Earth 2 Misc Stuff - Astral signs

All data on this page has been found on Internet. There is slight possibility that some of data is old or bad. So if you find any error please notify me, as soon as possible on my E-Mail.

Astral signs
By Many authors

From: Sherri McCarty
I think people are the following:
Devon & Danziger - both Taurus (determined, stubborn) - this also explains why they keep "butting heads" so to speak
Julia - Pisces (timid, methodical)
Alonzo - Aries (bold, impulsive)
Bess - Libra (sociable, sympathetic)
Morgan - Virgo (intellectual, tactless)
Yale - Sagittarius (practical, mature)
True - Aries (bold, impulsive)
Uly - Cancer (impressionable, moody)

Heller's Angel
Eden Advance

From: Ann Brill White

Here's the guess of an amateur astrologer who's been doing charts for over 10 years on and off:

Devon - Aries or Sagittarius (I happen to be a Sag, myself). She's a Sag idealist, but always wants her own way like an Aries. Definitely a fire sign.
Uly - Pisces. He's always off in a dreamworld, literally or figuratively. Pisceans are often mystics, which fits for Uly.
Danziger - oh, he's SUCH an obvious Taurus! He's Ferdinand the Bull for sure! Stubborn to the core...
True - Leo (heck, the road gives it away!). She always has to be the center of attention.
Yale - ?? Depends on if we're talking about "Yale" or "Croix". Since one would consider what the Council did to him as a "rebirth", I would be willing to guess a Libra. He always tries to reason things out, and look at situations from all sides.
Julia - Scorpio. Very intense, very secretive, very no-nonsense. Always seems like she's hiding something. Doesn't warm up to people that much. Alonzo - Aquarius. Even though he is a stud-muffin, his first love is space. Aquarians tend to think several years ahead of everyone else, and are very charismatic.
Morgan - Virgo. Anal retentive, overly concerned with their own health, very meticulous.
Bess - Cancer. Loving, nurturing, but don't back her into a corner!

For you relationshippers, this means:
Devon (Sagittarius) and Danziger (Taurus) - fire and earth. Smother those flames! They're basically incompatible relationship-wise (but we know different, huh?)
Julia (Scorpio) and Alonzo (Aquarius) - water and air. Better, but will have some tension.
Bess (Cancer) and Morgan (Virgo) - water and earth, both feminine signs. Probably the best match-up of the group
True (Leo) and Uly (Pisces) - fire and water make steam! Better keep the kiddies in separate tents when they hit puberty.

* Ann Brill White - Member: FSA, E2:EA, ORP, RBLS, BCI, *
* USS Chesapeake, 59th Ready Reserve *
* *
* "I gotta go. I got a thing." *
* - Jimmy Murtha, "EZ Streets" *

This page was created with help of information found on net. So if someone finds something from his page, don't scream (*No True, I didn't mean you.*).

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Last updated on 4th November 1998.
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