========================================================================== IN FATHER'S FOOTSPEPS Unknown ========================================================================== Timeline: After "SeaQuest 2032" (after 3rd season) Author's E-Mail: ========================================================================== seaQuest 2032 "In Father's Footsteps" TEASER FADE IN : 1 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI) The ship floats near an undersea RESEARCH LAB. Les than half of the base lights are lit, and as we watch, a few more of the remaining ones go out. CHYRON TEXT : ORPHEUS BASE, UEO DEEP POWER PROJECT LOCATION CLASSIFIED 2 INT. ORPHEUS BASE - CONTROL CENTER A Mission Control-like room filled with monitors and console stations, most of them now conspicuously deserted. Several seaQuest CREWMEMBERS work at various places throughout the room, dismantling equipment and packing up gear. LUCAS and DAGWOOD are working together in a corner, pulling DATAPACKS out of a piece of high-tech equipment. Some markings on one of them catches Dagwood's eye : it reads "WOLENCZAK INDUSTRIES." DAGWOOD Wolenczak . . . that's the same as your last name, Lucas. LUCAS Yeah... I know. CAVANAUGH (O.S.) Your father said he was going to make me famous... Lucas turns to see a UEO Lieutenant standing nearby; this is DR. SHEILA CAVANUAGH, an intense, driven scientist in her early 40s. CAVANAUGH ...and in a way, I guess he did. But not the way I expected. Cavanuagh can't quite keep the bitterness out of her voice. Lucas shoves the datapack into a gear bag, clearly not pleased by Cavanuagh's intrustion. LUCAS Dagwood ...why don't you give them a hand with the storage compartments. Lucas points across the room. DAGWOOD Okay .. Dagwood moves off as Cavanaugh walks up to Lucas. There is definite tension between the two of them. LUCAS Doctor Cavanaugh, according to what I've read, my father was the one who brought you onto the Orpheus Project in the first place. Regardless of how it turned out, I'd think you'd at least be grateful to him for the opportunity. CAVANAUGH I was ...right up to that moment three years ago when your father took the ship we built and disappeared with it a kilometer below the ocean floor. (beat) What do you think? Was it just an impuse ...or did he want to keep the glory of tapping magma-power all for himself? LUCAS My father was only trying to help people. Whatever he did ...I'm sure he had his reasons. He doesn't sound sure at all. CAVANAUGH His reasons cost me five years of research. LUCAS They cost him a lot more than that. Before Cavanaugh can reply, the building shakes briefly. It's a seaquake -- nothing huge, but more than enough to rattle the base. Lucas and Cavanaugh look around the room, concerned. CAVANAUGH The seaquakes are getting stronger. We hear a CHIRP from Lucas' PAL and he opens it up. LUCAS Wolenczak here... 3 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE HUDSON, FORD, HENDERSON, O'NEILL, and PICCOLO are in their usual positions. HUDSON That's three quakes in the last forty-eight hours, Ensign. How much longer will it take to clear out the base? LUCAS We're still transferring the data archives, sir. We'll be a couple more days at least. Henderson looks up from her console. HENDERSON Captain, the magnitude of that last quake was over four-point-nine. The seismic activity is definitely not easing up. FORD How much longer do we have? HENDERSON Tough to say. I'd guess a week, maybe less. But in any case, I'd rather not be here when the big one hits. HUDSON (to com) You head her, Ensign. Step it up. LUCAS Aye-aye, sir. Lucas closes his PAL and gets back to work. CUT TO : 4 EXT. THE OCEAN FLOOR (CGI) With an ominous rumble, a CRACK opens in the sea floor. 5 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE HENDERSON (off console) Captain, I'm picking up another seismic disturbance ...it's the aftershock from the last quake. Here comes the displacement wave... FORD All hands, brace for impact. The ship rocks as the aftersock hits... 6 EXT. OCEAN FLOOR - THE CRACK WIDENS (CGI) as the quake continues, and then suddenly, a small METALLIC DEVICE bursts forth. Battered and burned, it drifts through the water, emitting a soft pinging sound... 7 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE As the aftersock subsides, O'Neill looks up from his console. O'NEILL Captain, I'm picking up a metallic object in the water ...it's emitting U.E.O. transponder codes, sir. HUDSON Can you make an I.D.? O'NEILL The signal's pretty messed up, sir...but I think it's a marker or buoy of some kind. (adjusts console) Whatever it is, it's in pretty bad shape. FORD (to Hudson) The base had magma probes set up all over this area, sir. Doctor Cavanaugh might want to salvage it. HUDSON All right. Mister Piccolo, your detail. Go pick it up and take it over to the base. Piccolo moves from his station and heads for the exit. PICCOLO Aye-aye, sir. 8 EXT. OCEAN - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) heads toward Orpheus Base 9 INT. BASE - CONTROL CENTER Piccolo enters with the device, a battered, blackened, and scorched METALLIC CYLINDER rought the size of a WSKR -- it's obviously been through hell. Lucas and Cavanaugh move to join him. LUCAS Tony ...what is it? PICCOLO How should I know? I'm just the garbageman. Cavanaugh bends down to examine the device ...and a look of recognition crosses her face. With her hand, she wipes away the carbon soot from the side of the device, revealing the words : "U.E.O. ORPHEUS." Cavanaugh looks up at Lucas. CAVANAUGH This is the log recorder from the Orpheus. (beat) It's from your father. Off Lucas' stunned reaction. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER =========================== PART 1 ===================================== ACT ONE FADE IN : 10 INT. ORPHEUS BASE - CONTROL CENTER The Work Crew continues to dismantle equipment in the b.g. Cavanaugh is running various diagnostics on the log recorder as Lucas reports to Hudson over a vidlink; Piccolo watches curiously in the b.g. LUCAS It's badly damaged sir. There are heat and pressure failures in most of the hardware. INTERCUT : 11 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE HUDSON Can you access the data? LUCAS Possibly. The holographic memory cells are partially intact. (beat) My father designed them ...I guess he built them to last. Lucas is trying to keep a lid on his emotions, but Hudson can see how tough this is for him. HUDSON Well, once we clear out of here, you can give the data restoration your full priority. LUCAS Thank you, sir. Hudson is about to terminate the vidlink, but Cavanaugh speaks up, stopping him. CAVANAUGH Captain, if this log recorder survived, then maybe the Orphues did, too. Hudson gives her a skeptical look. HUDSON Doctor, from what I understand, the Orpheus was designed to travel down to a magma flow and set up some kind of power generator... CAVANAUGH It was a hyper conducting coil. It was designed to absorb and store energy from the magnetic currents in the earth's magma flow. HUDSON That's my point. The Orpheus wasn't exactly on a pleasure cruise. The chances it survived this long under those conditions are slim. Cavanuagh knows Hudson is right, but she's not willing to give in. CAVANAUGH Captain, if that hyperconductor is still intact, it would've stored up an incredible amount of power -- enough to run the entire North American continent for a year. And if we can retrieve it, the U.E.O won't have to depend on people like Larry Deon for energy any more. Don't you think that's worth the risk? Hudson mulls it over -- it *is* an enticing proposition. Cavanaugh works on the console, and the vidlink split-screens to display a complex network of large undersea caves and tunnels descending far below the ocean floor. CAVANAUGH The Orpheus followed a series of lava tunnels in an extinct volcano to a magma flow approximately two kilometers down. As you can see, the tunnels are wide enough to accommodate one of your shuttles. (beat) If you're willing to try ...it can be done. HUDSON It's say you were being overly optimistic. CAVANAUGH Captain, I understand you scoured the oceans for ten years looking for seaQuest before you found it sitting in a cornfield in Iowa. How optimistic were you? HUDSON Just enough. A beat as Hudson considers. HUDSON We'll be here for a couple more days, Doctor. If you can find some stronger evidence that anything still down there ...I'll reconsider. Hudson shuts off his end of the vidlink. Off Lucas' and Cavanaugh's expressions... CUT TO: 12 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI/STOCK) as the shuttle returns to the ship. 13 INT. SEAQUEST - HOLOGRAM ROOM 14 CLOSE ON - A HOLOGRAPHIC MASS OF STATIC The semi-transparent image of ...something. 15 WIDEN TO REVEAL Lucas and Cavanaugh, working on the log recorder with various computer devices. A jerry-rigged network of cables and wires links the log recorder into the ship's holographic playback systems. CAVANAUGH That's better... Slowly, the hologram begins to come vaguely into focus : it's the small, cramped bridge of a research vessel. A single command chair sits in front of various monitors and consoles, but the image is so riddles with distortion and static that it's difficult to make out any details. LUCAS What are we looking at? CAVANAUGH It's the bridge of the Orpheus. The ship's log was designed to make a continuous holographic record of everything in the cabin. LUCAS I see. So if you needed to check the readouts, you could just zoom in on them ...moniter them in real time. Impressive. CAVANAUGH It was my idea. It's more efficient than conventional recording techniques. (beat) Ramp the Gaussian filter. LUCAS All right... Lucas tinkers with the device for a beat ...and the image comes a bit more sharply into focus. Cavanaugh takes a closer look at the various displays. CAVANAUGH From the data on the displays, it looks like this segment was recorded before the mission began. It's probably just an imaging test... (beat) Let me try to scan it forward... Cavanaugh adjusts the device, and the image blurs. For a moment, there's no obvious change ...and then, a staticky, distortion-filled 3-D holographic image of a man steps into cockpit and turns towards the camera -- it's DR. LAWRENCE WOLENCZAK. LUCAS Dad... Lawrence's mouth begins to move -- he's talking, but there's no sound coming through. CAVANAUGH See if you can boost the playback again. Lucas doesn't immediately react -- he just stares, transfixed by the image of his father. Cavanaugh, irritated, grabs Lucas' device from his hands and adjusts it herself. For a moment, the image improves, but then, it begins to jerk and flicker, wavering wildly. Lucas grabs another instrument and checks the readout. LUCAS We're losing the A-V convertor. CAVANAUGH Stabalize it. LUCAS I'm trying... Lucas works ...but the hologram dissolves into a snow of static -- it's gone. There's a silent beat as they each contemplate what they've just seen. Then : CAVANAUGH I think I can modify a standard imaging array to work as a replacement. I'll get on it. Cavanaugh starts to move away, but Lucas stops her. LUCAS That's all you have to say? CAVANAUGH Yes. Lucas stares at her, dumbfounded. LUCAS You were partners with my father for five years ...you were friends. This is the first time you've seen him in three years, and this is how you react? CAVANAUGH I'm sorry you lost your father, Lucas, and you can go ahead and mourn if you have to. But don't expect me to do the same. (beat) As far as I'm concerned, Lawrence Wolenczak destroyed our project... and ruined my reputation in the process. This isn't about your father or you -- it's about me. If there's any chance at finding the Orpheus and vindicating my work, I'm going to take it. And that's all I'm interested in. Cavanaugh moves off. Off Lucas' expression. CUT TO : 16 INT. BRIDGE Hudson and Ford are standing over O'Neill's shoulder, looking at his panel. The display shows a GRAPHIC of seaQuest's course for the last several hours; several points along the course are highlighted. HUDSON (to O'Neill) What do you mean 'sensor echos'? O'NEILL That's whay they look like, sir. Every once in a while, the WSKRs are coming back with multiple sensor images. HUDSON Have you checked for malfunctions? O'NEILL I've run full diagnostics on all the WSKRs and sensor imaging systems. There's nothing wrong with anything. O'Neill adjusts his panel, clearly frustrated. O'NEILL I'll be doing a normal recon scan of a seamount, and then suddenly I'll be seeing two of them. And then a few minutes later, it goes away. Ford takes a closer look at the display. FORD Captain, according to this plot, each one of these echoes coincided with one of our course changes... Hudson considers for a beat, then turns to Piccolo and KIMURA who are manning various stations nearby. HUDSON Commander Kimura, Mister Piccolo ...it looks like we might have a tail. See if you can find it. KIMURA Yes, sir. PICCOLO Aye-aye, Captain. Piccolo and Kimura move quickly for the exit. CUT TO : 17 EXT. OCEAN - A SPECTER SUBFIGHTER (CGI/STOCK) tears across the ocean floor. 18 INT. KIMURA'S SPECTER KIMURA (to com) Mister Piccolo ...report. PICCOLO'S COM VOICE Sorry, commander... CUT TO : 19 EXT. OCEAN - PICCOLO'S SPECTER (CGI/STOCK) racing along 20 INT. PICCOLO'S SPECTER as Piccolo works his console. PICCOLO (to com) I haven't seen any ghosts yet. INTERCUT : 21 INT. KIMURA'S SPECTER Kimura frowns, irritated with Piccolo's casual attitude. KIMURA Mister Piccolo, when you are on *my* wing, you will restrict your comments to appropriate military observations only. Is that clear? PICCOLO Yes, ma'am. Clear as crystal... An urgent BEEPING goes up from Piccolo's console. Piccolo immediately snapts-to, all business. PICCOLO Commander, I've got a sensor contact, bearing one-five-two mark eight... approximately seventy-two kilometers. KIMURA I have him. Execute intercept course, maximum speed. I'm on my way. PICCOLO Aye-aye, Commander... 22 EXT. OCEAN - PICCOLO'S SUBFIGHTER (CGI) banks and accelerates as it changes course. A rocky RIDGE looms up ahead of him. 23 INT. PICCOLO'S SPECTER PICCOLO (to com) Commander, he's heading towards the ridge at grid-point A-six ...Can you cut him off? INTERCUT: 24 INT. KIMURA'S SPECTER KIMURA No ...I'm still fifty-seconds away from your position... Kimura jabs her controls with frustration. KIMURA This subfighter handles like a truck. PICCOLO Is that a military observation, ma'am? Kimura glares. KIMURA What's your status? PICCOLO I'm closing ...but my sensor image is breaking up... Piccolo stares out his canopy, trying desperately to see into the dark water ahead. 25 EXT. OCEAN - PICCOLO'S POV (CGI) For a brief moment, Piccolo can make out a dim, indistinct shape just up ahead of him... 26 INT. PICCOLO'S SPECTER PICCOLO I think it's some kind of ship ...I'm almost on top of him... 27 EXT. OCEAN - PICCOLO'S SPECTER (CGI) comes hurtling around the ridge towards a large SEAMONT. There is nothing there. INT. PICCOLO'S SPECTER PICCOLO It's gone. (beat) There's nothing here. Maybe it was just a sensor glitch, Commander. 29 INT. KIMURA'S SPECTER KIMURA Maybe (beat) Return to your original patrol course. PICCOLO'S COM VOICE Yes, ma'am. 30 EXT. OCEAN - THE SEAMONT (CGI) Piccolo's Specter turns and moves away, rapidly disappearing into the dark water. A moment later, a weapon-studded CHAODAI SHIP EMERGES on the seamont, its surface changing color and texture like a chameleon. The Chaodai Ship moves away from the seamont, heading back towards seaQuest... CUT TO : 31 INT. SEAQUEST - HOLOGRAM ROOM 32 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE (HOLOGRAM) A holographic image of Lawrence Wolenczak on the Bridge of the Orpheus is playing in the room. Lawrence is speaking, and although the image quality has been improved considerably, the sound is still heavily distorted. Lucas and Cavanaugh have modified the log recorder. CAVANAUGH Almost there... Lucas makes one final adjustment. LUCAS Locking-in audio D.S.P.s ...*now*. And for the first time, we hear Lawrence Wolenczak's voice: LAWRENCE ...and so even though hull temperature and pressure are a little higher than anticipated, it's nothing we can't deal with... Lawrence consults the ship's chronometer on a console. LAWRENCE And at just under four hours into the mission, all systems are normal... Lawrence is obviously determined and driven, but still, he can't entirely keep the excitement out of his voice -- despite the danger, he's enjoying himself. LAWRENCE For the last twenty minutes, I've been seeing the first signs of the magma flow -- small, glowing pressure cracks in the lava tube walls... It's a striking, haunting scene, and Lucas' eyes are riveted on his father. LAWRENCE The pictures we got back from the remote probes don't even begin to do them justice. Ribbons of fire burning in water. Truly incred... And the holographic image breaks up. Lucas reacts, startled, as it forces him back to the reality of the present. CAVANAUGH Well, we didn't really need the travelogue anyway... She scans the hologram forwards through static. After a beat, the image clears again, and she stops the scan and the hologram resumes playback. CAVANAUGH This should be somewher around... thirty hours in... 32 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE (HOLOGRAM) A flickering red glow now illuminates the inside of the Orpheus. Lawrence is at his seat, checking various indicators. He's tired and disheveled. LAWRENCE ...and for a second there, I though I wasn't going to make it -- the magma flow patterns were a lot trickier than I thought. But the hyperconducting coil has been in place for the past eight hours... Lawrence checks his panel. LAWRENCE Power is now twenty-four mega-Watts at seventy-five percent capacity ...and current energy storage is five-hundred giga-Joules! A triumphant grin crosses his face. LAWRENCE It's working like a charm. I only wish I'd remembered to pack the champagne. CAVANAUGH (to herself) He did it ...we did it. (to Lucas) I think Captain Hudson will agree that qualifies as stronger evidence... But before Lucas can answer, we hear the muffled sound of an explosion off-camera. The holographic Orpheus shudders ...the lights dim ...and the color drains from Lawrences' face. LAWRENCE Oh, my g-d... LUCAS What happened? Cavanaugh tries to make out the information on the holographic panel. CAVANAUGH It looks likes some kind of feedback overload ...I think he blew his on-board power systems... Lawrence begins to frantically hit switches and dials in a furry of activity. It's incredibly difficult -- yet, at the same time, compelling -- to watch. The lights in the Orpheus' Cockpit contiue to get dimmer, until finally, there is only the red emergency lights illuminating Lawrence' terrified face ...and the hologram breaks up into static again. There's a moment of silence ...and then Cavanaugh hits a control and shuts the log recorder down. LUCAS Why'd you stop it? CAVANAUGH We've seen all we need to see. LUCAS The hell we did... Lucas moves to restart the log, but Cavanaugh stops him. CAVANAUGH Do yourself a favor, Lucas ...don't wach the rest of it. (beat) We already know that he didn't make it back. Lucas gives her a hard look. CAVANAUGH I'll get the Captain. Cavanaugh exits. Lucas stares at the log recorder for a beat, trying to decide if he can watch what is certain to be his father's slow death ...and he decides he has to know. He steels himself and re-activates the recorder. The hologram reappears : 34 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE (hologram) Lawrence scrambles frantically around the bridge cobbling together various pieces of equipment as the lights continue to dim. LAWRENCE ...lucky, I might be able to use the ship's ...sustain life indefinitely... The image breaks up into static; Lucas works the recorder, scanning forward to the next clear spot. 35 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE - LATER (HOLOGRAM) Lawrence places a crude, transparent container around his command chair. LAWRENCE ...hooking the system directly into the hyperconduction feed... The image breaks up again; with growing urgency, Lucas scans to the next clear spot. 36 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE - LATER (HOLOGRAM) Lawrence sits silently in the command chair, underneath the transparent cover; he looks as if he's sleeping. And then Lucas freezes the image. He steps closer to the hologram and studies the readout on the console. In stark letters the display reads : "CRYOGENIC SYSTEMS ACTIVE." Lucas steps back, astonished. LUCAS Oh, my G-d ...he's alive. Off Lucas' expression. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE =========================== PART 2 ===================================== ACT TWO FADE IN : 37 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI/STOCK) floating in the water. 38 INT. SEAQUEST - HOLOGRAM ROOM Hudson, Lucas, and Cavanaugh. On one side of the room is the eerily-silent tableau of Lawrence Wolenczak cryogenically frozen in his chair. LUCAS Captain, I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling you, my father is alive. Hudson and Cavanaugh exchange a skeptical look. LUCAS When the Orpheus' power systems began to fail, my father new he was going to be trapped down there. So he did the only thing he could to survive : he put together a crude cyro-stasis chamger from equipment on the ship ... Lucas moves around the hologram, pointing to various pieces of equipment and console readouts as he speaks. LUCAS According to these readouts, it looks like he tapped directly into the power flow from the hyperconduction coil to power his cryo-systems. Lucas stares intently at the still holographic form of his father. LUCAS It worked. It had to. CAVANAUGH Lucas ...I can understand how much you want this to be true ...but as a scientist, you have to realize how farfetched this sounds. HUDSON About as farfetched as believing that hyperconductor might've survived? Cavanaugh shoots Hudson a look ...and then suddenly, the ship is rocked by another seaquake. The shaking continues for a beat before it stops. Cavanaugh goes to a nearby computer screen and checks the display. CAVANAUGH Captain, that last quake was a five-point-one ...the lava tunnels are not going to last forever. (beat) If we're going to go after the Orpheus, we have to go soon. Off Hudson's expression... CUT TO : 39 INT. WARD ROOM Hudson and Ford are on the vidlink with McGath. MCGATH Do you really think there's any chance of finding the hyperconductor intact? HUDSON It's hard to say... (beat) Possibly. HUDSON We've been picking up some unusual sensor echoes in our vicinity. Commander Kimura thinks they might be from a Chaodai ship. McGath reacts, concerned. HUDSON This base was deserted until very recently, and it's not far from their territory; they could've been attracted by the sudden activity. FORD And we have seen some pretty impressive stealth technology from the Chaodai before. MCGATH You think the Chaodai are after the Orpheus as well. HUDSON I don't think we should rule out the possibility. McGath reconsiders. MCGATH A fully-energized hyperconducting coil would make the Chaodai practically energy-independent... HUDSON And even more dangerous than they are now. A beat. MCGATH It's your decision, Captain. A beat as Hudson considers ...and then he taps the com pod. HUDSON Lieutenant Henderson... INTERCUT : 40 INT. BRIDGE Henderson is in the command chair. HENDERSON Yes, Captain? HUDSON We're going spelunking. Outfit the shuttle with a weapons package. I want double pressure checks on all the bulkheads ...and install secondary heat exchangers on the hull -- it's going to get a little hot down there. HENDERSON Aye-aye, sir. I can have it read to go in five hours. HUDSON Do it. Hudson taps the pod, shutting it off. He gives McGath a look. MCGATH And Captain, one more thing. If you do find the Orpheus but you can't salvage it ...Then your orders are to destroy it. HUDSON Understood. And McGath closes the vidlink. CUT TO : 41 INT. LUCAS' QUARTERS Lucas sits in front of a computer screen which displays the Internex logo. The words "INTERNEX OPERATOR" are prominent on the screen. Lucas takes a deep breath. LUCAS Computer. Establish vidlink to Doctor Cynthia Wolenczak. A beat, then... COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. There is no U.E.O. listings for that name. For a moment, Lucas appears confused, and then his expression hardens. LUCAS Establish vidlink to Cynthia Holt. The computer works for a moment, and then the screen lights up with the face of a sever-looking woman in her 50s. CYNTHIA Hello... And then she sees who's on the other end. She's surprised... and not particularly happy. CYNTHIA Lucas. LUCAS Hello, Mom. (beat) When did you start using your maiden name? CYNTHIA A while ago. (beat) You're looking well, Lucas. What can I do for you? The words are formal, strained -- these are two people who, despite being mother and son, are still very much strangers to each other. LUCAS We're going to try and salvage the Orpheus, Mom. And there's a chance that Dad might still be alive down there in cryo-stasis. Cynthis is so shocked that, for a moment, she can't even summon up a response. CYNTHIA You're serious. LUCAS Yes, I am. (beat) Look ...if you get on a jump-jet right now, you could be here in a couple hours. I'm sure I could convince the Captain to hold the ship for you... It takes a lot for Lucas to say the words. LUCAS Come with me. She says nothing. LUCAS Mom...If there's even a slight chance he's still alive...I have to find out for sure. CYNTHIA Then I think you should do whatever you feel you have to. LUCAS Don't you even want to know? CYNTHIA I already know. And I made my peace with your father's death a long time ago. LUCAS Yeah. And when seaQuest left Earth and I disappeared for ten years...I guess you made your peace with that, too. She drops her gaze, unable to look him in the eye. CYNTHIA Take care of yourself, Lucas. She closes the vidlink. Off Lucas' expression. CUT TO : 42 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI) As it glides to a stop in front of the gaping mouth of a huge underwater cavern. 43 INT. SHUTTLE - LOWER SECTION Lucas and Cavanaugh are setting up the log recorder in a corner of the room as Hudson walks up to them. LUCAS We're hooking the log recorder into the power mains right now, sir. We'll be ready to go in a couple minutes. HUDSON Are you sure there's any point? I thought most of the data on the recorder was unusable. CAVANAUGH We'll able to fill some of the gaps along the way. Besides ...that log contains the exact path the Orpheus took. It's the best map we've got. LUCAS Captain ...you don't have to go with us. HUDSON I'm not going because I particularly want to, Ensign. There's a job to do, you need a pilot...and I hate asking for volunteers. 44 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Hudson slips into the pilot's seat and taps a com switch. HUDSON Shuttle to bridge... INTERCUT : 45 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE Ford, Henderson, O'Neill, and Piccolo are at their stations. FORD Ford here. HUDSON How's it look out there? HENDERSON (off console) All seismic indicators are quiet, sir. The interior tunnel structure seems pretty stable ...at least for now. Lucas and Cavanaugh enter from the lower section and sit down in the back seats. HUDSON Clear us for launch, Commander. FORD Aye-aye, sir. CUT TO : 46 EXT. OCEAN/SEAQUEST - THE SHUTTLE (CGI & STOCK) emerges from the launch bay and heads into the dark cavern entrance. The tunnel heads down at a steep angle. 47 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT HUDSON Ensign, what's out clearance? Lucas checks the console beside him. LUCAS We've got at least ninety meters on all sides. HUDSON That's not much room to maneuver. CAVANAUGH We won't have to maneuver, Captain... all we have to do is to keep going down. Cavanaugh checks a console. CAVANAUGH At this rate, we should reach the Orpheus in less than fifteen hours. There's nothing to worry about. And Hudson gives her a very skeptical look. 48 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE HENDERSON They're three-hundred meters in and looking good, sir. FORD All right... (beat) Mister Piccolo, put us into a standard recon pattern. Mister O'Neill, deploy WSKRs at maximum range, full scans. If there are Chaodai patrols out there, let's make sure we find them first. CUT TO : 49 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI) As seaQuest moves away from the tunnel, a WSKR passes over a rocky section and suddenly pauses, as if detecting something... but there's nothing there, and the WSKR moves on. A beat later, the rocky section changes texture, revealing the Chaodai Ship once again. It heads into the tunnel, and as it moves, it re-camouflages, changing to match the water around it, and virtually disappears from sight... CUT TO : 50 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) moves slowly through the tunnel, its lights playing across the walls. 51 INT. SHUTTLE - LOWER SECTION Lucas and Cavanaugh, working on the log recorder. LUCAS This next segment was taken about two hours after the Orpheus started in... CAVANAUGH That should correspond roughly to our current position. Let's take a look. Lucas words the recorder, and the hologram springs to life... 52 ANGLE ON ORPHEUS BRIDGE (HOLOGRAM) Lawrence sits at his chair, staring intently at his console as he speaks. LAWRENCE ...never expected the intensity of the convection currents I've been experiencing down here. If I had to guess, I'd say they were generated by magma cracks in the tunnel walls which suddenly superheat the surrounding water. The result is a high velocity jet which -- An indicator on Lawrence's panel begins to beep insistently. LAWRENCE Uh-oh ...here comes another one... Lawrence braces himself ...and with a dull thump, the Orpheus suddenly lurches forward, forcing Lawrence back in his seat. For a few moments, Lawrence struggles to keep control of his shaking ship ...and then the shaking subsides. Lawrence lets out a sigh of relief. LAWRENCE Well, that was fun... He checks a display. LAWRENCE And it even looks like I made some time on that one. That was one hell of a tail wind...but no problem for the Orpheus. Sheila and I built a good ship. At the mention of Sheila's name, Lawrence's mood becomes more serious. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts. Lucas steals a sidelong glance at Cavanaugh; her expression is unreadable. LAWRENCE I suppose I could explain all of this to her when this is over, but... It's clear that Lawrence realizes that he might not be coming back. He turns and looks at the camera. LAWRENCE Sheila ...I know how much this project meant to you, and I'm sorry I just took off like this. I've always been better at building things than I was at explaining myself to other people, but I want you to understand... (beat) Cynthia's been out of my life for years. But when Lucas disappeared... for the first time in my life, I really felt like I was alone... Lucas is trying hard to control his emotions; he's never seen this side of his father before. LAWRENCE You know, I can't even remember if I ever told that kid how much he meant to me ...or how proud I was of him. And I guess I did the same things to you. Two Ph.D.s and I still don't know how to learn... (beat) Sheila. No one's going to miss me if I go down on a stunt like thils. So I figured there was no reason for you to risk your life on it as well. You're a terrific scientist and a good friend. I hope you can forgive me. (beat) Dinner's on me when I get back. Lawrence turns back to his console. There's a silent beat; and then Cavanaugh walks over and shuts off the recorder. 53 EXT. OCEAN - THE TUNNEL WALL (CGI) With a soft snapping sound, several glowing CRACKS OF MAGMA appear in the tunnel wall. In a fraction of a second, the water around it begins to superheat... 54 INT. SHUTTLE - LOWER SECTION Lucas and Cavanaugh are working quietly on the recorder, still trying to recover from Lawrence's words. We being to hear a low whooshing sound from outside the shuttle, rapidly building in intensity. LUCAS Do you hear that...? Suddenly, the ship lurches violently to one side. HUDSON (O.S.) Wolenczak! Get up here! Lucas and Cavanaugh scramble to the cockpit as the ship continues to lurch... 55 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Lucas and Cavanaugh enter to find Hudson furiously battling the stick as the shuttle heaves to and fro. LUCAS What happened? HUDSON We're caught in some kind of thermal current ...it come out of nowhere... Lucas checks a side console. LUCAS It's forcing us into the wall...sixty meters and closing fast. 56 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - SHUTTLE (CGI) as the ship is forced towards the tunnel wall by the powerful cross-current. 57 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT HUDSON Boost port engines ...I'm taking the rudder hard over... Lucas slips into the co-pilot's chair as Cavanaugh hangs on for dear life. LUCAS I'm on it... CAVANAUGH (off console) Forty meters... The ship groans with the effort. LUCAS Port engines at maximum... HUDSON She's coming around... CAVANAUGH Twenty meters... 58 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) engines whining, the shuttle desparately tries to angle away from the wall. For a second, it looks as thought they might make it ...and then, they slam into the wall with a crunch, breaking loose a rockslide... 59 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT They're tossed around the cabin like rag dolls. 60 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) as the rocks fall on top of tha aft section, pinning the shuttle underneath -- they're trapped. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO =========================== PART 3 ===================================== ACT THREE FADE IN : 61 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - COCKPUT Hudson, Lucas, and Cavanaugh groggily get to their feet and back in their seats. HUDSON Damage report. CAVANAUGH (off console) The hull is intact ...no breaches. LUCAS (off console) And the power systems are still on-line. (beat) We were lucky, sir. HUDSON Let's see just how lucky... Hudson eases the throttle forward, revving up the engines... 63 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) The shuttle barely moves, remaining pinned by the rocks. 64 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Lucas checks a console as the whine of the engines increases. LUCAS It's not doing much, sir...we're pinned in tight. Hudson eases off the throttle, and the whine of the engines dies down. Hudson, Lucas, and Cavanaugh exchange a grim look. Off their expressions... CUT TO : 65 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI) floating in the water. 66 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE Ford is in mid-conversation with Hudson on the vidlink; the signal quality is poor, constantly interrupted by static and distortion. HUDSON I think we can work oursevles free...eventually. It's just going to take some time. FORD Captain, I can have the assault craft en route to you in ten minutes. HUDSON That's a negative, Commander. The conditions down here are a little unpredictable. I don't want to risk any more crew unless it's absolutely necessary. Ford is clearly concerned, but he defers to Hudson's judgement. FORD Yes, sir... And then Ford gets an idea. FORD Captain ...what would you say to a tow? Off Hudson's curious expression. CUT TO : 67 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI) as Darwin comes out of the ship wearing his rebreather which trails a metallic TOW LINE. 68 INT. SEAQUEST - BRDIGE O'NEILL The tow line's feeding out just fine, sir ...he's on his way. FORD E.T.A at the shuttle? O'NEILL Two hours, twenty minutes... (beat) I don't think the Captain liked the idea of being rescued by Darwin, sir. Ford allows himself a little smile. FORD Me neither. CUT TO : 69 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) pinned under the rocks, as before. 70 INT. SHUTTLE - LOWER SECTION Hudson enters to find Lucas and Cavanaugh working on the log recorder. Lucas immediately looks up; he's impatient, anxious. LUCAS Is Darwin here? HUDSON No. I just got tired of sitting on my can. (to Cavanaugh) Doctor, I think it's time for you to take a shift upstairs. CAVANAUGH Yes, sir. Cavanaugh exits to the cockpit. LUCAS Darwin should've been here by now. HUDSON He's on schedule. Hudson can see how intensely Lucas is caught up in this situation, and Hudson wants to try and help him deal with it. HUDSON Lucas, your father's ship has been down here for three years. Even assuming it's intact ...a few more hours one way or another are not going to make a difference. LUCAS You don't know that for a fact, sir...neither do I. (beat) All my life, as long as I can remember, my father and I treated each other like complete strangers. And the only way I can find out how he really felt about me ...is like this. HUDSON Then consider yourself fortunate...a lot of people never even get that much. (beat) My father and I haven't spoken to each other in years. LUCAS How come ...did he abandone you? HUDSON No ...I guess I abandoned him. The words strike a chord in Lucas...and it only seems to steel his resolve. LUCAS Well, I'm not going to do that to my father...not now. Not when he needs me most. Lucas stares at the log recorder. LUCAS My father took the Orpheus down, alone, because he thought there was no one left who cared about him. How can I not feel responsible for that? HUDSON SeaQuest was a million light years away, and you along with it. There's nothing you could have done. Lucas knows Hudson's right, but it's not enough. HUDSON You can't feel responsibly for what your father did. From what I understand, your father was a dedicated, driven man, absolutely intent on pursuing his own goals. LUCAS Well, then I guess we're a lot alike. And my goal is to bring him back. Before Hudson can respond, a high pitched screech begins to echo through the cabin. LUCAS Captain, that's Darwin ...he's here. Hudson and Lucas head for the cockpit. CUT TO : 71 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - DARWIN (CGI) Darwin swims through the tunnels, trailing the tow line as he heads for the shuttle, screeching happily. 72 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE Ford and O'Neill are monitoring the situation on their console. O'NEILL He's at the shuttle, Commander. FORD Hook them up. O'NEILL Yes, sir. I'm releasing the line from Darwin's rig now... As O'Neill works his console... 73 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Hudson, Lucas, and Cavanaugh. We here the sound of a MAGNETIC CLANG against the hull. Lucas checks his console. LUCAS The tow line is attached. Cavanaugh glances outside as Darwin continues chattering. CAVANAUGH Your dolphin does nice work. HUDSON Is that animal clear of the shuttle? LUCAS Yes, sir. HUDSON Good... Hudson taps a com switch. HUDSON Mister Ford... 74 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE HUDSON'S COM VOICE Reel us in. FORD Aye-aye, sir. Ford motions to O'Neill who works on his console... 75 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) jerks as the tow line goes taut. 76 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Hudson eases the throttle forward. The whine of the shuttle's engine builds... 77 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) begins to moke ...but it's still not enough. They still can't break free of the rocks. 78 INT. SEAQUEST - BRIDGE O'NEILL It's not working, sir. You're in too tight. INTERCUT : 79 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT HUDSON Increase tension on the line. FORD We've already maxed out, sir. Any more and it could snap. HUDSON You heard me, Commander. Reluctantly, Ford gives the nod to O'Neill who works his console. 80 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE CHAODAI SHIP (CGI) A distance away, behind the struggling shuttle, the Chaodai Ship suddenly de-camouflages, appearing out of the rock. A torpedo port opens ...and a whisper-silent torpedo shoots out. The torpedo heads straight for the shuttle ...and impacts on the rocks above with a muffled flash, snapping the tow line as it knocks the rocks loose ...and breaks the shuttle free. 81 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT The shuttle lurches forward. LUCAS Captain, we lost the tow line... HUDSON It doesn't matter...we're clear. Triumphant expressions all around. 82 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) as it resumes its course down the tunnel, behind it, the Chaodai Ship once again re-camouflages, changing back to its watery texture as it follows after them... CUT TO : 83 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) moves through a tunnel scarred with glowing magma cracks. The shuttle rocks back and forth in the turbulent water. 84 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPUT Hudson, Lucas, and Cavanaugh CAVANAUGH The tunnels connect to the primary magma flow right up ahead. This is just about where we planned to insert the hyperconduction coil... The shuttle rocks suddenly, and Hudson has to keep a tight hold on the stick to maintain control. HUDSON It's getting a little rough out here, Doctor. CAVANAUGH The heat gradients from the magma flow make this entire region turbulent... LUCAS We can handle it. Hudson shoots Lucas a lock -- oh, really? LUCAS Wait ...I think I see something... 85 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) The shuttle glides to a stop a distance away from a wide RIBBON OF GLOWING MAGMA. Above the magma, superheated jets of water blast up like fountains, forming a deadly, impassable curtain. But beyong the curtain, on the other side of the Magma Ribbon, we can make out the form of a glittering SHIP -- it's the Orpheus. 86 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT LUCAS The Orpheus. Cavanaugh follows Lucas' gaze, astonished. Even though it's been her position all along, she almost can't believe it herself. She checks a console. CAVANAUGH And I'm picking up a strong magnetic signature below the magma flow... it's the coil. It's still here. The shuttle rocks again from the turbulence. Hudson studies his console for a beat and shakes his head. HUDSON Well, unfortunately, I think we're just going to have to settle for the view. LUCAS Sir...? HUDSON There's no way we can get this shuttle across that magma flow, Ensign... those thermal jets would tear us apart. CAVANAUGH I say it's worth the risk. HUDSON That's not your decision to make, Doctor. Lucas can't belive this -- he's becoming more frantic. LUCAS Captain, we can't leave ...not when we're this close. (beat) I can go out in a D.S.L. suit. It's small enough to maneuver through those jets safely. HUDSON That's not your head talking, Ensign. Face it -- there's no way to salvage that ship. (beat) And that means we've got to do the only thing we can do. I'm sorry... Hudson begins to work the console. HUDSON Arming torpedoes... Lucas is distraught; he looks to Cavanaugh for support; she says nothing -- she can't believe Hudson's going to do this either. And then Lucas glances down and sees Hudson's sidearm. Almost without thinking, Lucas grabs the weapon from its holster. HUDSON What...? Lucas aims the weapon directly at Hudson. LUCAS I'll go in alone if I have to, sir...but I'm going. HUDSON It's not worth it, Ensign. LUCAS I think I just decided it is, Captain. Cavanaugh makes a move toward Lucas; Lucas whips the gun around at her. LUCAS Don't try and stop me, Doctor. CAVANAUGH I'm not. (beat) I'll get the D.S.L. suits ready ...for both of us. Lucas gives her a puzzled look. CAVANAUGH I owe it to Lawrence as much as you. Lucas nods; Cavanaugh exits down to the lower section. LUCAS Captain, I know you won't destroy the Orpheus with us aboard...and I'm betting you won't just leave without us either. Lucas is right and Hudson knows it; Hudson is barely able to control his fury. HUDSON I hope you weren't enjoying serving in the Navy too much, Ensign. LUCAS I'll accept whatever disciplinary action you see fit, sir ...but it'll have to wait until ater. HUDSON Count on it. CUT TO : 87 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - TWO D.S.L. SUITS (CGI) leave the shuttle, heading toward the magma ribbon. The Orpheus waits tantalizingly beyond. 88 INT. CAVANAUGH'S D.S.L. The suit is buffeted by the water jets; the red glow of the magma flow plays across her helmet. Cavanaugh is scared. CAVANAUGH Lucas ...I'm exceeding the temperature limits of the suit. INTERCUT : 89 INT. LUCAS' D.S.L. Lucas face is a mask of concentration; he's completely focused on reaching this ship. LUCAS Don't worry...so am I. It won't be for much longer. (beat) Hit your thruster just after that second jet on your left fires. Go on my mark. CAVANAUGH All right... Lucas waits for a tense beat. LUCAS *Now*! And the two of them hit their thrusters... 90 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE TWO D.S.L. SUITS (CGI) blast across the magma flow, maneuvering through the thermal jets which just barely miss them. CUT TO : 91 INT. ORPHEUS - BRIDGE - CLOSE ON AIRLOCK HATCH A small, cramped cabin, with only faint red lights providing illumination. With the kiss of stale air, the hatch opens, and Lucas and Cavanaugh enter. From time to time, the ship rocks from the turbulent water outside. Lucas anxiously glances around the cabin; and then he sees it: 92 THE COMMAND CONSOLE - LUCAS? POV It's the same console we've seen before, but now eerily solid and tangible. most of the consoles and indicators are dark. The body of Lawrence Wolenczak sits in his command chair, covered by a transparent shell, in exactly the same position we saw him in before. Lucas and Cavanaugh move towards it for a closer look ...and immediately, Cavanaugh drops her eyes -- she can see the grim result. 93 CLOSE ON LAWRENCE WOLENCZAK The body inside the transparent shell is mummified, practically a skeleton. There's no doubt about it -- he's long dead. Off Lucas' devastated expression. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE =========================== PART 4 ===================================== ACT FOUR FADE IN : 94 INT. ORPHEUS - BRIDGE (CONTINUOUS) CAVANAUGH Lucas ...I'm sorry. Lucas examines the cryo-chamber, trying desperately to fight back his emotions. LUCAS All of the equipment's still on-line ...he should still be alive. Cavanaugh checks another indicator. CAVANAUGH The power levels in the cryo-systems are completely zeroed out. LUCAS That doesn't make any sense... Lucas moves to the command console and checks a panel. LUCAS The hyperconductor is in the magma flow ...it's charged and working perfectly. (beat) In the log, my father said he hooked the cryo-system directly into the coil. We would've had power to burn. A look of realization crosses Cavanaugh's face. CAVANAUGH That's it... (beat) The hyperconductor was designed to absorb power from the magma flow. But if that flow was interrupted -- which must've happened -- it would've created a feedback loop. The coil would've switched over to whatever other power source it was hooked up to. LUCAS The cryo-systems. CAVANAUGH It sucked them dry. A grim beat. LUCAS I guess my dad designed it a little too well. Lucas and Cavanaugh share a silent moment. CAVANAUGH Lucas ...your father died for this project. At least we can try to make his sacrifice worthwhile. We still have to raise the coil. LUCAS Yeah. Let's get to work... They begin to work the consoles as the ship is jolted again. CUT TO : 95 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) trying to maintain position in the turbulent water. 96 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Lucas is on the vidlink with Hudson. The tension between the two of them is clear. LUCAS Captain, we were able to access the hyperconductor's control systems... we're bringing it up out of the magma flow now. (beat) It'll home in on the shuttle; after that, we'll be able to control it remotely from there. HUDSON I'm delighted... 97 INT. ORPHEUS BRIDGE Lucas watches Hudson at the other end of the vidlink. HUDSON ...now get back here. LUCAS Yes, sir. And Hudson terminates the vidlink. Lucas and Cavanaugh exchange a look. CAVANAUGH Let's go. Lucas nods, and she moves through the airlock hatch. Lucas takes one final look back at his father's body ...and then exits. CUT TO : 98 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - ON THE MAGMA RIBBON (CGI) as the HYPERCONDUCTING COIL -- a large cylinder arcing with electricity and glowing with immense power -- emerges from the magma and moves toward the shuttle. 99 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT Lucas and Cavanaugh enter to join Hudson. Hudson glares at Lucas, and Lucas can't meet his eys; he immediately checks a console, focusing on the business at hand. LUCAS The coil is in place, sir ...it's locked onto us. HUDSON Let's go... But as Hudson revs up the shuttle's engines... 100 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE CHAODAI SHIP (CGI) de-camouflages, blocking the path of the shuttle. 101 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT HUDSON What the hell is that? LUCAS (off console) I don't know ...but they're hailing us. Hudson taps the console and the image of the Chaodai COMMANDER YAMAGA appears on the vidlink. YAMAGA Attention U.E.O. vessel. You will surrender your cargo and vacate the area immediately. HUDSON This is the U.E.O. research operation... and we are in U.E.O. waters. YAMAGA This magma flow originates from within Chaodair territory. Anything derived from it belongs to us. (beat) We want the hyperconductor, Captain, and we will take it. From the shattered hull of your ship if you insist. Hudson mutes the vidlink. HUDSON They have us outgunned ten-to-one. Any suggestions. Lucas is thinking fast -- he's got an idea. LUCAS Yeah ...we turn it over to them. Off Hudson's expression... CUT TO : 102 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE HYPERCONDUCTING COIL (CGI) Moves into position behind the Chaodai vessel. 103 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT CAVANAUGH (off console) The hyperconductor is locked onto their systems. LUCAS (off console) Captain ...they're powering up their weapons. HUDSON I'm shocked. (beat; to Lucas) Initiate the feedback loop. Lucas taps some commands into his console... 104 EXT. OCEAN/SHUTTLE - THE HYPERCONDUCTOR (CGI) A surge of electricity arcs from the Chaodai Ship into the Hyperconductor; in a hearbeat, the power drains from the Chaodai Ship. 105 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT LUCAS We did it ...the hyperconductor is draining all of their systems. CAVANAUGH Just like it did to the Orpheus. LUCAS Their power levels are almost zeroed out... Hudson activates the vidlink and Commader Yamaga appears on- screen; in the b.g., his ship is dark, down to emergency power only. HUDSON Commander ...in a few mintes you won't even have enough power for life support. We're willing to take you back with us ...in custody, of course. YAMAGA You have a great deal to learn about the Chaodai, Captain. (beat) Allow me to demonstrate. Yamaga hits a button on his console and... 106 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE CHAODAI SHIP (CGI) explodes in a fireball. The shock from the explosion cracks open the Magma ribbon, widening it further. The magma leaps and sputters as the tunnel begins to shake... 107 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT as the ship is rocked by the explosion. CAVANAUGH The explosion broke open the magma flow. HUDSON Lock onto the hyperconductor... Lucas words the console. LUCAS Got it. HUDSON Then we're outta here... Hudson punches the throttle... 108 EXT. OCEAN/TUNNEL - THE SHUTTLE (CGI) zooms away from the scene with the hyperconductor in tow. Behind them, the magma ribbon enguls the Orpheus, taking it down to a fiery grave at last... 109 INT. SHUTTLE - COCKPIT For a few tense moments, the shuttle rocks violently, but they ride it out ...and finally, the shaking subsides. CAVANAUGH (off console) Seismic stresses are levelling out... I think we're through the worst of it. HUDSON And the coil...? LUCAS (off console) Still with us. A moment of relief. HUDSON Then let's get the hell out of these tunnels ...I think I'm getting claustrophobic. CUT TO : 110 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI/STOCK) moving through the water. 111 INT. SEAQUEST - WARD ROOM Hudson and Ford are in formal dress for a Board of Inquiry; the door opens and Lucas and Cavanaugh walk into the room, standing stiffly at attention. Ford taps an antique ship's bell on the table. FORD This Board of Inquiry will come to order. Captain Oliver Hudson of the U.E.O. seaQuest, presiding. HUDSON Ensign Wolenczak, you are charged with mutinous conduct, disobeying the order of your commanding officer. Lieutenant Sheila Cavanaugh, you are charged with aiding and abetting the same. How do you plead? LUCAS Guilty. CAVANAUGH Guilty. Hudson and Ford exchange a glance. HUDSON Under normal circumstances, these charges would carry a penalty of twenty years hard labor in a military prison. However, considering the mitigating circumstances of this case, Secretary McGathh has directed me to reduce your sentence. And it's clear Hudson doesn't like that one bit. HUDSON You will both be reduced a half-grade in rank and removed from the promotion list for one year. This Board is adjourned. Ford taps the bell again and confers briefly with Hudson; Lucas and Cavanaugh exchange a look. LUCAS We were lucky. CAVANAUGH I think your father would've described us as...worthy. You're a lot like him, Lucas... (beat) That's a compliment. Cavanaugh moves off. After a beat, Lucas crosses to Hudson. LUCAS Thanks for not throwing the book at us, sir. HUDSON It wasn't for lack of trying. There's an awkward beat between the two men. LUCAS Captain ...I just wanted to say ...I'm sorry. HUDSON Ensign. I understand why you did what you did... LUCAS I appreciate that, sir. HUDSON ... but that doesn't mean I condone your actions. (beat) When you get obsessed tryin to correct mistakes from your past... most of the time, it only creates mistakes in your present. Hudson moves away. Off Lucas' expression. CUT TO : 112 INT. LUCAS' QUARTERS Lucas enters; he moves to the log recorder which has been set up in a corner of the room. He turns it on, and for a moment, it looks like he's going to watch his father's image again... And then, he turns it off. Very carefully, Lucas packs the recorder away in a locker and closes the door. Off his expression... CUT TO : 113 EXT. OCEAN - SEAQUEST (CGI/STOCK) as it moves off through the water. FADE OUT. -The End- ==========================================================================