Earth 2 Misc Stuff - "How to Write to the Network"

All data on this page has been found on Internet. There is slight possibility that some of data is old or bad. So if you find any error please notify me, as soon as possible on my E-Mail.

"How to Write to the Network"
By Kathy Carrasco

Note: This was sent to me, with quite big foreword (which I deleted), I don't know for who it was (probably someone named Harald), but you should read it anyway, there are many fine advices in it.--Andy

The one thing about your web page that I would suggest you change is in instructing fans about writing to NBC, UPN and others: It is *not* wise to put "E2" or "Earth 2" on the *outside* of the envelope! Typically, when that is done, the letter is actually never opened--it is either forwarded to the production office, or merely tallied (as a single letter and not representative of a lot of viewers) and discarded. In either case, it is not counted with the same "formula" which is used for *individual* letters! Same with petitions: If a petition has 20 signatures, it is not counted as 20; it is counted as *one*, and then, on top of that, "de-valued".

Why? Because in both these cases, the mail is suspected of being a part of a letter-writing "campaign," and not an independent, individual effort. The networks are very savvy about spotting campaigns and anything that triggers such a suspicion, whether it's the appearance of the letter itself, or something which is said by the letter-writer, renders the effort ineffective.

This is the basic "formula" used by the US networks, at any rate--I don't know if it's the same in Europe. Anyway: The assumption is made that out of 5,000 people who care about something, only *one* will care enough to actually sit down, write a letter and mail it. In other words, every individual letter received is assumed to represent 5,000 viewers. That's valuable! A hundred letters equals half a million viewers; 200, one million. Those are numbers worth paying attention to!

But in the past ten or twelve years, while this knowledge became more widespread and fan groups began to make more "campaign" efforts to save their favorite shows, the networks realized that their formula would be skewed if they applied it the same as they always had. They became expert at separating the legitimate individual input from the coordinated group efforts. It's not that campaigns still can't be made to work--we just have to "disguise" ourselves a little better, that's all!

In other words, yes, do write letters. Just *do not* mention fan groups, fandom connections, or anything that would indicate a co-ordinated effort! *Do not* use a form-letter format. *Do not* send letters in batches (all from the same general vicinity at about the same time). *Never* put anything on the *outside* of the envelope which gives them a clue as to its contents. You want it to be *opened*; you want it to be *read*; you want it to *count* for as much as possible!

DO: Make a letter seem as individual as possible. Keep it as short as possible. Always be positive and polite (NOT "You dunderheads! What were you thinking to drop this show in favor of the trash you're now airing? I will never watch your stupid network again!").

Done right, we *can* make a difference! Even if we cannot get an immediate commitment for production of new episodes, at the very least we can keep the *awareness* of the show higher up in the minds of those "Powers That Be" who make the decisions. The first step is to keep the show airing--and thereby gathering *new* fans, as well as supporting the existing ones. This makes the property more valuable. Which keeps re-runs on the air. Which makes more fans. Which increases the value of the property even more. Which.... perhaps someday.... results in a tv movie... or a theatrical movie... which, if it succeeds, leads to....???

NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!! Well, for what it's worth, this is what *my* experience has taught me. If it's of value to you in your efforts, then I am glad to have been of help. That's what I'm in this fandom for! I loved Earth-2 and thought its potential was cut short. I'm willing to do more than just *wish* it could be brought back. Thank you, Harald.

Sincerely yours,

Kathy Carrasco

This page was created with help of information found on net. So if someone finds something from his page, don't scream (*No True, I didn't mean you.*).

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Last updated on 4th November 1998.
Copyright © 1996-98 by Aleksander Rozman - Andy (Andy TECHnologies - ATECH)
This page and all other pages created by me, may be used only when I let you (ask me!).