Penname: Emma Pentland [Contact] Real name: Emma Pentland
Member Since: 27/12/2007
Membership status: Member

Gender: female
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Stories by Emma Pentland
Updated: 04/05/2008
Summary: Eden advance meets a group led by Julia's half sister, Anastasia. They travel together and after the murder of one of Anastasia's group, they learn the truth about Anastasia 'killing' a man. Not actually dead, the man soon comes after Anastasia. Meanwhile, Danziger becomes ill like Devon, and Anastasia enters the Dreamplane to discover why. She has a part of Earth, and if she leaves the Morganite, the land dies. Soon she discovers that all adults will die, even her sister. But then Anastasia tells the Terrians about humans and makes them learn. The Terrians then heal Devon and John, and take Mary in again. Anastasia's group joins Eden Advance... More info...
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