner of his bed was a pile of parchment. Some had writing on them and some did not. All these little discarded pieces of paper were notes to Hermione; notes he never had given her. Notes explaining how he felt towards her, feelings that he couldn’t even explain to Harry. In a nutshell, he was crazy for her, but didn’t know how to tell her. Unfortunately, the three friends weren’t going to hang around London much longer. As hard as it was going to be, they looked forward to their new wizarding lives, and were eager to make a living. Harry had recently been accepted in the Ministry of Magic to take his father’s old job. He was in the department of Distribution of Magic. A small branch of the Ministry his mother and father had founded themselves. It involved travelling all over the world, seeking out young wizards and witches and opening them to the word they could live in. Ron was leaving in two days for Canada, where he would be a part of a large committee to build a new school in Canada. Realizing his talent in his sixth year, Ron was actually an accomplished architect, and designed most of the floor plans himself. He would later stay in Canada to oversee the happenings of the school. Hermione was leaving for France the next morning. There, she was going to found her own publishing company for Magical Textbooks. Following her love of literature, she was going to create The Harmonious Literature Guild ("which is a whole lot better than spew!" Ron always reminded her. Soon the boys had packed leaving out only their scarlet and gold graduation robes. Scarlet and gold for Gryffindor. Pulling them on they finished the outfit with their golden wizard hats. Harry signed and looked over at Ron, when hadn’t said anything since lunch, a record no doubt. "Ron?" Harry asked quietly, placing a friendly hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" "Yeah," Ron answered blandly. "I’ll be fine. Just, I dunno, sad to be leaving." Harry nodded, "Me too. I don’t think I’ve had happier days in my life than I have here, maybe the Quidditch world cup." Ron smiled and started walking down the stairs. "Yeah, that was the best. Wow, just thin of all the stuff we’ve seen and learned here. All the people we’ve met." "Yeah" "Hermione, and Krum, and Fleur, and Cho, and Hermione, and Neville, and Seamus, and Hermione, and you Harry, and Hermione." "Yeah you said that." Ron looked over at them as they stepped into the common room. "What? I said you already? Oops sorry. Let’s see, oh yeah, and Hermione and Dean-" Harry laughed. "No Ron. You’ve said Hermione," he paused and counted, "five times." "Oh." He blushed and ducked his head. "Well, I guess I just have a lot on my mind." "Listen Ron," Harry said stopping him and placing a hand on each shoulder. "I haven’t asked much from you all that I’ve known you, so I’m going to ask you something now." "Sure thing Harry." "Tell Hermione how you feel for her." "What?!" Ron shrieked. "Are you nutters? Me and Hermione? What on earth-" "Ron you’ve got fifty letters on your bed that say, ‘Hermione I really like you,’ ‘Hermione I’m crazy for you,’ ‘Hermione will you marry my, wait just kidding.’" He said counting the letters on his fingers. "Yeah, so?" "So? Ron you’re in love with her, and I’m sure she’s in love with you too. At least get it off your chest before she leaves tomorrow. It’ll be even harder then. Believe me Ron, I know you well, really well actually." "Love? You have got to be kidding!" He stopped when he saw the look on Harry’s face. Biting his lip, he smiled. "You’re right. I...I do care about her a little. Ok a lot! Geese, chill. You’re the one obsessing over my little sister. Consider how weird that is." Harry laughed as they started walking to the rest of the people in the common room. "Are you going to get married?" "Ron!" He backed away. "Only asking only asking." A girl ran towards them, her bushy hair pulled up inside of her pointed golden hat atop her head. "Oh Harry, Ron!" she said starting to cry as she wrapped her arms around them both. "I don't want to leave this place." They patted her back and spoke softly. "Oh Hermione, you’ll be fine. We’ll see each other again." Ron added. "Yeah, if it’s on person who’ll survive out in the real world it’s you. I mean you’re the only one of us who knows how to read." She looked up at him with angry tear stained eyes. "Just kidding! Geese everyone is so serious today." Harry left and went over to Ginny, transferring Hermione strictly to Ron’s arms. He held her softly; her satin robes cool to the touch. Her every breath was shaking as she tried not to cry any more. Ron treasured this moment, at the time he treasured it more than any time in the world. "Hermione," he said softly. She sniffed and stood back, wiping her eyes. "Yes Ron." "I...Well I, umm, oh nevermind." He stammered. Hermione looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Did you want to tell me something Ron? Really I’m ok now." He shook his head. "No no, it’s ok. It can wait, I think." "What?" "Nothing. Well...can we talk? After dinner or something?" She shrugged. "Of course. What do you need to tell me?" "I’m not sure yet." "Ron!" "There you are Ron!" said another voice. It was Ginny, returning with Harry. She had her hand entwined with is. "We’re going to head down to the Great Hall. Are you coming?" Ron nodded, "yeah, yeah I’m ready. Are you Hermione?" Hermione looked at Ron, very confused. "Um, yes. I guess." They walked over to the portrait hole. Harry and Ginny climbed out and then Hermione and Ron followed. As they entered the great hall for their last night at Hogwarts, a loud eruption of gasps bounced off the walls. The hall was decorated even more beautifully than on Halloween or even Christmas. Perhaps it was only their excitement that magnified the decorations. Each table was cleared and in their place stood a long carpet designed for each house. They were decorated with the vibrant colors designated to each house and had each person’s name embroidered in gold thread. The walls were covered in all the decorations of each house, unlike the usual house cup decorations. Professor McGonigall stood in front of the room where the staff’s table still stood. She clapped her hand and spoke to all the students. "If you would please find your name on your house carpet and stand there. Your house head will read each of your names and you will receive a diploma. Each diploma announces your official graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Her voice faded and Harry could have sworn he saw her wipe away a tear. They did as they were told and stood on their name. Inspecting them more closely, he noticed the bottom of his "p" for Potter looked like a lightning bolt. Shrugging, Harry stood over his name and looked to his side as Ron and Hermione did the same. As the hubbub of the rustling students died down, Dumbledore hobbled up to the front of the room. His eyes sparkled more than ever before and his mouth curved in a smile Harry would remember all his life. Taking a deep breath, Dumbledore addressed the students. "My students, my wonderful students. I must admit, this group has been most..." he paused and winked at Harry, "interesting. Honestly, out of all the groups I’ve seen come and go, this will be the most successful." Smiling even more, he continued. "I will be sad to see you go, but I look forward to see you in the future, as I’m sure I will. More than anything that has happened in these past seven years, I want to recognize the late wizard Voldermort." The whole room went through a wave of flinches. Harry rolled his eyes and forced down a smile. "We all worked together, staff and students, to overcome this most powerful menace. More than just recognizing, I want to congratulate all of you for being brave, strong, and not loosing hope." The students cheered enthusiastically. Giving a final nod, he clasped his hands. "As usual, I will finished with my final words as your house heads read each of your names. Hocus Pocus." A monstrous applause rose out of the crowd of people below. Harry clapped heartily, as did Ron, adding a whoop of joy. Hermione clapped politely and bounced slightly on the balls of her feet. Professor McGonnigall stood in front of Gryffendore group, a pile of diplomas hovering beside her. Her eyes were slightly red and blotchy but she read the names without a trace of tears. "Harry Potter!" she called, in her shrill voice. Harry smiled and looked over at his friend who each gave him a hug, or a handshake. He walked up to the professor, head held high, and back straight. To his great surprise, the whole great hall started clapping in his honor. Turning around in surprise, Harry blinked and felt his mouth drop in surprise. "Potter stinks!" rose above the crowd in a familiar drawling voice. Harry looked quickly over at Malfoy, ready to punch him. The pale young man met Harry with a smile and nod as he paid respects to him in his own way. Shaking his head, Harry smiled and gave a slight bow to his classmates before heading back up to the front of the hall. Professor McGonigall handed him his diploma, made of thick golden parchment. She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug. "Mr. Potter, good luck in the future. It has been a pleasure." "As has if for me, Professor. Thank you." He said, shaking her thin hand. With that, he turned and walked back to his spot, stepping over his name. A warmth beneath his toes caught his attention and a misty feeling of strange happiness slithered up his body. Suddenly, a whisper filled his head. "Well done son," followed by a feminine whisper. "We love you Harry." "Mum? Dad?" Ron looked over at him, eyebrows raised. "What? Harry?" Shaking his head, Harry looked at Ron. "Nothing, just thought I hear something." (Ok, due to major writing block, I couldn’t think of what to put here. Just pretend that you read a really long part involving their final dinner in the great hall. Being the great git that he is, Ron says something really mean that’s directed to Hermione. As usual, he has no idea that she finds it offensive and she runs out of the great hall in tears. Realizing that he blew it, he runs after her. Sorry, I couldn’t think of what he would say, just think of something really nasty!) "Hermione wait!" Ron shouted, following her out of the great hall. "Wait I need to tell you something!" She whipped around and gave him an icy stare. "Whatever it is I don’t want to hear it Ron!" she snapped clenching her fists. He stopped, her remark cutting to his heart. "But Hermione, I-" "Not a word Ron Weasly. I’ve tried for seven years to understand you! I’ve tried to forget about all the mean things you do, and all the stupid mistakes you make. But this time you’ve gone to far and I don’t want to ever talk to you again. I’m tired of being the test dummy for all your mean insults. I hate them Ron and I want to end our friendship right now because I’m so tired of dealing with it all the time." "Hermione." "Shut up!" she yelled from the stairs. "Tomorrow I’m going to leave and forget all about you, and I’m going to find some handsome French boy to take my mind of you and marry him instead. Once I thought I loved you, but now I’m sure that was a mistake, seeing that you can only break my heart. Good-bye Ron Weasly." With that, she ran up the stairs sobbing. He ran up the stairs after her. "No wait! Hermione." Stopping he bowed his head and whispered. "But I love you." The next morning was dark and gloomy. Ron, Harry, and Ginny stood face to face on platform nine and three quarters. Harry and Ginny had said good-bye to Hermione earlier this morning and she was gone. Ron had been quiet all morning and didn’t even talk on the way home; he just stared out the window and watched as the rain splattered against it. "Well," Harry said holding out a hand to his friend. "Ron, I’m going to miss you." Ron forgot his sorrow for the moment and firmly shook Harry’s hand with a smile. "Me too Harry." They stared at another for a minute and then Ron stepped forward giving Harry a hug and slapping him on the back. "You’re a great friend Harry. You’re truly what everyone says, a great and noble wizard. I truly admire you." He was blushing now. Harry smiled. "Thank you Ron. So are you, believe me. You’re just a good of a wizard as I am. Take care, and keep in touch. Find someone to teach you how to use a telephone." Ron laughed. "I will." He looked over at Ginny who stood next to Harry. "I’m going to go see mum before I take off. You take care of yourself for your last year. I’ll be there for your graduation next year, I promise." Then he looked up at harry again. "Take care of her this summer. I’m warning you." He shook a finger at him. Harry pulled her close. "I will." With one final smile, he nodded. "Good bye Ron." Ron and Harry looked at each other with friendly admiration before Ron said, "Bye Harry." Waving he gave Ginny a quick hug." "Good luck on the school!" Harry yelled as Ron waved before he walked through the barrier. "Wait!" Ron stopped and looked back. "Find Hermione some day, at least make amends. I know she cares about you, a lot." Ron nodded and stepped though the wall. Thoughts ran through his mind. He was awful last night. He ruined it, truly, but he loved her, he loved her vary much. He didn’t know if there was anyone else like her. "Wait there isn’t anyone like her. There never will be!" Ron exclaimed to himself. People stared at him. "I have to tell her." Running as fast as he could, he hailed a cab and jumped in. "Harold air field, quick!" When he arrived he ran still to the airport and quickly bought a ticket for Wizard Air, non-stop to France. "Normal or double-time sir?" the lady at the counter asked. Ron looked up. "Oh double time, please. Have you go triple time? It’s really important!" he added with a smile while rummaging through his wallet. She started at him and smiled. "Yes sir, we happen to have one left. Do you want it?" He looked up from his wallet quickly. "Oh wow, thanks. I was only kidding originally, but this is great!" Ron said with a grateful smile, taking the ticket and stuffing it in his pocket. "Enjoy your flight sir," she said, then leaned forward. "And catch the girl." Ron smiled again and ran through the crowded airport to the terminal where he boarded a bright purple airplane, non-stop to France. Hermione walked off the plane, bags in hand. She watched a few people run off the plane and into a waiting man’s arms. Sighing, she adjusted her bags and continued on. Suddenly a flash of red caught her eye. Under the red hair was a freckly face, long skinny limbs, and a sincere face. It was Ron. She widened here eyes. "Ron?" He walked towards her and stopped three feet in front of her. "Ron how did you get here? Why are you here?" Ron looked at Hermione and truly looked about ready to cry. "I flew triple time Wizard Air. I had to talk to you." Her eyes widened. "But, your ticket to Canada! How will you get there? This must have cost a fortune, you shouldn’t have bothered." Shaking her head, Hermione looked away. "Wait a second, I don’t even want to talk to you." Ron stepped forward a few more steps. "Hermione, there’s no words that can possibly express how sorry I am for last night. I was awful, I know, and I always have been. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings honest, I’m truly very sorry, for last night and every time before that." She stood still, her face hard to read. He stepped a little closer still. "But more than anything I came to tell you something else. This is what I wanted to tell you last night and all through our seven years at Hogwarts. For all these years I’ve been trying to put it in the right words, but on the flight over here I’ve decided on these three." He paused and looked at her. Her eyes softened and she looked up at him with a confused yet serene face. "What re they?" she asked, her voice cracking with potential tears. Ron pursed his lips and looked at her face, which seemed about ready to cry. "I love you." Hermione stared up at him still; no expression on her face as the words sunk in. She blinked and looked down but slowly a smile crept up the corners of her lips and swept the rest up with them. Looking back up at him, she tried to force her smile away. "Ron, I don’t know what to say." He stepped the rest of the distance between them and placed a hand on her cheek. "Say you love me too. Say that all the times you got really mad at me were because you didn’t want to loose me or really cared about me. Say that you never loved Viktor or Harry." He paused again. "Say you want me to stay here with you in France for a while, just for the summer." Hermione smiled again and dropped all her luggage on the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight, not saying anything. She felt Ron’s arm slid tentatively up her back and hold her just as tight. Hermione laughed and looked up at him, answering his question "Yes, to everything. I love you too. I was always mad because I didn’t want to lose you. I never loved Viktor or Harry and I would love it if you stayed with me in France...forever." Now Ron smiled, his silly grin that always made Hermione giggle. They looked at one another very carefully and deeply. Slowly, Ron began to lean forward towards her face. Gently he pressed his lips against hers, little tingles of happiness spreading through their whole bodies. They broke their kiss but kept their faces close. Ron pressed his forehead against hers as they stood in the middle of the airport terminal, not caring if anyone saw. They had a future to build and they weren’t going to miss any of it. Review Story ( be a responsible reader and write a review) Title: The End Name:Andy (Signed Review) Favorites:Add author to favorites: Add story to favorites: Review: If you feel that this entry violates any of the guidelines set by FanFiction.Net please click here to notify the staff. Home | About Us | Terms of Service | Browser Compatibility | Privacy