About Page


Eden project was founded by Devon Adair. She choose one of the most promisable planets, G889. During period of 6 years she found personal who built two ships to travel there, she also talked with other parents of syndrome children, and about 200 families joined her. She had done all and was ready to go, but permission to go was denied from Council. After few months when they were almost blown out of sky (space) they started their voyage to G889. Mission of Advance Team was to prepare the planet for colonist. But as we know Advance ship was blown up, and they had to abandon ship and landed thousands of kilometres from New Pacifica, toward which they are traveling now.


Earth is devasted, so many of their inhabitants have moved to space stations. On Earth stayed only people who had to, beacuse of bussiness: mining or people without money. Those who stayed on Earth are called them dirt walkers, as result of living in dirt. In favor to moving to stations inherited debt was introduced , which means that children inherited debt from their parents so that they could pay fare to stations. Space travels are very spread so there is great need for sleep-jumper, pilots who travel long distances and are freezed during travel. People who are breaking the law aren't executed, but sent in prisons. At first they send them to Earth, but after some riots on Earth, they started building prisons in space. They sent some of prisoners on several planets, like G889. In station live more types of people: workers also named drones, rich people, Council people and people who already payed of their debt. Drones repair everything that needs repair like space stations, space ships and lot of other things, for return they become place to live and pay of their debt (in long time). Council is somekind of government on space stations (read section about Council).


Map of G889

This was the planet that Devon choose for Eden Project. On outer sight looks similiar to earth, but it's not like it. It's like living creature. Terrians are it's guardians, and live in coexistence with it. Planet also has so called Dream plane with help of which Terrians comunicate with one another. G889 has also some other inhabitants like Grendlers, Kobas, Spiders, and many more. Like our Earth it has seas, rivers, mountains, deserts, ...


Council is government on stations. As lot of governments they also have representatives all around. Every unloyality, unobedience is punished by death or exile. They try to control everything and everybody. They also planted spy in Eden Advance (Julia) and some people who sabotaged Advance ship. The list of their actions is too big to be displayed here.


Eden Advance encountered several unknown species on G889, but in continuance of show there will sure be more.


Terrians live in tribes underground and in earth. They are so called guardians of the planet. They have two ways to comunicate: through trilling, and through dreaming on dream plane (also dream scape). They are not individuals but think and act together (each tribe to itself). They are peaceful and don't attack unless they are protecting "mother" earth. They have no feelings, and no feeling of time (to them past, present and future is the same). For protection they use lightning stuff which uses energy of earth to create lightning.


Koba is small creature. It's usually friendly and likes to imitate everything. When in danger, it uses claws to shoot at atacker. In it there is some poison that puts attacker in dead-like state.


Grendlers are another intellegent species on G889. They live in groups or alone and are born thieves. They are prepared to trade everything what they have for a profit. They are aproximately in size of teenager, but very fat. They are able to lift ten times their weight. They are worst enemies to Eden's cargo pods.


Eden Advance isn't very good equipped, but still they have some very interesting pieces of equipment. You can see picture of it and little description.


Mag Pro
This is one of the weapons that Eden Advance has at disposal. When armed it can fire some kind of magnetic projectiles with high speed and mortal to everybody it hits.


Comunication Gear
This communication devices are used for providing visual contact beetwen members of group. It has limited range, and is not very resistant to weather. Users can see each other via microvideo feeders placed alongside the viewing lenses. Fractal processing enables the gear to correct for distorted perspective, so that each party appears normal to the other.

VR Gear
Normal gear can be enhanched with addition of an eye bar, information is fed aurally and optically to the brain in special organic codes that permit the experienced user to create sensorily complete virtual reality environments in the mind. These environments adjust according to conscious variations in the brain's electromagnetic aura which the eye bar can sense and interpret.

Yale's Cyberarm

Yale's cyberarm
Some part of Yale have been replaced with robotics. One of this parts is his arm, which has ability to project data given by Yale's brains. Picture seen is holographic picture.

Medical equipment

This is diagnostic tool, used mostly by trained doctors, but it can also be used by others. With this tools person is able to diagnose various illnesses and track any substances down to the molecular level. It uses a combination of sonar, magnetic resonance, and spectral imaging in conjunction with a pre-programmed medical learning chip. This tools can also be used for providing basic surgical assistance, like laser and other usefull things.

Scouting equipment

This are special binoculars with digitized optics. Their name comes from their ability to "jump" between different magnification powers.


ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)
Like name tells it's mean for all terrains. It's small and easy operated. Generaly it's meant for only one person, but it can take also two. It's voice or manualy operated. It's operating on electric-solar energy and needs recharging every few kilometers.

DuneRail ('Rail)
It's four-person vehicle also electric-solar powered. It can be voice or manual operated. It also needs recharging every few kilometers.

TransRover ('Rover)
This is large electric-solar powered vehicle with generators and power cells, with need of recharging. It's designed for mining purposes. It can be programed and and will run on its own. It can be also voice activated to come to callers position.

This page was created with help of information found on net. So if someone finds something from his page, don't scream (*No True, I didn't mean you.*).

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Last updated on 4th November 1998.
Copyright © 1996-98 by Aleksander Rozman - Andy (Andy TECHnologies - ATECH)
This page and all other pages created by me, may be used only when I let you (ask me!).