Earth 2 Misc Stuff - G889 Ulympics (Koba TV)

All data on this page has been found on Internet. There is slight possibility that some of data is old or bad. So if you find any error please notify me, as soon as possible on my E-Mail.

KOBA-TV Presents the G889 Ulympics
By Annie Brill White

Okay, let's see if I can get this out before Wonky the mail-eating Fun Blob visits Stargame again, or my tendinitis puts me out of commission.
KOBA-TV presents, in the spirit of commercialism, the G889 Uly-mpics!
Archery - Kitty the Koba
Women's Marathon - B. Martin
Pole Vault - M. Martin
VR-Chip Throw and Team Doctor - J. Heller
High Jump - Terrians
100-meter Shuffle - Grendlers
Weightlifting - Cameron
Wrestling - A. Solace
Judo - B. Croy, a.k.a. "Yale"
Women's Judo - D. Adair
Wrench Throw - J. Danziger
Individual Dressage - T. Danziger
Bobsled - U. Adair
Target Shooting - Zed
Dream Team Basketball - A. Solace and Terrians

And finally, up in the booth, our commentators Reilly and Eve.

Rules: (a.k.a. "Ms. Adair's Orders")
1. Ulympic torch must be lit by Terrian lightning-stick on the first try.
2. Any male competitor showing signs of "super-strength" will report immediately to the Team Doctor for *extensive* examinations.
3. Terrians competing in high jump must start underground.
4. Pole vault participants must clear the bar. Hanging upside down from the bar will result in disqualification.
5. Women's Marathon course will run due north, and will finish in the traditional crater bungee-jump.
6. Team Doctor will be allowed to participate in VR-Chip throwing event, but may only participate in women's judo in VR.
7. Equestrian dressage has been cancelled, due to horse running away. We were unable to replace Pegasus, since no one was able to find a can opener.
8. Wrestling events will be held in the Earth plane only. This includes 10,000-year-old evil Terrians. Evil Terrians must remain in their own bodies.
9. Target shooters are prohibited from using worm bullets. Please refrain from blowing up the targets.
10. Women's judo - throwing your opponent over a cliff is strictly prohibited.
11. Body blocks are permitted in judo, but weapons are to be avoided.
12. In the absence of a dressage event, Miss Danziger will assist with the wrench toss by handing out wrenches.
13. No talking by competitors in the weightlifting contest.
14. Archers must use their own weapons. No firing of revolvers allowed!
15. Participants in the 100-meter shuffle must complete the entire course. Use of spider tunnels will result in disqualification.
16. All basketball games shall be played on the Dream Plane. They are, after all, the Dream Team. No Terrian staffs allowed on the court.
17. Bobsledder must share the bobsled with Dressage Rider. No exceptions!
18. Opening ceremonies must not last more than 2 hours.
19. There shall be no heartwarming profiles of athletes, or jumping from events in the middle of the broadcast. Any commentators named "Elfie" will be fired immediately.
20. Anyone who disobeys Ms. Adair's orders shall be punished by being forced to watch ALL of the Endburg moments over, and over, and over...

Let the games begin!!!!

Ann Brill White - Trekkie, Earthie, X-phile, Peaker, fanfic writer
"Oh, please continue with your petty bickering. I find it fascinating."
- Lt. Cdr Data, ST:TNG
Member, E2:EA, FSA, BCI, Obsidian Order, BO'BEB, USS Chesapeake

This page was created with help of information found on net. So if someone finds something from his page, don't scream (*No True, I didn't mean you.*).

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Last updated on 4th November 1998.
Copyright © 1996-98 by Aleksander Rozman - Andy (Andy TECHnologies - ATECH)
This page and all other pages created by me, may be used only when I let you (ask me!).